Review: The BitZ, Excellent EDC Light (Updated)


Oct 24, 2004
Florence, Alabama
Curse you talking-demon-llama (obscure reference to The Emperor's New Groove) CPFers.

It seems like I can't make a single move, complete a single purchase, or savor the wisdom of a single decision without something new showing up on CPF a few weeks later that throws a monkey wrench into my whole, smug worldview.


Witness my purchase of the Nautilus and the clip I added to it (see above), and then up pops the BitZ …

Less expensive, $50 will buy a lot of batteries
More versatile, memory and extra modes are handy, yet hidden
Seemingly comparable build and size
Titanium bezel and clip (Doh!)
Wider range of batteries
Tritium slot

Without a complete picture/understanding of the leaf-spring cathode contact my initial thought was "neat", but on reflection I wonder at the long term durability of this setup. If any would care to elaborate on this …

If any CPFer owns a BitZ and a Nautilus, I'd love to hear their side by side evaluation, and of course beam shots are always a plus.

Well, at least the Nautilus appears comparable (ahead?) on output, ahead on runtime, avoids issues of heat, and comes from a maker whose line of lights has a sterling track record. Oh, and the clip I made and attached to my Nautilus doesn't look like a tongue depressor and is way cooler :D.

My hat's off to :bow: HgRyu for this extremely well thought out and executed effort, as this light seems to incorporate almost every desirable EDC feature in a single package and at a very attractive price, and I wish him great success.
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Newly Enlightened
Dec 25, 2007
Maryland, USA
Got mine from Lighthound today. Great little light. Mine can flicker if the switch is not fully engaged (just at the beginning of contact) and I hope thats normal.
Anyway, here's my question. I have some extra adhesive foam rings that Peter sent me when I ordered my Arc AAA. They fit perfectly in the BitZ and stop all battery rattle or flicker issues, but can they survive the heat of the BitZ on medium or highsettings?
Just wondering because the light functions perfectly and the only potential issue I can think of is heat since Arcs only put out 10 lumens.

Update. There is now a noticable flicker on all 3 main settings with or without the foam ring. All settings work but light output is inconsistent. The foam ring works to stop battery rattle but has no effect on flicker.

HgRyu, I sent you a pm.


May 18, 2006
I really like the looks of this light, but I have a couple questions ...

(1) How far will the beam throw?
(2) How quickly can one go from a lower mode to high? I'm used to an A2 where it's just a press or twist of the tailcap, and it looks like you may have to cycle twice to get from low to medium and then into high. Just wondering how fast it can be done.
(3) How strong is the clip atachment and the clip itself? Is it sturdy enough for jean material?
(4) Any indoor and outdoor beamshots?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
West Coast, USA
If any CPFer owns a BitZ and a Nautilus, I'd love to hear their side by side evaluation, and of course beam shots are always a plus.

i had both, and loved both. i kept the nautilus and sold the BitZ for 2 reasons only. 1 - the knurling was too aggressive IMO on the BitZ, and it was chewing up my pockets. but many in this thread think otherwise and love it, so YMMV. the knurling is definitely nice and high quality. 2 - the runtimes on the nautilus is better, and im a long runtime guy.

the beam on the BitZ is much nicer (at least on the one i had, comparing to 2 diff nautilii) - whiter, less ringy. but the nautilus has better throw.

both of the form factors are nice, ideal for EDC IMO. i could have done without the Ti bezel on the BitZ. the clip on the BitZ is nice but would be nicer to have a stronger, belt appropriate one. that said, the nautilus doesnt have a clip if thats what youre looking for.

lots of nice touches on the BitZ, like the different functions and trit slot. im not a big multi-function guy though, and thought the strobe could be faster, and the locator beacon should have a longer runtime.

the low on the BitZ should be the low low in the function area, but is lower than the nautilus' low.

again i am a big nautilus fan and really love the long runtimes on primaries. the beam can be a bit green and ringy, but thats really my only gripe. but the BitZ is easy to get now from lighthound, and its a fantastic light for the price. definitely a winner and worth checking out. if theres some changes based on peoples feedback for the next round, id definitely pick one up again.


Dec 1, 2003
Seoul, Korea
rhpdchief, PM sent..

I don't check this thread frequently.
Please email me If anyone have problem with BitZ light.


Oct 24, 2004
Florence, Alabama
Thanks Hoople! You're a good little droogie :sssh: for answering my side-by-side question.

I know what you mean about the Nautilus' greenish, ringy beam, but I think I've only ever seen one light (can't recall which just now) that really managed to master the Cree's rings, probably at the expense of some throw. In actual use I don't find this to be a problem, only when I'm playing flashlight games.

I like the thought of the Ti bezel, if not so much the implementation of the BitZ's bezel which strikes me as a bit much and tending toward the "pimp my light" look, as I have dropped my Nautilus several times now, and even though I've got no dings or damage yet, the idea of a better protected business end appeals to me.

I imagine HgRyu came to the same conclusion that I reached when designing the clip I added to my Nautilus: a clip proportioned appropriately to this small a light and one that doesn't stick out so much so as to ruin the small feel of the light can only accommodate just so much material under it, which turns out to be about the thickness of jeans material, whereas most belts are perhaps 2 or more times that thickness.

Though this first version is quite a contender, I think I'll do like you and wait to see what the BitZ v2.0 brings to the table.


