Harder to impress...


Dec 26, 2004
Harder to impress?

Hmmm....I don't think of the scenarios as trying to impress people...but, conceptually, I did have an example of an investigation at an elderly person's home, where they saw I was going into a dark area, and they pulled out a 1,000 L Nitecore.

In "the old days", they would have had no light at all, or, maybe one of those old plastic incans that you banged on periodically to keep them on, etc.


Yup, that's what I'm talking about. Five or six years ago it would have been unthinkable that anyone not from this forum carried around a light like that.


Jan 12, 2012
The thing that gets me now a days more often on this subject, are "Professionals" who flip open (Yeah flip) their phones to try to see when its too dark.

I was on a project where a plumber was supposed to repair some plumbing in a crawlspace where evidence was being wrecked by the water leakage, so we needed the water stopped ASAP....

And the guy is shining his PHONE at the plumbing and muttering that he can't see any problems but one small leak...so I had to use a real flashlight (Key chain yet) to show him the bullet holes and other damage he seemed to be missing.

He DID seem impressed that a light smaller than a pinky lit up the whole place like that....but insisted his phone was usually enough. I asked if he always had someone with a real flashlight along to show him what he missed. He said, no, I was the only one who ever did that. I asked how he knew his phone was enough then, as, if I had NOT been there, he would have simply assumed the one small leak was all that needed repair, and, assumed his phone had "been enough"...since he "found it".

He was shamed enough to go out to his truck and come back with "A real flashlight"....an ancient incan mag. It was unable to see a whole lot more than his phone, which at least had been floody.

He was not impressed properly though, as I asked if he was going to get a more modern brighter light...he said, "real pro's don't need lights if they know what they're doing".

I asked if finding out that he didn't find something, because he had inadequate light, meant that he didn't know what he was doing.

He said, "No, if its too dark to see, its too dark to see, that's different".

At that point I just hoped he was better at wrenching than logic.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2014
He was not impressed properly though, as I asked if he was going to get a more modern brighter light...he said, "real pro's don't need lights if they know what they're doing".
Professional doesn't mean you're good at it, it means you're hoping to get paid. Amateur doesn't mean you're bad at it, you're doing it because you like it. :)

Tac Gunner

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2012
Bluegrass Region of KY
I have impressed people with what I have but I'm going to buy a L2T and drop in an XHP50 drop in that should be close to 2k lumens, shouldn't have any problems impressing people then.


Dec 26, 2004
And the guy is shining his PHONE at the plumbing and muttering that he can't see any problems but one small leak...

Was he just using the screen as illumination?

He was not impressed properly though, as I asked if he was going to get a more modern brighter light...he said, "real pro's don't need lights if they know what they're doing".

I asked if finding out that he didn't find something, because he had inadequate light, meant that he didn't know what he was doing.

He said, "No, if its too dark to see, its too dark to see, that's different".

At that point I just hoped he was better at wrenching than logic.

I suspect that was his pride talking, but wow at his logic. I guess "real pros" just go home if they ever encounter a dark cupboard lol. Hey, if it's too dark to see, it's too dark to see!

This reminds me of a chimney sweeper that once did a safety inspection some years ago in my old house. He was going floor by floor all the way up to the attic, where it was dark, to look for cracks or broken seals, and guess what light he was using: a completely worthless, generic button cell keychain light that looked like it was halfway depleted! A cell phone screen would probably have been an improvement lol
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Jan 12, 2012

"Real Pro's" apparently don't need to see things that are not well lit....its that simple.

And he was looking with the screen...I left out the side bar conversation of "Apps"....such as those that use the phone's flash as a flashlight....which he is opposed to because he might then get more spam.



Dec 26, 2004
Oh no, he doesn't want to get spam by downloading a flashlight app for his phone. What is a guy to do?! Here's a crazy thought: buy a freaking flashlight! lol This guy must leave a trail of leaking pipes across the city. When they call to complain, he just tells them "if I cantz zees it, it doesn't exist!"

On the other, this could offer you some valuable insight into how you approach your own profession: real pros don't need to see what's going on! :D
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2014
Lol, "faith plumbing!" :)

He's trying to ensure repeat business by not fixing it. :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 20, 2011
Icelandic wastelands of Monico, WI
Oh no, he doesn't want to get spam by downloading a flashlight app for his phone. What is a guy to do?! Here's a crazy thought: buy freaking flashlight! lol This guy must leave a trail of leaking pipes across the city. When they call to complain, he just tells them "if I cantz zees it, it doesn't exist!"

On the other, this could offer you some valuable insight into how you approach your own profession: real pros don't need to see what's going on! :D

On more than one occasion I've had to lend a light to persons "professionals" doing various work on my houses/apts and jobs.
What kind of hvac tech doesn't have a light??? :O


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2014
On more than one occasion I've had to lend a light to persons "professionals" doing various work on my houses/apts and jobs.
What kind of hvac tech doesn't have a light??? :O
Yeah, what the heck is up with this? I had to load a light to the guys last time I had HVAC replaced. It isn't like they don't know they'll need one! Do they want me to loan them a screwdriver as well?


Dec 26, 2004
Output for your average Joe has gone up since the days on incandescents, but not by a huge amount. Most Joe's are still using crappy mini Maglite LEDs. Even a couple of hundred lumens looks impressive compared to that.

I think a MiniMag LED is a bit on the high-end side for a lot of Joes. The ones that are only looking to spend two bucks will typically grab one of these little monsters:

They are becoming rather ubiquitous. Sort of like the new 2D plastic incan. grocery store lights.


