Interesting suggestions.. Is any of those torches you suggest made in china? :oops:

What's wrong with China's flashlights?

Just don't eat them. :faint:
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Whats the best LED thrower made in China? .. I like huntlight.. not so strong though, well built.. Comments?
My vote would be for the FoxFury MF 1000 Tac-Fire and the WiseLED for max output!

Whats the best LED thrower made in China? .. I like huntlight.. not so strong though, well built.. Comments?

For the smaller lights I think this one might nudge its way in there running in the 500 lumen range. :whistle:
WE Thunder.jpg

Wolf Eyes Thunder!!!

Have a great weekend :D
My vote would be for the FoxFury MF 1000 Tac-Fire and the WiseLED for max output!

For the smaller lights I think this one might nudge its way in there running in the 500 lumen range. :whistle:
WE Thunder.jpg

Wolf Eyes Thunder!!!

Have a great weekend :D

When's the Thunder coming out?
I think you would be very surprised at the length to which "American" companies will go to in order to save money. That would include Having Body parts machined from castings vs machined form billet or solid round aluminum bars. Say for example you want to make 10,000 flashlight bodies.
What will cost less? Have them made in Taiwan from castings (90% made by casting/forging the part from aluminum) Vs machining the whole part from from bar aluminum?
I am quite sure the first method is much less expensive and the end results are indistinguishable from each other. The casting/forge/machining method is certainly less wasteful. When you machine a whole body from a aluminum bar you find that a lot of waste aluminum...lots.
The point is if you are making flashlights in BULK you aren't going to machine each body from aluminum bar material. You are going to have castings made and machine the parts to a finished product quality.
The other point is that if you are going to do this in the kind of quantities some USA companies make flashlights you are not going to have those bodies made here because it costs WAY more money to make the same product here as it does in Taiwan for example. So these companies have the bodies made overseas and they import them to their finishing and assembling factories.
So even if a retail package says MADE IN AMERICA. It is most likely (assembled) in the USA with large percentages of content which may have been designed in the USA but the casting/machining/milling/ has been done overseas.

This is being done by very well known companies companies which are known to manufacture the best flashlights in the world and the products are still labeled made in the USA. This is due to the loose definition of what is made in the USA.


Pretty much anything NOT made by Surefire or Inova is made by China with just a few exceptions.
Personally I like the WiseLED Tatical P4 which give out 1500 lumens. This one is very bright LEDs flashlight, let me know if anyone know any brand that have the same physical size i.e like Maglite 2D with that kind of output. This flashlight have dimmer function which is great if you don't need full brightness and will increase the run time.