Samsung vs Apple


Newly Enlightened
Nov 12, 2012
I've had the iPhone 3GS for years. Since it first came out, and I love it. This is my second one since my first took a dunk in the toilet. The second one I bought for a buck! Yes one dollar since it was the old phone and its great.

before that was a Sony Ericsson candy bar style that was awesome. Everything that was once good will be replaced but that doesn't mean it wasn't once good. Apples hay day has come and gone, but they did some good things in that time.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 29, 2009
iPhone. I always say it's a smart phone for people who don't really do the technology thing. The meaner version I say is that it's a smart phone for dumb people.

That said, I use an iPhone because it was given to me, it's easy to use, and I don't have a lot of stuff going on in terms of apps, songs, vids, etc.

I personally wouldn't buy an iPhone because they're too pricy and I don't feel like supporting such a greedy company to that extent. But I can't deny that Apple does use some nice parts on the inside, and their hardware has been surprisingly solid. I had been using an original iPhone until a couple months ago. Screen broke because I dropped it one too many times. Can't say I like the glass front and back of the new phones, sounds like a dumb idea to me making a phone out of glass... At least plastic has some give before it busts.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 18, 2013
I've had both and I think iPhone wins in terms of build quality. I'm currently using a Galaxy S3 and I lowlve the power of the software but build quality is disappointing. It creaks in a certain spot when I hold it and its quite annoying. This is my second one, first one out of the box had a home button issue. IPhone never had these issues but the biggest issue I have with ios is the lack of quick access to wifi/BT etc like Androids quick settings drawer.

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Feb 21, 2003
Several posts have either been edited or removed that pertained to "religious connotations" in this thread. Keep on track here and leave editorializing out of this thread.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2001
Friggin' MORE COWBELL!!!
I had an iPhone once...several years ago. I could never hear the new email alert tone and since I couldn't change it or make it any louder, I got rid of it. Now I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7+ for email and other data needs and it works great.


Aug 26, 2008
Henryfordville, MI
The day the iphone 5 was first released just happened to be the day my contract with Verizon was up for renewal. They offered me an iphone 4 free with renewal so I went with it and so far, have no regrets. My two previous phones were Samsung and both had problems. The second one was supposed to be military grade, which is a big deal to me since I am clumsy and tend to break things that are not overbuilt. About six months in it got splashed with water and quit working. I tore it down and used silica packs and got it to work, but it was never the same since. It would die and I would have to remove the battery then re-install it to get it going again.

I bought an Otterbox for my iphone and it has taken some bad drops onto hard floors and still keeps going. I've gotten maybe one dropped call where my previous phones each dropped a few monthly. I get all alerts and for someone who doesn't try to "push the technology" it works great for me. I browse the web on it daily, email half a dozen times a day, download stupid vids from Youtube...etc and get great battery life. I charge once, maybe twice a week when it gets past 25%. I have friends and coworkers who use Galaxies and it seems like they are always putting theirs on the charger.

I'm not an Apple fanboy, I do have a Shuffle that I use when riding my bike, but I'm VERY satisfied with my iphone 4's performance so far and will most likely buy another when my current phone does eventually die.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 15, 2013
Definitely, Apple!

I was reluctant to get my first iPhone because of the high price. But I received it as a gift and since then I am never going to switch to anything else.

I know, it's just my opinion. And maybe it sounds too emotional. But that's what is fascinating about Apple products - people just fall in love with them.

In my opinion, it's due to the fact that they are hard to break and very easy to operate. (super intuitive)


Aug 24, 2010
Germany - Darmstadt
I have to say that im still using an old Iphone4 and i dont see any need for a new one, i had a Lumia 920 for a day but it crashed and rebooted, i guess they solved the problem now and the 920 is a great phone but the thing is that i have devices that will work only with IOS like a Sky pay TV App and other things, so im kind of forced to stay with apple :) and honestly, the new smartphones are so good, the difference is not really big between them but i wont use Android because its still kind of laggy to me, it seems smooth but i realizy some small lags and i really hate that, the Nokia 920 with Win8 and the Apple IOS is really smooth and thats a big argument for me. I also had the iphone5 for a day and it was scratched, i brought it back. Now im happy with the iphone4, it feels much better then the Iphone5 and its super solid, i dropped it once on a hard stone surface and it has only a minor scratch on the steel frame, so maybe i will get the iphone6, who knows but definately not android. But i lost a bit my interested in smartphones i have to admit.


Feb 6, 2013
I recently traded my iphone5 for note2

After a week of using note2 I have to say note2 is not for busy or with little phone technology knowleage person to use. Apple apps is more user friendly.

In short apple is easy to use and note 2 is complicate. Thats only for 1 week of testing note2.

Sent from my GT-N7105


Jul 8, 2010
Sydney, Australia
. . . . I still haven't found a device that will steer me away from the iPhone. . . .

When my friends realise just how much more you can see on the 5in screen of the Samsung Note, they pay attention.