Dec 26, 2004
Yeah, what the heck is up with this? I had to load a light to the guys last time I had HVAC replaced. It isn't like they don't know they'll need one! Do they want me to loan them a screwdriver as well?

It's like flashlights are the most underrated tools ever. Yeah, it's sort of like having to loan the guy a screwdriver. Maybe the guy will tell you that, in spite of your screwdriver saving the day, real pros don't need 'em. Cuz' if it can't be loosened with a finger nail, it can't be loosened.


Aug 1, 2012
On another forum (firearms) the issue of flashlights comes up on occasion. Whenever it does you get the:

- $20 for a flashlight is crazy!!!
- I got a great light from (walmart. home depot, pep boys. . . } for $6
- I just go to Harbor Freight and buy 10 of those $1 lights
- I use alkalines because those rechargeable batteries cost a fortune
- I don't want different levels, I just want an On/Off switch

In the past I've wasted a ton of time arguing with them about quality, runtime, reliability and such. . . Now I don't waste my time.

Of course the funny part is that these are the same people who regularly post about finding a 3rd or 4th Glock {pick you model} for only $499, or picking up a $200 holster. . . And would never "buy a cheap, junky gun/holster because quality is important". . .


Dec 26, 2004
I get it, the guys over at the gun forum want quality holsters and more guns, but why spend $20+ on a flashlight when you can get one of these for a couple of bucks:

Look, they even come in different colors! And they have ON/OFF switches. What more do you need? Well... an ON/OFF switch that actually works when you need it could be a good place to start... lol


Aug 1, 2012
I get it, the guys over at the gun forum want quality holsters and more guns, but why spend $20+ on a flashlight when you can get one of these for a couple of bucks:

Look, they even come in different colors! And they have ON/OFF switches. What more do you need? Well... an ON/OFF switch that actually works when you need it could be a good place to start... lol

The Jenning/Bryco of flashlights. . . .

Probably a bit harsh since those will probably work for more than 3 times in a row. . .

Tac Gunner

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2012
Bluegrass Region of KY
I agree with trying to get the gun guys to understand, I know a guy who shoots 10-15 thousand dollar shotguns, only carries kimber, wilson, or ed brown 1911s but thinks 50 bucks for a good light is crazy. Most mechanics are the same way, thousands of dollars in tools and use a 10 dollar 50 lumen pen light


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2015
On another forum (firearms) the issue of flashlights comes up on occasion. Whenever it does you get the:

- $20 for a flashlight is crazy!!!
- I got a great light from (walmart. home depot, pep boys. . . } for $6
- I just go to Harbor Freight and buy 10 of those $1 lights
- I use alkalines because those rechargeable batteries cost a fortune
- I don't want different levels, I just want an On/Off switch

In the past I've wasted a ton of time arguing with them about quality, runtime, reliability and such. . . Now I don't waste my time.

Of course the funny part is that these are the same people who regularly post about finding a 3rd or 4th Glock {pick you model} for only $499, or picking up a $200 holster. . . And would never "buy a cheap, junky gun/holster because quality is important". . .

Actually plenty of firearms people buy quality lights to go with good equipment and guns................but there are those that you get blank open mouth stares when you start talking about an EDC light in conjunction with a handgun.
The same crowd thinks weapon mounted lasers are illumination devices instead of sighting devices.
I could go on.


Dec 26, 2004
The Jenning/Bryco of flashlights. . . .

Probably a bit harsh since those will probably work for more than 3 times in a row. . .

I remember a lot of talk about so-called Saturday Night Specials when I lived in LA back in the 90s, and how dangerous they could be. Imagine if these cheapo flashlights were as dangerous as cheapo guns! Would probably make people think twice before going for the cheapest lights they can find :D


Jan 12, 2012
Its simply human nature.

We are interested in lights....and, that puts us into a distinct minority.

Notice how many (Not all of course) of US have little or no interest in spending money on some OTHER specific items, as in we might spend 100X more on a flashlight than the average Joe Consumer...because the Joe Consumer doesn't THINK about flashlights...but he MIGHT have an expensive watch, or toaster, or fly rod, etc.

There are forums where people talk about toasters the way we talk about lights. The evenness of the browning, the speed, the quality, the pattern the grill makes, the color of the glowing heating elements, etc.

They have their own version of tint snobs, etc.

Why don't WE agonize over what toaster to get, and ask online about the shade of red the heating elements might obtain and what the pattern of grill marks on the toast would be etc?

Because we never thought about it...a toaster is an appliance, and we might buy it because it looks large enough for the planned number of slices, and is made by a brand we heard of that might be reliable...or its design/materials would go well with the kitchen decor.

A mechanic might spend thousands on snap on tools, but the toaster or flashlight is typically off his radar.

So, the bar is raised, and, a lot of the super crappy stuff has competition...so Joe consumer CAN accidentally buy something better....just like you might accidentally buy a decent toaster...but in reality, if the toast doesn't catch fire or come out cold, most assume that's "normal" and the base line for a toaster is "I put the bread in, I push down this lever, and, a few minutes later, browner bread comes out...what else WOULD a toaster DO?"

Which is akin to "I turn it on and light comes out, what else WOULD a flashlight DO?"



Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 21, 2014
Prescott Az
Quote: "do you find that it is harder to impress people with your lights?"

No. I socialize with normal people who have not been exposed to anything more than a MiniMag Led Pro, so anything from MMU-X3 and up is very impressive, garnering the usual "Ooooooh!" type comments when I fire up.

People think I have a "police light" or a "military light" or something that is above the legal limit, or something that is too dangerous for them to be near.

The only one person that I know that is harder to impress is me. :)