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June Wave of LunaSol 20's **SOLD**


Aug 7, 2006
The Lone Star State
I just returned from a week in Provo, Utah, stomping around the mountains. LS20 with me all the time, and used A LOT. Worked like a champ. The H3 vial was invaluable in locating the light in the middle of the night. The "low" beam was perfect for walking around without losing a lot of night vision. Truly a great light. Thanks again Don!



Newly Enlightened
May 15, 2009
I guess it wasn't meant to be... I finally talked myself into this and now they're gone! :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2009
Sweet Home Alabama
And I as well. Oh, how I wish for one with high CRI Nichias in the flood, and an XPG R4 as the main emitter, and 750ma driver. Oh, wait, I have 2 of the three in one of my modded ones (750 driver and XPG R4).

This and the Tri V are my two favorite lights. It's just perfect. I know these are a real pain to build, but maybe someday a Haiku with this reflector, an XPG R4 and 3 higher CRI Nichias? Whatever, the LS20 is pure genius!!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2004
The Heartland of America
The last time I talked to Don (some time ago) about my LS20 and LS27, he told me he would not be doing any more of the Lunasol lights due to how complicated and labor-intensive they are to do.

If he ever does do anymore Lunasol offerings, he would be flooded with requests for them.

It would be the biggest wave ever!:aaa:
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Newly Enlightened
Apr 12, 2010
Yes, the good old days are gone, so hang on to those PD's (!)
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May 1, 2002
I caught your post before you edited it and felt it ultimately inappropriate for me to respond. I am more inclined to respond now. I too have a couple PD's and LunaSol's that I am hanging onto. In truth, I don't use them and they are in some drawers.

I can't tell you how frustrated I would get with Peter Gransee back then because he would not build or supply lights some of us wanted and demanded. I could grant him the right to build and offer the lights he felt like offering but I resented the lack of availability of lights I wanted. To a limited extent, I did end up doing something about it.

In the spirit of "practicing what one preaches" I find it easiest to offer lights I want and currently use. As soon as I had a Sapphire, my interest and need for a LunaSol changed dramatically. (I should point out that the LunaSol replaced my interest or need in a PD) With the Sapphire always on me, my primary and most common need for illumination was covered. The question then was what to do about a light when a single 3 mm LED wasn't up to the task. I have a number of lights I am now building and offering which to some extent answer that question; at least for me they do.

For some, the PD and/ or LunaSol offer a better solution. For some, a 20 watt LED flashlight is the solution. I don't question this or disagree but it's not my solution, at present.

One of the main reasons I am hanging on to some PD's and LunaSols is that at some future time I may want to revisit their format and it can be easier to modify an existing light for proof of concept than it is to start from scratch. Not always the case but sometimes.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 12, 2010
Hi Don,

I think some of us forget there are things which are beyond your control that adversely affect which lights you can offer, the LunaSol's being one of them, and thank you for explaining. In the past I've make a few loose comments which should have never made it to print ( one glass of wine is all I should have : ) so please forgive me.

It would be helpful ( for me at least ) to think of the great lights you are offering, and not dwell on what you cannot. A lot has happened to all of us in the past few years. The world economy has taken a dive, and we are all trying to adjust to the new norm. You are in a unique position to create high functioning art. I would ask you that along with creating designs which understandably must pay the bills, you focus on one true masterpiece every few years which is not designed to a price point. If you build it, they will come.

Last.....I am not a collector of anything including lights. I do not worship at the alter of bin, lumens, or titanium, however I do know when something is functional art when I see it. My LS27 is my only light. I have no need or desire for another light even if I could afford it. My LS27 serves my needs perfectly. It's not just the excellent if not outdated creamy XR-E Q4 bin, or the wonderful 310CS's, but together they produce ( imho) some of the nicest light in a titanium form factor that taken as a whole has no weaknesses, and it's not just functional art.... it''s high functioning art. To see the LS27 selling for 40 % more than the original offerings speaks well of the intrinsic qualities of the light.

The time when the LS20, and LS27 were offered was an important moment. It was a happening. Yes, maybe in the future there will be a reincarnation of the LS concept, but imho nothing can replace the originals, and the feeling that something special was taking place. I'm glad that I got my feet wet even if I didn't catch a wave. I'm thrilled every time I use my LS27. It's always a pleasure to use and to admire for what it is. A timeless piece of high functioning art.

Thank you Don..:wave: