Have you ever felt invisible?


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
woodrow said:
I think we all (or at least most of us) want and need recognition and acceptance. It drives a great deal of what society does. And it sucks when we do not feel that we are getting it. Not totally sure what the solution is though....

We all have a need to feel accepted and worthwhile. Some of this has to come from within. If we rely on others to determine our sense of self worth 100% of the time, it's a recipe for a letdown.


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
Eskimonio said:
Sometimes I think people will detect something different about you, but not really notice what it is, so no comment is made.

sometimes people do detect things, but are usually embarassed to say so knowning that they havent noticed it until some time has passed, usually I'm the one to strike up the subject then [almost] everyone will open up and talk about it....im not that used to changing btw...we're talking wearing two pair of pants and 7 collared shirts of similar color every week for 6 years....:ohgeez:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
Well, I did dress all elegant and nice for a party a few weeks ago... which almost never happens, because I don't give much importance to dressing and will usually dress very casually.
I was expecting at least someone to notice... but nobody did.

Then again, they always notice when I shorten my hair or shave...


Newly Enlightened
Feb 10, 2007
Once upon a time I had a full Hulk Hogan 'stache , after 10 years I got sick of it & shaved it off . No reaction from the wife ???!!! Okay then I shaved my head down to 1/8" (this is removing a 14" pony tail mind you ! ) Three weeks later my wife says "You look younger ...OMG! You're having an affair!!! *Smack!!* " Somedays its just best to be invisable ....


May 7, 2005
People notice, in the case of hairstyles and beards, they just figure everyone else will mention it, and you'll be sick of hearing about it. They think they'll be the one to act cool and be the the one "normal" person who isn't yammering on about the change...

Of course everyone's thinking the same thing.

When you've got a disability, like a wheelchair or scooter, people have a nasty little loop running in their heads.

"Oh, guy in a wheelchair, three o'clock. Don't be rude, don't stare.

Maybe I should make eye-contact, so he knows I'm acknowledging his personhood, smile, or say "Hi" or something... No. Wait. He's going to think I'm just saying hi because he's in a wheelchair.... Uh, now he's going to think I'm ignoring him because I think he's a freak... No. I should just ignore him equally like everyone else so I'm not making him feel wierd... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I exaggerate obviously, but some semblance of that is flashing through most non-disabled peoples minds for at least a brief second when they see you.

If you can be philosophical about it, you can turn it around into a positive and realize that this happens because the majority of people are decent, and are trying to be decent, and just don't know what to do.

It's hardly comparable to a permanant disability, but in high-school I had a bad bout of Alopecia, (stress, depression, allergies, the doctor didn't know why...) and I got a really odd bald spot, sort of a "Friar Tuck" look that kept growing to about the size of a softball, except it was at a funky angle on the side of my head. I felt the difference, and it was amazing. Everyone was nervous as hell around me, staring, or pointedly not staring... It was only after steroid injections started growing my hair back I learned that everyone thought I had cancer. :ohgeez:


Sep 9, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: Have you ever felt invisible?

Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Well only a few times cause my head really hurts afterward. Funny how it only happens when I drink Tequila. You know, first comes stage one, "I'm beautiful." Then after a few more shots, stage two hits with "I'm rich." And then after a few more shots stage three shows up with "I'm bullet proof." Finally as you're leaving the bar and your friends urge you to take the bar stool out from under your coat, you reply in true stage four fashion, no worries "I'm invisible." Sorry, couldn't help it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2003
Trinidad and Tobago.
A girl came to work and was talking funny one day. I looked at her strange and asked what was wrong with her. She had on braces. She has had them on for the past year... Somehow, I didn't notice. Oops!

I started running this year and ran with a guy 2-3 times per week. Last month (11th) I had my first duathalon and was excited about it so much that for at least a month before the race, I changed my running pattern to better prepare for it. Every time I ran with the guy I'd mention the race in some form or fashion. Race day came and went and not once did that *bleep* ask me about it... These days, I don't bother running with him anymore, I run in front of him...

EssLight, I've been in your position too many times before and have grown sick of feeling down when someone (usually those 'close' to me) don't notice something I do or say. What I ask myself these days is: "why should I care if they notice?" and "who am I doing this for?" The most common reason I've concluded why people don't notice something is because they simply don't care about it as much as we do. Kind of like our flashlight obsession: how many people do you know actually care about your flashlight hobby enough to ask you about it? You thought cutting off your facial hair was a big thing, 14 other people apparently didn't think so.

