[ REVIEW ] Nitecore EC4GTS


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia




Product Page @ Nitecore
User Manual
Sent for review from Nitecore - EC4GTS ( 2 x 18650 )

For review I have the Nitecore EC4GTS , a relatively compact 2 x 18650 flashlight with a Cree XHP35 emitter and maximum output around 1800 Lumens . My initial impression on picking up the EC4GTS was that I really liked it , I am not sure I have as yet found anything not to like about the EC4GTS . I think most people are interested in performance so lets see what my light box returned .

Ultra Low - 2 lumen ( Factory 1 Lumen )
Low - 71 lumen ( Factory 50 Lumen )
Medium - 271 lumen ( Factory 240 Lumen )
High - 785 lumen ( Factory 800 Lumen )
Turbo - 1740 lumen ( Factory 1800 Lumen ) 40,000 Lux @ 1 meter . ( MT42 was 55800 )

Now take into consideration I am running some older button 18650 in the EC4GTS because the light does not utilize flat top batteries , ( You need button tops in the EC4GTS ) so I am not using my high performance 18650 .

Taking the EC4GTS for a walk
The EC4GTS was easy to hold and use , the shortcut to Turbo just made lighting things up as needed so easy . With a gloved hand the light was some what challenging to use but after a few clicks I was getting the hang of it . With a bare hand the EC4GTS is just simplicity in operation and there were no challenges what so ever . I really found the short 2 x 18650 format easy to live with as the light went into my jumper pocket as easily as a single 18650 flashlight . The most challenging thing I can see the EC4GTS offering some one is inserting the batteries and anything beyond that is just , well easy .

Using the EC4GTS
I did mention that the EC4GTS was easy to use , there are two buttons to play with . The on / off or power button and the mode button .
Turning the light on : There is more than one way !
a) A quick press of the power button ( into what ever chosen light level )
b) Hold the power button down ( Short cut to Ultra Low )
c) Hold the Mode button down ( Short cut to Turbo ) There are two ways to utilize Turbo .
1) Hold down the Mode button till the light turn on and then let go ( Light starts and runs on Turbo )
2) Hold down the Mode button and keep holding the button down for more than 3 seconds and you have momentary Turbo and when you let go the Mode button the light turns off .

Turbo :
No matter the light level you are in , pressing and holding the mode button will short cut you to Turbo momentarily , well for as long as you hold down the mode button .

Blinky Modes : Strobe / beacon / SOS
The time may come when you wish to utilize the blinking modes . To do so , with the light off . Give the Mode button a double click to enter strobe , a single click to enter beacon and another single click to enter SOS . To exit simply click the power button .

Lock out :
For short term storage or travel purposes you may wish to lock out the EC4GTS . To lock out , with the light off hold down both buttons till the light gives you a flash .. You are now in lock out mode . To exit lock out , once again hold down both buttons till the light gives you a flash .

Battery State :
With the light off , give the mode button a quick press , a blue light will flash around the power button .
1) 3 flashes means batteries are above 50%
2) 2 flashes means batteries are bellow 50%
3) One flash means batteries are nearly depleted .

A compact 2 x 18650 flashlight that fits in the pocket almost as easily as a single 18650 flashlight . Obviously with two 18650 there is more weight to contend with but for the purpose of portability / size the EC4GTS does very well . Also the power ( output ) and throw are nice as well , these two aspects are what grabbed me when I took the EC4GTS for a walk . So much power in a compact form , and by power I mean the combination of output and throw . They really do complement each other . And I really like the shortcut to Turbo . You may wish to use Low or Medium as you light level of choice as you go walking at night , but Turbo is just a click away if you need more power ( press and hold mode button ) . It is such a neat feature to be able to crank the power when it's needed , either to see or possibly to use as a warning to car drivers if they fail to notice you using a lower light level .
I can't think of anything negative to say about the EC4GTS when it comes to fit and finish ( build quality ) , it is simply superb . Now there is a little bug bear ! The EC4GTS does not utilize flat top batteries ( yes I tried ) . Most of your high performance 18650 are flat top . I do not personally wish to use re-manufactured 18650 and very much prefer the factory stock unprotected high performance 18650 as they are ( For my own reasons ) . I would really have loved to have thrown in some of my 3500mAh LG , but even with two older button top 18650 that would have been middle of the road performance wise say 5 years ago the EC4GTS performed really well . ( Actually I never thought it would do as well as it did with these older batteries ) .
My apologies to Nitecore , because I am still suffering from the flu ( into my 2nd week ) and as I write this nausea is affecting me and it's really hard to concentrate . There are so many more great things to talk about , please take the time to visit the product page and check out the EC4GTS because I really feel the need for a lie-down .
I like everything about the EC4GTS , the tailcap ( yes I like it ) and the way the Rubber seals have been done . I really like the two button system , the lock out , lack of battery slop , size , the emitter , seriously !!! The only thing and it is just one thing ! The EC4GTS does not utilize flat tops ..... This is for all purposes a 10 out of 10 light , but I am docking half a point for not supporting flat tops .



Jul 16, 2012
Thanks for the review. I really like the size and feel of this light. I have the EC4SW and the MT-G2 is absolutely THE definition of "white". The UI, which is the same as this one, is about perfect.

I hate the high parasitic drain while off in the EC4S/EC4GT/EC4SW, so I hope they fixed it for this one. But I doubt it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
Thanks for the review. I really like the size and feel of this light. I have the EC4SW and the MT-G2 is absolutely THE definition of "white". The UI, which is the same as this one, is about perfect.

