attach your light to your arm just like in Star trek movie?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 31, 2004
Is there a way to attach flashlight to your arm just like in the Star Trek movie away team?

The away team has arm attachment for flashlight. I wonder if anyone create this contraption.
Don't the 4Sevens' Quarks have a hand attachment thingy ?

[ See what I did there . . . Star Trek . . . Quark . . . ?

Ah, suit yourselves . . . ]
haven't seen the movie, any pictures? i think tubular lights shouldn't be too hard to attach to the arm. that idea may not be practical for lights that gain too much heat though. :duh2:
The contraption was basically two mini-mag lights mounted to a plastic frame, strapped to the forearm.

I'm not quite bored enough to surf YouTube to find an episode with these things.

Is there a way to attach flashlight to your arm just like in the Star Trek movie away team?

The away team has arm attachment for flashlight. I wonder if anyone create this contraption.

Think the Quarks straps to your fist. But this will definitely strap to your arm but am not sure if it's exactly how you see in the movie (haven't seen it) try this here.
You can use two blocks and use one strap to mount the blocks to your arm. Then get some remote switches and then you'll ready for some action!
Have you tried asking Geordi?

..he's your go-to guy for this stuff, no?

Maybe Riker could be of assistance? Try PM.
Superglue or duct tape ought to do it.

Let's face it, that hair on the back of your arm isn't actually doing anything useful, so you'll hardly miss it . . . :eek:
Superglue or duct tape ought to do it.

Let's face it, that hair on the back of your arm isn't actually doing anything useful, so you'll hardly miss it . . . :eek:
You don't have to lose the hair. Just glue a piece of Velcro onto the light - it'll stick. :grin2:
I remember two lights from various Star Trek's. The one that strapped to your arm and another you had to hold like a softball. I was disappointed by both, you'd think they would have figured out something better in the future. Well, there was a light from Enterprise that mounted to a backpack via a bendy arm. That wasn't too bad as far as Trek lights go.

I never could understand with all the millions the franchise rakes in why they couldn't hire better technical advisors. It's not just the lights. Star Fleet tactical training also sucks and they are constantly pointing phasers at eachother with fingers on trigger, set to kill even. No muzzle awareness at all. I never could figure out why they didn't make a vest or shield out of the same stuff they made their cargo boxes out of and why they didn't use stun grenades more. I liked the Enterprise series well enough but with Malcom asking the captain to discipline him every five minutes it sometimes seemed more like S&M than Sci-Fi.
I've done it Batman style, by using an elastic shotgun shell belt holder and five lights ;)
About 10-12 years ago I made a mount to hold a mini-mag on my arm. It turned out to be much less useful than I thought it would be. The light was always on the wrong side of my hand when I was working. If I switched it, I'd invariably need it back on the other side soon. My hand or the tool would block the beam and I couldn't see the workpiece, etc... A head lamp proved much more useful.
There have been several police/SWAT arm mounting contraptions intended for Mag-Charger/Streamlight size lights. Didn't much catch on.

Also a movie: The Final Option AKA Who Dares Wins shows arm mounts in an explosive entry rescue scene. After using the light to aim a head shot on a terrorist, the SAS trooper switches his Browning pistol to his left hand so he can shine the light on a hostage.

More than a bit hokey, but it had enought neat toys to make it required viewing.