Hunting writer Jim Zumbo calls Semi-autos Terrorist guns...

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 9, 2004
down the road from Pleasure Point.
Biker Bear said:
And where DO you draw the line? Semi-auto? Full auto? RPG's?

Ah yes the favorite line of the Bradies, "why would you need ____, let's take it away so you don't hurt yourself."

Let's take away yor bike first and give you a scooter, after all who needs a heavy, gas guzzling hog when you an get aroudn on a 50cc Vespa?

anything more than a semi is already heavily regulated by the NFA and the 1986 GCA, and no new full autos are made since 1986. RPG is a destructive device and is thus under the NFA control and prohibited by civilians. THe next wave of bans is targeted at semi autos, and after that bolt and pumps would be around for long.


Jun 29, 2003
benchmade_boy said:
if it were a single shot then it would not be a bolt action. the reason for a bolt action it to get another on out of the clip. if it were a single shot then it would be a break open, not a bolt action.

Wrong, obviously you were never a Boy Scout or got your marksmanship merit badge.

BTW, it's an "internal magazine," not a 'clip.'
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Jun 29, 2003
benchmade_boy said:
boy scouts is to weak for me;). i know more than an average, modern day boy scout ever will.

And yet you still don't know the difference between a clip and a magazine. ;)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 2, 2006
Desert Southwest
How long did this "lover of the 2d Amendment" harbor these thoughts before he spoke? Or did he just have a recent epiphany? Judas Goat! I'm sick to death of this garbage. They've whittled away and whittled away until there is virtually nothing left. What about RIGHTS don't you understand? A right can NOT be abridged, altered, or modified. A right is not a license or privilege. Our forefathers warned us and admonished us to be vigilant. We got fat and lazy with the result that big brother is omnipresent. Cradle to grave. We'll tell you what to eat, wear, think, and act. Don't worry, we'll take care of you. HA! Keep your powder dry! :thinking:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
California is not a good state for gun (or knife, or blowpipe, or slingshot, or...) aficionados, let me tell you.

I've heard it said (or seen it written) somewhere that these anti-gun efforts can only go so far, as, in the event of some gun-shortage cataclysm, anyone with access to a decent machine shop can create several kinds of servicable firearms. The prejudice against these ARs and such is really not cool, though. The assault weapons ban totally killed the Calico, which was such an awesome design.

About hunting with those single-shot weapons... it really depends what kind you have. I don't think even a bear or boar could stand up to something like this.

In a nutshell, I think guns are cool.

(I've got nothing against hunters or hunting, but I don't think I could do it myself.)


Jun 29, 2003
TigerhawkT3 said:
California is not a good state for gun (or knife, or blowpipe, or slingshot, or...) aficionados, let me tell you.

I've heard it said (or seen it written) somewhere that these anti-gun efforts can only go so far, as, in the event of some gun-shortage cataclysm, anyone with access to a decent machine shop can create several kinds of servicable firearms. The prejudice against these ARs and such is really not cool, though. The assault weapons ban totally killed the Calico, which was such an awesome design.

About hunting with those single-shot weapons... it really depends what kind you have. I don't think even a bear or boar could stand up to something like this.

In a nutshell, I think guns are cool.

(I've got nothing against hunters or hunting, but I don't think I could do it myself.)

Yeah, but in the UK they are passing laws and regulation against the private ownership of lathes, mills and presses.

Can't have the general public able to make tools, flashlights or barrels in the comfort of their own home.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 9, 2004
down the road from Pleasure Point.
Datasaurusrex said:
Yeah, but in the UK they are passing laws and regulation against the private ownership of lathes, mills and presses.

Can't have the general public able to make tools, flashlights or barrels in the comfort of their own home.

somewhere there is someone defending those laws as in the interest of the public. It's just logical for a "civilized" country!!!:awman:


Jun 29, 2003
UK is pretty hopeless (on all fronts).

Ban guns and crime skyrockets, shootings increase, illicet gun trafficing increases. Instead of going after the root problem, the British government just further errodes the rights of their own citizens (do rights exist in England lol).
"Police could also be given new powers, similar to those of the new Serious Organised Crime Agency, to mount surveillance of the homes of people suspected of possessing and using firearms."

Translation: more secret spying on citizens, everyone is a 'suspect' and whomever we think is a suspect will be given the 1984 treatment.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 6, 2004
la bonne vie en Amérique
I would hope that this would amount to a life changing event for him. I would hope that it would totally destroy his carreer. Free, law abiding gun owners have been betrayed far too often to continue to offer any kind of support to anyone who makes a living off of them and then sells them down the river intentionally or thoughtlessly.

This is right up there with the Darwin Awards, IMO.


Jun 29, 2003
Sub_Umbra said:
I would hope that this would amount to a life changing event for him. I would hope that it would totally destroy his carreer. Free, law abiding gun owners have been betrayed far too often to continue to offer any kind of support to anyone who makes a living off of them and then sells them down the river intentionally or thoughtlessly.

This is right up there with the Darwin Awards, IMO.

Agreed :) And the apologists (other gun writers) who support him should take notice.

Gun owners like him are part of the reason we had the 1994 AWB. Take the EBRs, just leave me my FUDD guns! Backstabbers.

Remington dropped him. Cabelas issued a statement that their legal department was checking their contractual obligatons with the intent to drop him. Gerber was an SOB and said they wouldn't do anything. The story is still developing in regards to the rest of his sponsors.

Art Vandelay

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2006
He's made a sober apology, but I think it's going take more than that. He should have known that implying people are terrorists would cause outrage. To say he didn't realise this implies he does not know how to write or his readers do not know how to read.

Sure, some may say he did not say they were terrorists, he just said they use terrorist weapons, and that his good readers should not want to be associated with them. I don't think that splitting hairs is going to help this situation.

He has to convince people he is sorry, and that he knows that what he said was wrong. If I come to believe he has honestly repented, I'll forgive him. I'm not there yet.
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Jun 29, 2003
His sober apology was basically 1) blaming it on being really tired after a long day hunting an 2) blaming it on on not knowing how popular AR15s are.

He's hunted for 45+ years, I doubt his mind turns to jelly after a day in the field.

So if he knew they were popular, he would have kept quiet about his dislike of them? All that tells me is that if he regrets the consequences, not the action.

Fact is, he didn't "really" apologize, and his so-called apology has been deleted anyways -- so it is effectivelly null and void, as if it was retracted.

He saw the crap storm and just started blaming everything but himself. And he tried to pull the typical ace: 1) I know Ted Nugent, and he likes me. 2) I've been a gun writer for 45 years and know X,Y & Z, and have done tons of 'good work' with the NRA yada yada yada, so I must be a good guy, realls.

It's like when Michael Richards uttered those infamous racist comments and then went straight to Jesse Jackson :p
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