UltraFire WF-501B


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2010
Hong Kong
I also like the options the Solarforce lights have. I think that will be my "expensive" light. I may pick up a couple of the accessories.

I do have a couple Ultrafires that seem to be working fine thus far, though they aren't in the 501B hosts. I am new to the LED flashlight arena, as far as learning more than you put batteries in them, so am exploring this forum and other websites.

Are there others (flashlight manufacturers, that is) you would recommend?

Addendum: Would the Trustfire/Sacredfire etc. be in the same boat as Ultrafire?

Those xxxfire isnt really in the same boat, but they are not-so-trusted
For economic deal, i would recommend Fenix, they have thin body but their reliability is supreme and been proved
This is how well it perform
xxxFires would never stand such challenge (Except Surefire, even though waterproofess is not officially supported)

Olight and 47s(actually same brand) also make quality lights with reasonable price, i dont have experience in them though
47s is cheaper and usually every-day-carried while olight cost more as olight makes thrower whichs shines farfarfar-away and some lights are very big
http://www.4sevens.com <- heres the link

Sunwayman is a uprising brand, specialised with magnetic ring control, rotate the ring to change brightness
Good UI, good finishing, small to medium lights is too floody(subjective), slightly costful(median:600hkd, Solarforce L2 sized lights), magnetic ring: not so reliable, can be affected by foreign magnetic field, minor problem: capacitor charging sound and some visible strobe when using single cell


Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2011
My two cents. For reference, I own (in single 18650) the UltraFire 501B, and the P-Rocket (850+ XM-L), Blaze, and S-Mini (the later three all from Shining Beam). I like all of these lights a lot EXCEPT the 501B. Viscerally, the 501B is crap compared to the others. The 501B has a purple tint to the beam which I don't like, there are artifacts in the beam, and the construction really lacks the quality of the others. The 501B does put out a lot of (purplish -- yuck!) light, but the P-Rocket puts out quite a bit more. For a comparably-sized light, I would recommend the P-Rocket



Oct 26, 2009
I'm often puzzled as I read about 501-B's. I have 5 or 6 of them (and 3 of their brother, the 502), and I haven't encountered the stripped threads, bad finish, bad switches or other shortcomings some people complain about. Mine are all nicely machined, with good clean checkering, no sharp edges, excellent anodizing, and attractive styling, and they all work beautifully. And they have some of the best tailcap switches I've encountered (unlike the overly-firm 502's). In fact, I can't easily turn on my 502's with one hand because the shiny, slick finish makes it slip through my hand as I press the switch with my thumb, so I much prefer the 501.

I think we need to keep our perspective here - these are $15 flashlights. Why would you NEED the body to be thicker? Are you going to be running over it with a troop carrier? Why would you expect a 15-dollar light to be perfect, with high-end componentry and flawless soldering? You paid 15 bucks, for goodness sake. Do you really need your flashlight to be able to survive a dunking in the North Sea, or a drop from a helicopter? I doubt it ... after all, the light you had before you discovered these was probably a plastic Ray-O-Vac (also made in China).

If your life depends on your flashlight, by all means buy the best you can afford. If you use it to walk the dog at night, ride your bicycle, or find the kid's lost ball after dark, the 501-B will more than satisfy your needs. Heck, if you're worried about overheating or failure, carry two - they''re small enough and cheap enough to stick a second one in your hip pocket as a backup. You can even mount two side by side on your handlebars if you want.

The point is that we've quickly become elitist buyers here, even in the budget lights forum. We expect space-age technology, military-spec build quality and durability, and super-human performance, all while forgetting we paid only a few dollars for these things. I for one think these are absolutely amazing deals, and the 501-B is still one of my favorite lights.



Newly Enlightened
Feb 2, 2009
Phanatic- I had never heard of the P-Rocket, thanks for sharing.

