Your rebellious teen years..?

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Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2008
What did you get up to when you were a teenager that your parents would be furious if they found out about?

Me and a friend from school used to skive school and go fishing in the river just a few hundred yards down the road. Didn't catch much. At least I was never found out:whistle:

What did you all get up to?:popcorn:


Aug 7, 2008
i got an piercing last week. dad found out, mom not yet :crackup:
there is that brand i have on my arm:grin2:
well there was the time i kinda broke an glass door
the time i accidentily crashed the pc :crackup:
that time i broke the sofa and my list is to long to post here

oke im so wondering how this thread is going to end up :popcorn:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006
My teenage faux pas generally had to do with girls and engined/wheeled contraptions of various flavors, both of them wayyyyyyyyyyy too fast for my own good. Fortune is said to favor the foolish, and this must be at least somewhat true as I have no kids or cooties and the one automotive accident I had was someone else' fault and during one of the rare times I was going the speed limit. Even so I barely survived. Wish I knew then what I know now. :buddies:

Sgt. LED

Sep 4, 2007
Chesapeake, Ohio
Does leaving home at 16 to live with your girlfriend count?

How about the time a year later when the cops were called to my parents house because the neighbors thought there was a fight going on inside? It was me and my next girlfriend and we WERE NOT fighting! The word for what was going on does start with an F though.................................

Once got high at 17 and cut up the couch with a razor just to see what was in there, then later gluing it back together. That didn't work BTW.

Once locked my little sister out of the house and while out there she decided to kick a hole in the door. Oops

During a wrestling match I rammed my friends head thru the drywall in the downstairs den.

Took mom's car out for a spin and put it in reverse to look at some girls in the park but didn't look at the telephone pole next to the car, took off the passenger side mirror. Crap!

Fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, and with a little more fighting on the side like a garnish.

Multiple egging incidents thru the years.

Waking up, in a city that I had never been to before - 2 states over, on a loading dock at 4PM with a terrible sunburn after a night of heavy partying and having to call for help. I still can not remember anything.

Joining the Army, because.

My life has been interesting, this was just some highlights from years 16-19.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
Good thing I didn't live in the states when I...

Drive around the city in reverse!

Drive from the passenger seat, and have a Piñata as the driver

Shoot a brand new Sony 27 inch TV with a revolver (I swear it was an accident)

Car ski over flooded streets, among others.

Drive a friend on the hood of my car for about 20 blocks at high speed.

I really am sorry for all those stupid things I did 20+ years ago, Thank God I turned out OK.


Nov 4, 2007
Does leaving home at 16 to live with your girlfriend count?

How about the time a year later when the cops were called to my parents house because the neighbors thought there was a fight going on inside? It was me and my next girlfriend and we WERE NOT fighting! The word for what was going on does start with an F though.................................

Once got high at 17 and cut up the couch with a razor just to see what was in there, then later gluing it back together. That didn't work BTW.

Once locked my little sister out of the house and while out there she decided to kick a hole in the door. Oops

During a wrestling match I rammed my friends head thru the drywall in the downstairs den.

Took mom's car out for a spin and put it in reverse to look at some girls in the park but didn't look at the telephone pole next to the car, took off the passenger side mirror. Crap!

Fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, and with a little more fighting on the side like a garnish.

Multiple egging incidents thru the years.

Waking up, in a city that I had never been to before - 2 states over, on a loading dock at 4PM with a terrible sunburn after a night of heavy partying and having to call for help. I still can not remember anything.

Joining the Army, because.

My life has been interesting, this was just some highlights from years 16-19.

Dude... you should sooooooooo write a book about those stories... I would buy it...

As for me... I'm still in my teens... I'm just finished being the Rebellious part.... worst thing i did was drink and smoke some MJ.... :sick:
Oh yea... I still do sneak out sometimes to be with my Girlfriend:naughty:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
I didn't do too many crazy things in my teens.:shrug: The most I've done is cut class lots of times in high school and get a speeding ticket at 80+ mph.

That was the only speeding ticket I received in my life, and I intend to keep it that way.:twothumbs


Aug 27, 2006
Couple of speeding tickets. That's about it.

I remember being quite a bit happier as a teenager than I am now. :shrug:

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
Lots of backwards driving, one of the best being picking up a hitchhiker with 3 girls already in the car. He was drunk and didn't know if he wanted a ride backwards, but he liked the girls so he got in. Took him just over a mile, all the way backwards on Division, the main north/south street in Spokane and he seemed relieved to get out.

Wallace, Idaho, backwards through a red light at 1:30 in the morning with no headlights and a clarinet case full of pot on the back seat. The cops stopped us, looked in the back seat, told me to stop driving the Cadillac until I got the headlights fixed!

Riding on the hood of my friends truck while he weaved back and forth on dirt roads trying to scrape me with as many low hanging tree branches as he could drive into.

Sneaking girls into my room via the low roof on the back of the house and up into the window.

Getting my dog stoned by putting him in a cupboard in my room and blowing nose hits until it was full of smoke; he was hyper, but it always mellowed him out!

They never did find out where I came up with all the astroturf I carpeted my room with.

Neither do I think they knew I was the one kicking mirrors off all the cars in the neighbourhood. (I hate myself when I remember that was me doing stuff like that.)

Doing 115 in the Cadillac, with bald tires that had the steel belts showing on the edges.

Emptying the neighbours freezer and having to carry everything down to an arterial so there wouldn't be tracks in the fresh snow leading back to where we were using an abandoned house.

Taking wheelbarrows full of presto-log pellets from the presto-log plant to that same old house.

Almost getting shot at my friends house, where fortunately he hit the window on the front of the range right next to me instead. We managed to convince his parents that a pan got dropped and bumped into it, so my parents never even heard about it.

Taking a car from Tacoma, putting different plates on it, using if for a month, getting stopped by the cops twice in one night (the last night), my friend lying about his name, only to have the cop find his real name on his license. His reply, 'What can I say'. His reply to the cop finding a pipe in his pocket and asking if it was his, 'You found it in my pocket, it must be mine'. My pipe got found too, but on the ground and I didn't claim it, because I didn't know they gave his back to him. We had the shortest getaway ever when they came around the corner while we were all peeing in the street. Took off, with me trying to get in the back seat because the other jerk jumped in the front before me. We swung around the corner, the lights started flashing and just as quickly as we jumped in and took off, we turned, stopped and all jumped right back out again.

Whew, that's enough for now...


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
I was one of those kids that literally never got into trouble so my teenage years were pretty uneventful. Then again, it was the same with most of my friends given the high school we were in. The worst I did was riding the trains late at night (I also liked riding between cars, especially on the els) and cycling at 11 PM or so in the summers. Didn't drive so no crazy car antics. Didn't really do crazy things with girls either. Didn't drink to excess although I did have a beer or wine occasionally. Certainly didn't try drugs or smoke as I was and am seriously into keeping myself healthy. Wasn't into music so there was no stereo to turn loud to annoy my parents. Honestly, I saw a lot of the stuff most of my peers in other schools did and my first thought was why? I really didn't start testing authority until college, although for the most part I only challenged nonsensical, overbearing authority. Rules that made sense I tended to follow instead of challenging just for the sake of doing so. Probably the stupidest thing I did and continue to do just because it's fun is go fast while cycling. Including all the way to 65 mph once on my Raleigh. :devil:

Maybe I should write a book entitled My Wild Years That Weren't. :laughing:


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