SureFire EB1 Backup 200 Lumen Flashlight


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2003
Answer guys. Does the tactical EB1 use a twisty where twisting it brings up low and twisting further brings up high?


Yes, that is correct.
If that is the case, the tactical version and clicky version should both use a different head shouldn't it? I believe the clicky comes on in high on first activation and low on second, just like the E1B?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 18, 2006
I called SF with that very ? and they said the heads are both the same. The tailswitch is different.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2003
I called SF with that very ? and they said the heads are both the same. The tailswitch is different.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Not that I don't believe your words but SF customer service are almost always clueless about their own products. That is my experience with them over the many years of using so many SF products. I am not too sure if I trust what they say.

Vox Clamatis in Deserto

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 7, 2006
If that is the case, the tactical version and clicky version should both use a different head shouldn't it? I believe the clicky comes on in high on first activation and low on second, just like the E1B?

The head must somehow detect the resistance/voltage drop in the tailcap of the twisty and toggle to (hopefully regulated) low mode. Presumably that is one of the functions of the complex microcontroller circuitry in the head.

The EB1 doesn't strobe properly and has several defects uncovered by Robin24k and others:

I've identified several operational issues with the EB1, which will be addressed by a firmware update. I've sent mine back to receive the updated firmware, and I'm still waiting for a response on the specifics, as well as if this will affect availability.

Robin24k appears to be witholding publication of his highly anticipated EB1 online review pending correction of the flaws in this 'not quite ready for primetime' light.

I contacted SF customer service again a few days ago and they still have no knowledge of a firmware update. Maybe it will be quietly slipstreamed into future production.

...SF customer service are almost always clueless about their own products. That is my experience with them over the many years of using so many SF products. I am not too sure if I trust what they say.

I don't want to bug them but has anyone else received feedback on the EB1 firmware update that Robin24k has referenced?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 9, 2004
down the road from Pleasure Point.
Then this is really the LX1 that every one wanted,

Well, the LX1 held some potential of having better knurling and ergonomics that the L1 Cree became known for, or at least being a shortened version of the LX2. I don't know about others but I was kind of hoping for more of an L1 Cree with a hgiheroutput dummy head rather than switching to a new platform that shares no body and tailcap with any other Surefire.

But the price point meant they had to cut cost somewhere. *shrug*

and could never expect LX2 output in a CR123 size, never mind which LED is used. We must be real and know the limitations of the primary Cr123 cell. 1+amps draw is totally pushing the cell. Regulation pushing the cell upwards to 2A's is not good and causes too much heat build up, and decreased, so no flat runtime.


given the current limitations the results are pretty good. Not ideal but I agree, we have to be realistic.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2009
Has anyone cracked th e head on these to see how the led is mounted, and also the optic? I assume its the same screw mounted pcb and retaining ring combo as surefires other lights but id like to know.

Also, if someone swaps in an xpg2 please post some lux measurements.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 9, 2004
down the road from Pleasure Point.
So we see from the head shots that this light is kost definitely using the xpe as opposed to the newer more efficient xpe2. Several modders have made posts showing that swapping from the xpG to the xpg2 yieleds about a 30% average increase in lux. I wonder what lux numbers would look like with a swap to xpe2. At the very least this would give the user a choice of tint.

If some courageous dog is willing to crack theirs open and post some numbers with both xpe2 and g2 id be most appreciative.

I for one am excited about he new head/optic design. I see this as an excellent cadidate for modder fodder. Scott (milkyspit) has been doing excellent mods in surefires using the xp series leds for a long time now. I love my expurgator, in fact. But he has been using carclo optics and holders to replace the stock optics, which I can vouch for, do not focus nearly at all with xp series leds. So for those of uswho seek. Excellent throw from his mods, the new bezel and optic should allow easier modifications.

Id love to get my hands on just an eb1 head. Sent to scott for his excellent acorn driver and a neutralish xpg. Throw it on my e2l body or even my single cell fb1 with a 16340 and go to town.

Has anyone cracked th e head on these to see how the led is mounted, and also the optic? I assume its the same screw mounted pcb and retaining ring combo as surefires other lights but id like to know.

Also, if someone swaps in an xpg2 please post some lux measurements.

These lights seem to be widely available at the moment. Rather than asking others to crack open theirs(which they might even plan on using in stock form), since you have had some pretty good ideas, why don't you get one and send it to Milkyspit?

The EB1 optic is an excellent optic, much better than the E1B(better than all three E1B heads I have), I'm sure you can get great results.
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Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2012
I know this sounds crazy but would anyone be willing to part with an empty eb1 box?

