Corona Virus... the second wave

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As an aside, I am not any kind of anti-vaxxer. I trust that these vaccines are probably as safe as any of the other ones people regularly take. But it gets a little weird when some folks start talking about forcing medical treatments on people, so I think that is an area that requires care and sensitivity and patience. We should all show love and concern for our neighbor and their safety, but also respect their feelings about medical care. It is a delicate balance. That was my only point really.
Just to be clear, I highly doubt most here want to force people to get vaccinated. My position is work places and schools should eventually require it, same as they require other vaccinations. That basically still leaves people with a choice. Sure, they'll have to work at home and home school their children if they refuse vaccination, but it's still up to them whether or not to get vaccinated.

I also don't understand the entire anti-vaxxer thing. Most of the issues with vaccines existed for types of vaccines which are not even used any more. My understanding of the covid-19 vaccine is that it simply puts messenger RNA into your blood so you make antibodies. The messenger RNA is quickly flushed from your body, within a day I believe. The only side effects might be anaphylaxis but there's nothing in the vaccine which could cause long-term side effects. It's puzzling why some people worry about vaccines, or other things with extremely low potential to harm you, but are fine sitting in automobiles where they breathe a toxic stew of known carcinogens from outgassing plastics and auto exhaust day in and day out. Or eat food laced with all sorts of carcinogenic chemicals.
I'll probably be wearing a mask indefinitely whenever I'm in a indoor public place (but not outdoors) once this is over. I don't like being sidelined by colds, or more occasionally the flu. I'll also continue to keep at least 6 feet away from people indoors for the same reason. I figure I'll not only avoid seasonal illnesses by doing this but if another pandemic starts before I'm aware of it the mask will at least offer some protection. Of course, if we start disinfecting public spaces continuously with UV-C I won't feel a need to do these things.

I'm no longer going to stadiums, theaters, indoor restaurants, or anything similar, ever. Even in the best of times these places are like petri dishes. Besides, it's not like I went to them that often anyway.

I an curious to see the long term effect of this on behavior in general. I was never a handshaker, don't miss it, and hope it never comes back. Seen too many sneezes in the hand and so on...
I will say, I did not get my usual chest cold around chirstmas. Dirty nasty people cleaning up their act :)
I an curious to see the long term effect of this on behavior in general. I was never a handshaker, don't miss it, and hope it never comes back. Seen too many sneezes in the hand and so on...
I'm fine myself if handshakes go the way of the dodo. I've seen too many people leaving the stall in the men's room without washing their hands. :sick2:
I'm fine myself if handshakes go the way of the dodo. I've seen too many people leaving the stall in the men's room without washing their hands. :sick2:

#2, even if it was a fakeout, requires a hand wash. Just an unwritten rule. I touch NOTHING inside restrooms.
CDC says vaccinated individuals can gather indoors without masks now...for now.
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Got shot #1 this evening. Didn't grow a 4th eye and no one seemed to care about the 3rd eye. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
The beauty of science is its continual renewal based on changing and verified observed facts.
Believe that if you want to, I believe truth and science can be ugly especially when a hard core scientist risks everything to find the truth and it turns the world from flat to round. We have way too many scientists unwilling to risk it all for the truth they would rather cave to peer pressure and keep their grants and jobs and "hope" that change to truth happens than be homeless and poor, to them a lie is easy to digest. Many are no better than politicians these days IMO.
Believe that if you want to, I believe truth and science can be ugly especially when a hard core scientist risks everything to find the truth and it turns the world from flat to round. We have way too many scientists unwilling to risk it all for the truth they would rather cave to peer pressure and keep their grants and jobs and "hope" that change to truth happens than be homeless and poor, to them a lie is easy to digest. Many are no better than politicians these days IMO.

Truth is taught down the hall in the philosophy dept. Facts are what we are looking for. (shout out to Harrison Ford)

I think it's subtle... and some of this stuff is actually unknowable.

Example: mask usage

even cloth masks filter to some degree, particularly on exhales from infected person
constant reminder to be careful, stay apart, wash hands

improper adjustment leads to a person touching their face when & where they should not
leads to false sense of security, entices risky actions

So... write an equation calculating probability of mask usage/non-usage helping/hurting for the 1) population as a whole 2) specific subgroups (elderly, healthcare, ignorant rednecks, etc). Now, communicate some VERY complex & predictive math to the nation as a whole, given the average person reads at about a 8th grade level.

Truth/fact does not necessarily equal the right thing to do. And even if you know what that is (very questionable) good luck achieving it.
Truth is taught down the hall in the philosophy dept. Facts are what we are looking for. (shout out to Harrison Ford)

I think it's subtle... and some of this stuff is actually unknowable.

Example: mask usage

even cloth masks filter to some degree, particularly on exhales from infected person
constant reminder to be careful, stay apart, wash hands

improper adjustment leads to a person touching their face when & where they should not
leads to false sense of security, entices risky actions

So... write an equation calculating probability of mask usage/non-usage helping/hurting for the 1) population as a whole 2) specific subgroups (elderly, healthcare, ignorant rednecks, etc). Now, communicate some VERY complex & predictive math to the nation as a whole, given the average person reads at about a 8th grade level.

Truth/fact does not necessarily equal the right thing to do. And even if you know what that is (very questionable) good luck achieving it.
If masks were only 10% effective and most people were misusing them and because of them people were not paying attention to distances around them often closer them 3 feet from you do you think they are worth using? That is what I constantly see now in stores going on.
Without facts or even a very very good educated guess we are lead to believe that they will keep us from being infected but if they are only 25 or 50% effective do you think the public needs to know and adjust the way they interact with the virus going around?
If they are 75% effective how many people can afford to risk a 25% chance of infection?
Like you said... it is IMO unknowable and mandating masks IMO is all but worthless to many who are getting infected out there wearing them. Most places I go everyone is wearing a mask yet we still have lots infected so apparently they aren't working that well.
We don't really have much in the way of science but rather people trying to figure out something that can be represented statistically regarding mask usage and my contention is either they are absolutely unable to even guess or the numbers aren't encouraging enough to reveal them to the public for fear people will freak out.
Science doesn't deal in opinions but facts... no facts then we aren't in the realm of "beauty" and "science" but political narratives and opinions often to profit people who can dial in on a way to make money over lockdowns and fear.
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