Mike, I am in your camp. I don't yet have any 501b's (several are enroute) I do have a couple of the other inexpensive "Ultrafire" type lights- one Ultrafire, one Sacredfire, and they work. That's what I ask of them. I may put a little grease on the threads, after reading some of the comments in this forum, but otherwise they are good to go.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 2, 2009
I received my order from DinoDirect today. I actually was surprised how small the 501B's were, as my previous Ultrafire was the UM-MCU, which can use 18650's, 16340's, or three AAA batteries, and has a much larger reflector. Compared to that, they are much more compact. Tonight, I'll see how bright a couple of them are. Overall impression, other than size, is that the threads are good, so the head and tail screw on nicely, the finish is decent, and the knurling is fairly smooth, so it gives a little bit of a grip, but shouldn't catch on clothing or holster.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 14, 2011
i have 2 501b's (xm-l t6 cool white), a 501a (xp-g r5) and a 504b (xm-l warm white). love them all.

i bought the cheap lights so i can mod them and make them better and have fun doing it.

i did buy expensive batteries and charger though... aw and pila. i really dont want bombs in my hand or pocket or anywhere.

the 501a is wrapped with beer can aluminum. the rest with aluminum foil which im going to swap to beer can stuff as i like working with it more and it fits nice and tight and pulls the heat out well.

the bare threads that conduct electricity and the ring that holds the switch into the tailcap, i use al-al/al-cu electrical connection deoxidation goop for house/commercial electrical connections. keeps the resistance down and lubes the threads pretty well.

the 504b tube is a little long. if you shake the light hard, it will change modes. im thinking about soldering some copper tube to the place where the spring goes in the tailcap and then soldering the spring to the copper tube to make the battery fit tighter. that should fix it.

they are cheap lights but thats part of the fun for me. i bought a cheap house to fix up. i buy cheap cars to fix up and drive. ill stick with cheap flashlights. :)

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Name Withheld

Newly Enlightened
Feb 11, 2012
Just my 2 cents .22 cal gun or rifle will kill a man just as well as 9mm but the police wont use one why? Looks. 501b or 502b have that stigma. So I ask are you using this flashlight to look for convicted murder or to keep from stepping in your dogs poop at night?


Oct 1, 2004
I just happen to stumble across this thread - from another thread discussing Ultrafire 50x models...

I'm looking for something to see around the back yard when the animals come out at night - looking for something with 250+ lumens and maybe using normal CR123 battiers vs the special 18xxxx batteries.

Was thinking of something like the ultrafire 50x series, or the C8 device.... or now The Blaze -


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 12, 2003
New Mexico
I just bought a Ultrafire 501B. So far it is OK. Yes the threads are not the best, but I don't spend time screwing and unscrewing the tail cap.
Everyone does not need a $100+ flashlight. Fine if it is your hobby, but for many of us we don't value flashlights enough to spend much money on. I have never been in a situation where my life depended upon my flashlight. If I were in that position a Quark or even a Mag Light would fill the bill, and maybe the 501B. The brain is the best protection so as not to get into dangerous situations. While that may not be possible in a very few cases I have not found myself in a situation where a flashlight would get me out.

Buy what you are willing to spend your money on, and if you get the desire for something "better" then go for it. In the meantime enjoy what you have.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2011
I have several UltraFire 501-b flashlights. They are fine if you are tinkering on something that you can do later. Sometimes you have to tinker with the 501-b! Would I go into a cave with one? Nope. Wouldn't even carry it as a backup. But.... around the house I'll use whatever is handy. I do like the ability to use 18650 batteries. They are rechargeable and have a useful run time. My opinion is that Solar Force lights are well made and probably a better choice in this price range.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 16, 2012
i have 2 of ultrafire 501B. 1 with XM-L T6led and another with Q5 led.
The one with T6 led is pretty shinning and at distances of 60 meters and less will light all objects very good. And the light is quite wide, not just a laser beam.
the one with q5 throw at a bit more distance but will not light good surrounding objects.
i have few beamshots wth them but i dont know how to add them here


Newly Enlightened
Dec 27, 2011
Look at SolarForce L2M Now #12.00 get your own dropin somewhere else for little money just received a MX-L U2 1A 1000 lumens $11.84 shipped.From Kaodomain

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