While I'm a fanatic about lights my wife thinks otherwise. All she's heard from me is how great the eb1 is. I told her I was going to buy her an eb1 so she could have a good light to carry. Obviously she opposes.

Anyways, I'm going to give her a gift card to a crafts store for valentines but thought it'd be funny to put the card in an eb1 box. Anyone care to help me out?


Jul 30, 2008
My disappointment is because the regulation is almost as bad as a old fashioned D cell incandescent flashlight. Of course the D light has no regulation. The old E1b had excellent regulation and started me on this hobby. I thought the flat regulation was the premium I was paying for. I see no reason to own a expensive light with little to no regulation. Might as well go to Walmart and purchase a cheap light. You may even get better regulation. The quest for best is how I found this web site. I am perplexed such knowledgable people would even consider this light worthy to own.
you are paying for military grade electronic hardware that can handle muzzle concussion, being dropped, etc, and the only CoC moulded TIR available, when you buy a Surefire like the eb1, e2dl, etc.
This is why I buy surefire weapon lights. Further, that TIR throws like no other while still providing enough spill for most needs. My m600c outthrows any 6p drop in I have pitted it against up to about 600 Lumens with a lop reflector, or 400 or so with a smooth one.
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Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2009
I have seen there is an issue with the light having a flash going between high and low. I want to buy an eb1 but am worried that I will get a light that hasnt been fixed. Any info on this or where I might buy this light that wont have old stock?

In terms of regulation it has been beat to death but I simply want to ask if its an issue or not. I love everything else about this light and mostly the tail cap function. My HDS is nice but it keeps getting bumped on in my pocket and their pocket clips suck or are non existent for the rotary. This eb1 seems it will address most the issues I have but there are some positives and negatives. The surefire low function seems so low its not good for much practical use and if I am using the light to work on something keeping it on high is too much. I wish there were a Med mode or something.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 8, 2009
Washington, USA
SureFire is still looking into the issues, and my EB1's are with their engineering team.

In practical use, regulation shouldn't be an issue. Not only is the step-down difficult to perceive, but most people do not operate flashlights for longer than 5-10 minutes at a time, so it really isn't that big of a deal.


May 18, 2006
The surefire low function seems so low its not good for much practical use and if I am using the light to work on something keeping it on high is too much. I wish there were a Med mode or something.

The 5 lumen low is incredibly useful in a dark environment. Some would say that it is too bright.

I have the E2L, and the 3 lumen low does fine for anything up close and short distances. Remember that these lights have the TIR optic, so the low reaches out further than a light with a reflector.


Jan 17, 2012
SureFire is still looking into the issues, and my EB1's are with their engineering team

I hear a few members of the engineering team are not very pleased with the regulation. I also hear that a new LED is going to be used along with the fix. I was wondering if you might've heard something about this?

Coup de Grace

Newly Enlightened
Mar 28, 2012
Canyon Country, CA
No flashes observed with my EB1. Haven't seen any drastic drop in the last few days of owning this light. I've had it on for about a total of 10 min.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2009
If I do decide on the eb1 looks like its best to wait a bit for them to work out the kinks. Sounds to me like an updated version will be out soon. I will have to ask the Surefire guys at the USPSA match. I see a few of them quite often there.

Vox Clamatis in Deserto

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 7, 2006
Earlier I wrote:

I've looked inside the head of my EB1 and the electronics are indeed more complex than other small lights from the aspect of parts count and circuit board area. There is a Microchip Technology F24K22 microcontroller with 16K of flash memory as I noted on another thread here. We've literally landed on the moon with less computing power.

The SF 2012 catalog released about a year ago shows the 'programmable' icon by the EB1 but the product box doesn't. [the 2013 SF 'brochure' doesn't have the icon or mention the 'dongle' - Vox] If the EB1 is indeed programmable through light shining on the emitter as some of the SF ad copy implies on page 29 of the 2012 catalog, does this mean that the light has some click sequence to put it in program mode?

Looks like maybe it does indeed have a click sequence for programmability from this post today on another CPF thread:

Surefire called, I spoke with a very knowledgable guy, or at least he seemed that way to me.

...The flickering is a design feature that surefire incorporated for the light to be 'programmable' in the future. Again, I know people here complain about this all the time, but what reason would you ever be clicking your light on and off more than 3 times?

Are there click 'Easter Eggs' to be found in the new SF lights? Was this 'future' feature later abandoned to cut costs due to SF's reportedly declining fortunes?

Anyone else heard more about this? Several of the usual SF 'insiders' here on CPF seem to suddenly no longer post.