When they see me writing on the screen and having the handwriting converted to text, they realise how far behind Apple has fallen - the dead guy said "if you have to use a stylus, you've failed". Unfortunately this has been misinterpreted as "If you use a Stylus, you've failed"

When they see my new emails as a Widget on the Home screen (the dead guy mandated you can only have icons on Apple homescreens) they start to realise that Apple is no longer the leader.

When they see two Apps running simultaneously in Multi Window mode, they start wondering how much they can sell their iPhone for.


Feb 6, 2013
I am not using the easy mode on note 2. I not a fan boy of iphone but this time I really have to say iphone is a over all winner.

1) note2 got externl sd card up to 64gb but is purposely restricted. A big let down.

2) play store or samsung store for apps is very inferior to apple store. Less workable apps.

3) the battery drainage is inferior to iphone due to the software setup.

4) a big sercuity issue as most of the software downloaded can "obtain my information without my knowledge" for note 2.

5) not user friendly as manual setting need to be done or note 2 might lag due to constantly updating. Unlike iphone 1 setting to cancel all update.

I going to get iphone 6 for my next phone unless samsung let apple manage its software.

Sent from my GT-N7105


Jul 8, 2010
Sydney, Australia
I am not using the easy mode on note 2. I not a fan boy of iphone but this time I really have to say iphone is a over all winner.
1) note2 got externl sd card up to 64gb but is purposely restricted. A big let down.
2) play store or samsung store for apps is very inferior to apple store. Less workable apps.
3) the battery drainage is inferior to iphone due to the software setup.
4) a big sercuity issue as most of the software downloaded can "obtain my information without my knowledge" for note 2.
5) not user friendly as manual setting need to be done or note 2 might lag due to constantly updating. Unlike iphone 1 setting to cancel all update.
I going to get iphone 6 for my next phone unless samsung let apple manage its software.
Sent from my GT-N7105

1) note2 got externl sd card up to 64gb but is purposely restricted. A big let down.
- Really ??? I haven't noticed anything. How is iPhone better ?

2) play store or samsung store for apps is very inferior to apple store. Less workable apps.
- Wow, thanks for this convincing argument

3) the battery drainage is inferior to iphone due to the software setup.
- Wow, thanks for this convincing argument

4) a big sercuity issue as most of the software downloaded can "obtain my information without my knowledge" for note 2.
- Haven't you learnt how to check an Apps Permissions before Installing ?

5) not user friendly as manual setting need to be done or note 2 might lag due to constantly updating. Unlike iphone 1 setting to cancel all update.
- No, this just isn't a problem.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 2, 2008
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
1) note2 got externl sd card up to 64gb but is purposely restricted. A big let down.

Hmmm... my camera stores photos and videos directly to the external microsdhc card. I store and play 1080p compress video files from the external microsdhc card and they play flawlessly. I even have a full dvd copied to the external microsdhc card and it plays flawlessly as well. I have numerous music albums (yes my own) copied to the external microsdhc card and they play nearly flawless (the mp3 tags get messed up sometimes). Some ebooks ... hmmm ... missed anything ?

2) play store or samsung store for apps is very inferior to apple store. Less workable apps.

Just how many apps does a person need. Samsung's included software on the Note II is pretty good out of the box.

3) the battery drainage is inferior to iphone due to the software setup.

Obviously you have very little experience with smartphones. I have an HTC TP2 at the time of the new Iphone 4. You should read archived cries from the Apple fanboys about poor battery performance then, also background data usage chewing up precious 1GB plans.

4) a big sercuity issue as most of the software downloaded can "obtain my information without my knowledge" for note 2.

Unlike Apple obtaining the information from your entire phone without you knowing about it.

5) not user friendly as manual setting need to be done or note 2 might lag due to constantly updating. Unlike iphone 1 setting to cancel all update.

Lag from updating .... maybe if you have a poor internet connection, but that is lag of a different colour. Maybe a slight hesitation when a large app is installing is about the only "lag" that I have noticed.

I going to get iphone 6 for my next phone unless samsung let apple manage its software.

Better get used to Samsung then.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 6, 2011
Like I mentioned before, I have every version of iPhone since it came out but after ditching my iPhone 5 for my Note II I didn't look back.

Yeah I admit i do missed the iTunes (I still haven't found a music player good enough to replace my iTunes...any suggestions?) but almost everything else I preferred my Sammy.

I travel quite a fair bit and it is important for me to be able to watch movies of all sorts while I'm on the road. It's such a hassle with iPhone but with Samsung it's no longer an issue. The external SD card makes all the difference. The battery of my Note II is 3100mAh so that last quite a bit plus the larger screen all works for me.

There's no "better" phone...just which one do you prefer or works for you. To Sammy is an excellent working tool, my preferred communication device and a great travel companion, plus I do not need an additional iPhone/lightning cable to bring along during my trips and that is enough for me to finally ditch my iPhone

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 2
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May 23, 2009
I have an iPhone 3GS and a Samsung Galaxy 7" pad. Both are nice, but the iPhone's touch screen seems more accurately registered and responsive, and thus feels easier to use. On the pad the correct spot to touch seems to usually be about a millimeter above whatever you see.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 7, 2013
I am using Windows phone right now and i have to say it is better than I phone or another Android phone.