Man charged with felony assault for shining flashlight at officer


Aug 27, 2006
You know what my next question is going to be.
Could you please share which C.C. companies you have that apparently actually care about their customers? Would be appreciated.


Aug 27, 2006
Thanks for the help.
Yeah, the little optimist in me peaked out of the corner for a second there. Sorry about that. 😉


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Well my experience is opposite, I have several CC raise my credit line without me asking.
Same here. A card I got in late 2015 which started at $3,500 is now $6,000. I never once asked them to raise the credit limit. My FICO score has always hovered not far from 850 so that might be why. I always pay my CC balances in full each month, and only use a fraction of my available credit.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2007
Same here. A card I got in late 2015 which started at $3,500 is now $6,000. I never once asked them to raise the credit limit. My FICO score has always hovered not far from 850 so that might be why. I always pay my CC balances in full each month, and only use a fraction of my available credit.
I got a Discover in probably around early 2008 for like $2000 credit limit maybe $1500, not sure. By 2012 they had raised my credit limit to $15,000. I don't remember asking for it.
Apr 13, 2020
No, that is a very important question. For one simple reason: Para-bonding.

Any woman with a high body count, literally cannot psychologically bond with a man who comes along years later. Or, cannot truly fall in love with him. She's already para-bonded with another man. One of her Ex.-Boyfriends. Although, considering how Para-bonding works, don't ask her to name which one it was. She usually has no clue. But it happens early on in a woman's life.
It is called PAIR BONDING. If you are going to be insecure and immature about something, at least get right what you are talking about.

Also, no; a truly High-quality woman would not instantly dump him for asking what her body count is. A High-quality woman would recognize that's an important question and not get upset when asked. Another reason why such a woman would not get upset?.... There is literally no such thing as a High-quality woman with a High body count. Does NOT exist. Mythical creature.
Wow ... Hard to believe to believe there are men that think this in 2023. Height of immaturity and insecurity.
Apr 13, 2020
Actually no, no they don't.
Nowadays if you do not specifically put in a request to have that limit raised, they will NEVER do so. I'm talking about individuals who have been careful with their credit. Not done stupid things with it. Have paid off their debts in full at the end of each month. Been with the credit card company for decades, not just years. Basically those who would easily get approved for an increase in their credit limit.... Not going to happen if you just expect the credit card companies to do the right thing on their own.
Credit cards / Issuing banks increase credit card limits all the time without asking. Maybe they just have never increased yours. This applies to Visa, and Mastercard, Discover. AMEX is about the only one that does not normally do that.


Aug 27, 2006
It is called PAIR BONDING. If you are going to be insecure and immature about something, at least get right what you are talking about.

Wow ... Hard to believe to believe there are men that think this in 2023. Height of immaturity and insecurity.
Funny, I didn't need to resort to tossing personal insults directed your way to make my point. But you did. Isn't that interesting? That's only done when someone doesn't want to admit that they have no intelligent rebuttal to a point that someone else brought up. Yet, they don't want to openly admit that fact. In all honesty, that sort of tactic sometimes works. But not when the other individual is aware of it, and calls you out on it. In this case, You specifically. So, thank you for pointing out that you have no intelligent rebuttal to what I brought up.

And in the paragraph below that one, we see the same thing again, with a bit of variation. This time pretending that the person you disagree with has horribly outdated morals/outlook on the world compared to someone like you who presents himself as more Progressive. Once again, a tactic that does work.... Unless the other person is aware of it and calls You out on it.

Funny how you couldn't actually come up with a single intelligent counter-point to anything I brought up in my previous post with the exception of a possible spelling error? Well, some psychiatrists do call it Para-Bonding. While some call it Pair Bonding. Pick one or the other. Doesn't really matter. For example: Theatre vs. Theater. Both are correct. I do find it interesting that that was literally the ONLY thing you were able to directly dispute from my previous comment.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Funny how you couldn't actually come up with a single intelligent counter-point to anything I brought up in my previous post with the exception of a possible spelling error?
Also, the original premise he gave I thought was ridiculous, specifically "You don't need to know how many men a lady has slept with. Any quality woman is going to dump you just for asking."

No so-called "quality woman" is going to instantly dump a guy for any reason besides physical abuse (which is totally understandable). If they leave in a huff without even trying to talk things out they're not a quality person. They're a spoiled brat who can't cope if someone says or does something they might not like. That applies to both sexes BTW. Guys who just ghost a girl because of something she did or said are no better. You're supposedly in a relationship, talk things out.

Maybe I'm wrong or old-fashioned, but despite my negative experiences I still believe in people becoming soulmates where they share all their secrets with their partner, and no question is off-limits. It's not just the physical attraction and possibly sex. It's the emotional connection as well.


Aug 27, 2006
Absolutely! You hit the nail on the head.
That emotional connection is what matters most.
Any dude can rent a working-girl to get his physical needs met.
The important things, nope!

Someone awhile back made a meme of a somewhat manly-looking female bodybuilder cooking eggs for her man. In walks in John Wick.
Cut back and forth from each other a few times. Looking at the eggs.
Looking at each other in a wholesome and loving way.
Supposed to be funny. But ended up being a very lovely meme.

Here's a warm, caring, loving woman. Not the best-looking.
Got tons of muscles. But dedicated to making her man happy.
That's what really counts. And of course, he's going to reciprocate.

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