I was lucky enough to find ONE friend who's an exception to the observation I mentioned above. She will ask me about something I like BECAUSE I like it and not because she's actually interested in it. She'll ask because she knows I'll be excited to talk about it... What a gem. :D (BTW, she's the girlfriend of the guy I mentioned above.)

Don't do things for people, do it for yourself. If that doesn't work, expect them not to notice and you shouldn't be as dissapointed if they don't. ( I have something else bright to say but can't seem to remember it at the moment... :doh: )


Jul 21, 2003
When I want to be invisible I go to the mountains. It is there, in the amazing presence of nature that I realize just how "invisible" I really am.
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Newly Enlightened
Mar 12, 2007
UncleFester said:
Yep, I KNOW I'm invisible. Women seem to NEVER see me.. LOL

That's not as bad you might think. Women seem to regard me with the same curiosity they would show to a bad traffic accident.

From a distance it's all, "OOH look at that!"
As they get closer it's more like, "Uh-Oh."
When they get right next to me, "Oh no," and watch them run!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2003
Trinidad and Tobago.
AJ_Dual said:
When you've got a disability, like a wheelchair or scooter, people have a nasty little loop running in their heads.

"Oh, guy in a wheelchair, three o'clock. Don't be rude, don't stare.

Maybe I should make eye-contact, so he knows I'm acknowledging his personhood, smile, or say "Hi" or something... No. Wait. He's going to think I'm just saying hi because he's in a wheelchair.... Uh, now he's going to think I'm ignoring him because I think he's a freak... No. I should just ignore him equally like everyone else so I'm not making him feel wierd... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I exaggerate obviously, but some semblance of that is flashing through most non-disabled peoples minds for at least a brief second when they see you.

If you can be philosophical about it, you can turn it around into a positive and realize that this happens because the majority of people are decent, and are trying to be decent, and just don't know what to do.
I don't think it's an exaggeration. Sorry Cobb, Craig. :stupid: In a similar way, there's a blind girl at work who I don't want to treat her as if she can't do anything (which I believe is a regular complaint) so I've in effect, decided to do nothing for her unless she asks...(not like she needs my help anyhow.)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2006
Dark! Dank! Murky! England.
Sometime back in 1998..a friend of mine woke up to find three bar stools in his boot..we had been to a county pub the night before..i did not see him put them in his boot..the pub in question did not even see him return the stools..i have not seen my freind since.


*Flashaholic* ,
Dec 13, 2002
Hawthorne, NV
I've had this beard and mustache since abt 1969, and everytime I get a major haircut/beard trim, It's a couple days before someone comments. :)



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2007
New Zealand
UncleFester said:
Yep, I KNOW I'm invisible. Women seem to NEVER see me.. LOL
If UncleFester is standing in a forest and there are no women around to see him is he still invisible?


In my early 20s I went from a beard to a goatee and one of the retired guys at my church certainly noticed - "What is THAT?" Invisibility may have been better.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2007
New Zealand
TorchBoy said:
If UncleFester is standing in a forest and there are no women around to see him is he still invisible?
I mean: If UncleFester is standing in a forest and there are no women around not to see him is he still invisible? :rolleyes:


Newly Enlightened
Oct 11, 2006
near Philadelphia, PA
Hmm, when I started this thread, I did not expect it to keep going so long.

I do appreciate the amusing views on the subject.

I spent time with a bunch of friends tonight. One of them had just shaved his beard. I was going to say something to him, but *everyone* else commented first. He even got the nickname "Naked Face". So, by comparison, I am invisible. It is amusing why he shaved it: He was trimming it, slipped, ooops, decided he couldn't fix it by trimming, so he shaved the whole thing off.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 11, 2006
near Philadelphia, PA
I see my Dad on a regular basis. Today, out of the blue, he asks, "How long ago did you shave off your beard?". I replied "Three to four weeks ago". What I thought, but didn't say, was "WHAT TOOK YOU SO ****ING LONG TO NOTICE???"

I thought I had gotten past the issue, but not anymore.