It would seem to be a question of timing and relationship, as much as anything else: When the question of the value of my pocketbook - or flashlight collection - is put to me by someone I have just met or have little relationship with, I respond along the same lines as
@bykfixer. Nunyabiznessboyo. However, when a long-time close friend puts such a question to me in the flow of a natural conversation, I
may share such information.
That said, I agree with both
@bykfixer and
@Poppy that it is not a question to court if you plan to get on with people in this world. Usually it's perceived as a means of 'assessing' or prejudging a person, which can sour a relationship before it has even begun. I habitually choose to build relationship before casting big questions. Unfortunately though, some folks just don't pay much mind to getting along nicely with others.
My collection is now spread far and wide among family, friends, and strangers even, permanently. So while I suppose I could dredge my memories and records, and count up and value what I have spent, I'm glad to say I only have a few $k worth of lights and parts in possession. As much as I like lights, I'd biff it all out the window in the street tomorrow though, if it would get me an inch closer to a better goal: having a solid relationship with my wife and family as they grow up / old. That's priceless.