Chinese Boyle Hunter Copy


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
VEOH I will have to work out how to embed it

$35 Bananas to my Door ( Australian Republic Credits )
Steel is 55/50 HRC 55HRC file BITES & 50HRC file skates ! Supposedly D2 steel .
Factory edge failed @ 50 slices of rope / Yeah ... FUBAR in a major way !
80 Grit regrind ( wet stone grinder - knife sharpener ) returned @ 450 .
I felt the 17 deg edge begin a roll around 300 slices . Was a wet day , so maybe the paper was getting a little touchy feely ( absorbing moisture ) ?
Still . for a $35 banana knife ... It did rather well .

The leather sheath is a bit of a slop fit , so you may wish to use some filler ...... I did !
No buyers remorse on this one . Just wish the blade had been harder !
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Aug 27, 2006
Cheap D2, instead of the quality older (more expensive) D2.
Honestly, I'm surprised the blade didn't snap in half on you during testing.


Jan 6, 2013
Cape Town
I'd rather have a frontiersman, or a Blackjack. But I'm just a Guy that's been using blades for 45 years!
There are some good Chinese brands, but in the main, the best knives I've owned, and used, are usually USA made, or Japanese made.
The steel is incidental, as most steel will cut better than just iron, the difference is in the heat treatment, Buck proved that years ago.
Knives are intended to be primarily tools /utensils, and maybe, just maybe, self defence, although there are a myriad of options with either.
I carry a self defence knife, the steel to me is secondary. The construction and reliability is paramount, which is why I buy what some would consider overly expensive items.
The biggest problem with knives, generally, is that most people who buy them are possessed with a romanticised vision of what they actually are, and what they are intended to do. 90% of the knives on the market are 'Bling', harsh but true. It's become like a lot of other things that are at the mercy of the marketing companies mantra, 'product diversification'.
Of course, collecting knives just because they are literally art forms, as some are, is fine. I just get tired of 'new ways' of doing old things.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
I got my first knife when I was 7 years old .. So 50+ years for me ..
And just in case some Folks Dont Get It !

I buy knives to test them ! Got an axe to grind ? ........ Why not grind it some where else ?
& 450 on the rope is a very decent result . Especially for a cheap knife .

Yes yes ! A knife is supposed to cut things ! ( If it cuts (?) , it works ) Everything else is subjective !

As for Opinion ... Opinion is worth what ? Exactly ... Lets say it's worth $100 ! & since everyone has an opinion (?)
Lets divide opinion by everyone that has one !
$100 divided by Opinion ( 8,105,468,872 = current world pop ) ... Yeah , it's not worth much !
Even if you overvalued opinion , it's still worth next to nothing !
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia
Not really ! Just expressing my Opinion regarding the Value of opinion !

I do how ever value test results & data ! Opinion based on some else's opinion born from yet another opinion that came from another series of opinions that might be 10 to 20 years old ? Yeah !

Remember when the Japanese made Rubbish ? ( That cheap jap stuff ) ??????????
Anyone old enough to have been there ? Seen it , felt it , purchased it ?
60's / 70's ?
Remember the change ? And how by the 90's all the good stuff came from Japan ?
The bad news for China haters is that - We are living thru another change . Love it hate it ? ( I don't care )
Your problems are your own ! We all have problems , and quite honestly - Do we need to share them ?
I love repeatable / comparable / test results .. And that's what I try to share + some observations !
& Feel free to disregard them at your leisure .

Video's ) Youtube deleted one of my Channels , I think it was over 10 years old . And their excuse was ridiculous ! ( My opinion )
But their TOS gives them the right to delete channels for any reason with no warning or explanation !
So I am self deleting .. The channel went from Deleted to Suspended ? If it comes back ? I will download what I consider important and re up on VEOH . My knife channel was self deleted cos Utube broke the camels back ! I will not support crazy people ! ( What do they call them ? WOKE or something ? ) So currently re uploading to Veoh . I wont bore you with the possible reason to why ..
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