Dec 16, 2007
I ordered my bitz from lighthound on tuesday nite, and I still have not received a shipping notice from them. Seems unusual since they usually ship next day. Hmmmm. Hoping they just forgot to send the email, and that it'll show up in my mailbox on Friday, ready for some weekend adventures. :confused: I really hope there isn't any problems with the order. I'm sooooo antsy...:popcorn::popcorn:

Steve L

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 22, 2007
SE Michigan
I ordered my bitz from lighthound on tuesday nite, and I still have not received a shipping notice from them. Seems unusual since they usually ship next day. Hmmmm. Hoping they just forgot to send the email, and that it'll show up in my mailbox on Friday, ready for some weekend adventures. :confused: I really hope there isn't any problems with the order. I'm sooooo antsy...:popcorn::popcorn:
You can click on the "My Account" tab at Lighthound, then sign in and check your order.


Mar 17, 2008
got mine today
I think its perfect for edc
I really like the grippy knurling
this is great value for a custom light
full credit to Hg Ryu


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 5, 2003
Thanks for the photo comparison. Any comments on what you think of the BitZ compared with the FF II, such as which is heavier, how are the threads - is one smoother twisting than the other, etc. - thanks.
Sorry Ned-L, that FF II in the pic is empty, no lens, reflector/optics, converter. Only shown for size comparison. I can say that the BitZ's operation is as smooth as any light I have previously handled.

It was mentioned somewhere that 200 were made. These would have sold out in an instant a few years ago, when there were not as many lights to chose from. Get em' while they last.


Dec 16, 2007
Ok, no problem with lighthound...cheers for the 'hound :twothumbs

I received my Bitz today, and I am really impressed. This thing is built like a tank: very nicely made, super knurling, excellent tailstandability, and nice size. The threads are heavy duty, there's no way they will wear out any time soon, and they are verrrry smooth. I like the Ti bezel-it adds an almost negligible bit of length to the light, and I think it both looks cool and will be reasonably functional as added protection when dropped. The clip is a nice feature and works fine for jeans' pockets, though after repeated use I could see the knurling wearing on the fabric as it is pretty aggressive. I also like the tritium slot and I really want to find a vial to put in there.

As far as the UI, it think it is very user friendly. I personally like the 3 output settings, and I think they will serve most purposes well. The hidden modes are easy to activate if you want, though I really only see myself using the super low output mode. The memory function is outstanding. I like being able to choose which output it will turn on to, as I don't like it coming on at high and destroying my night vision. (Well, sometimes I do.) The spectrum of outputs is adequate for 99% of my lighting needs on an EDC light.

When it comes to the beam, my unit has a wonderful beam. The emitter is well centered on mine, and it has a very smooth transition from hotspot to corona, and plenty of throw and spill for my needs. The tint is also very good, and seems very white on my unit (though I haven't flashed any white walls yet). In comparison with my P1, which has a rather purplish beam, the bitz is very white, and pleasing to my eye.

So, those are a few of my newbie observations...YMMV. Overall, I am really happy with this light, and am very pleased with my first custom light purchase. If I were to change anything, I would echo a few other owners by saying the knurling could be toned down a touch to save our pockets, but I may just use the little holster from my P1 or find another similar 1 cell holster and alleviate that problem altogether.

I think this light will find its way into my pocket ALOT. I am very happy with it. Thanks much, HgRYU, for a fantastic torch. I look forward to seeing future creations, and I would definitely buy again!! :poke:


Dec 16, 2007
From HgRyu's info: "• Hole for DIY Tritium vial or Glow-Powder on tail (hole size for 1.5mm X 6.5mm). "

So that's the size we just gotta find 'em. :candle:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 22, 2006
I have a question on the memory mode. I had a Jetbeam with memory mode and also have the IncenDio with memory mode. But the memory mode works slightly different between these two. I like the memory mode on the Jetbeam better in that it memorizes once and is set. You can turn the light on for only a few fractions of a second and turn it off and the next time you turn the light on it will still be in the memorized mode (only changing when you turn off and back on very quickly to change levels)

On the Incendio - each time you turn the light on you must have it on for at least two seconds before turning the light off else the next time you turn on the light it will be at the next level (which BTW defeats the purpose of the forward clickie since you cannot signal without continuously changing modes).

Does the Bitz need to have the memory initiate each time on?


Dec 16, 2007
RE: memory mode. If you turn it on for a fraction of a second, then turn it off, the next time you turn it back on it will be in the next mode. To initiate memory mode, you have to leave the light on for ~2 sec until it flickers, which means that the mode is locked in, and will return to that mode when turned back on.

So, for signalling purposed you would continue to change modes by repeated on/off cycles. However, this light has hidden signal modes anyways, so no worries really.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2004
Brooklyn NY
Re: Review: The BitZ, Excellent EDC Light

On some twisty's you can loosen them to the "just off" position, then momentary can be activated by squeezing the the head onto the body, effectively making contact inside the tube. Only really works if there is a little slack in the threads.

That's called sloppy threads
It seems to look a tad taller than the Nautilus
What's the history of this thing/company?

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Feb 13, 2007
You guys talked me into one. I should have it early next week...maybe Saturday though.

Does anyone know where that Bitz owner registry tread was. I can't seem to find it and my brain is fading tonight.