I hate the high parasitic drain while off in the EC4S/EC4GT/EC4SW, so I hope they fixed it for this one. But I doubt it.

0.18mA ...
I can not get the light into lock out mode with the MM attached ...
So no idea what the current draw is in lock out mode .

But 0.18mA ...
Thats about 1mA every 5 hours or 4mA every 20hours or 40mA every 200 Hours or 400mA every 2000 hours ... ( or 400mA every 83 Days )


Jul 16, 2012
So 180 micro amps!? Wow, that's huge. My EC4SW is about 60 microamps (read on DMM) and it wipes out cells quick.

I like to keep it under 20 microamps or so. About 2.5 on Zebralights, 10-15 on Olight, just remembering a few off the top of my head.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
So 180 micro amps!? Wow, that's huge. My EC4SW is about 60 microamps (read on DMM) and it wipes out cells quick.

I like to keep it under 20 microamps or so. About 2.5 on Zebralights, 10-15 on Olight, just remembering a few off the top of my head.

Hmmm , I usually keep reviewed lights in use for several months ..
So I will see how the EC4GTS goes for parasitic drain .

Both batteries are sitting on 4.06v and I just put the light into lock out mode ...
Just have to remember to check ..


Jul 16, 2012
I may get one of these regardless. I'm a bit insane, using my EC4SW expecting a different result each time :) Just last night it gave two blinks...but I just charged to 4.20v two weeks ago.

I'm not sure if it was this light or another Nitecore, but someone mentioned in a thread that "Nitecore fixed the problem" so that gives me some hope.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
I may get one of these regardless. I'm a bit insane, using my EC4SW expecting a different result each time :) Just last night it gave two blinks...but I just charged to 4.20v two weeks ago.

I'm not sure if it was this light or another Nitecore, but someone mentioned in a thread that "Nitecore fixed the problem" so that gives me some hope.

Measuring true parasitic drain can be problematic ..
Because a lot of lights step down on the current draw with time ..

So a light might start at a certain current draw , might be affected by the MM being connected , and then gradually step down the current draw ...
I have one light that starts rather high ?mA , then steps down to 0.?mA and then after ? minutes drops so low my MM can't measure the current draw . ( Single AA light )
A lot of people po po'd that light for it's current draw .. But after several minutes of doing nothing the current draw was so low that it was almost nothing ( if not nothing )
Nitecore has put so much Tech into these drivers ( safety features ) that one may simply not be able to get a true reading with the MM .. (?)
Only way to find out is let the light sit for a while and check the battery .

Other issue might be self discharging batteries ..
Why I hate protected batteries these days ..
The protection circuit can be a source of problems like self discharge and current limiting . ( Possibly shorts as well )

I had a protected 18650 that kept self discharging ..
Every 6 months that battery would report 0 volts . ( Tripped protection circuit )
After a while I gave up , I was going to throw the battery away .
But I decided to unwrap it and remove the protection circuit ..
That battery was solid after that , would not drop voltage at all after 6 months ..
And after 12 months it would only drop a tenth or so ..
That was all the evidence I needed that protection circuits could be problematic and possibly worse than no protection circuit at all . :p


Jul 16, 2012
Good point about the protected batteries. The ONLY reason I use them in this light is because they came with for free. I'll try some unprotected and let it sit as a test.

But right now with the protected cells, at about .06A drain, my cells are half dead in a matter of a few weeks.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
Good point about the protected batteries. The ONLY reason I use them in this light is because they came with for free. I'll try some unprotected and let it sit as a test.

But right now with the protected cells, at about .06A drain, my cells are half dead in a matter of a few weeks.

Wow , ...

0.06A = 144mA per day ...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
Depends on your Multimeter settings ... ( Range )
So is it .06 of an Amp
.06 of a milliamp

Because if its .06 of a milliamp ...
Then some 16.6 of those will fit into one milliamp

Or 16.5 hours to draw one milliamp .
165 hours to draw 10mA ( 6 and a half days )
and 1650 hours for 100mA ( 68 Days )
16,500 hours for 1000mA or 1A ( 687 Days )

My guess would be , if it takes a couple of weeks to drain the battery 's , it must be 0.06A ... Which would be high !


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 29, 2007
Hoboken, NJ
Is the parasitic drain only a factor when the light is not locked out? If it's the same regardless of lockout, that would be very disappointing.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 18, 2019
Thanks for the answer xevious , i just buy this flashlight and using 2 x NL1835 , suddenly the LED got burned, some melting dot appear in the LED, smoke come out from the cylinder. i send back to the seller and they say this battery using wrong battery power

That is Nitecore's own branded 18650 protected battery. It should definitely work in this light. You will need 2 of them.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 29, 2007
Hoboken, NJ
Thanks for the answer xevious , i just buy this flashlight and using 2 x NL1835 , suddenly the LED got burned, some melting dot appear in the LED, smoke come out from the cylinder. i send back to the seller and they say this battery using wrong battery power
Well, not sure how you used this light... Nitecore's site has specs on this: Nitecore EC4GTS. Voltage on those cells is 3.6v, standard for 18650. If your charger overcharged them, pumping up to a higher voltage and then you put the batteries into your EC4GTS right away, deployed on full for many minutes... maybe that could have caused your problem.

The EC4GTS boasts: "Incorporated Advanced Temperature Regulation module." Such technology would auto-shut down the light if safe temperature limit is reached. So maybe your light is defective.