What do you have on your keychain? (Flashlights and whatever)

I like a low-profile key chain.
It has 1 car key, 1 home key, 1 Inova microlight (I prefer this to the Proton because the LED is protected).
Dont need a physical work key.
All other keys I need live somewhere else.

At the moment on my Car keys:
- H-D Brass ID Tag
- House key
- Spyderco Green Jester knife & LED light

At the moment on my Neck Lanyard Keyring:
- SureFire A2-HA-WH LED w/ F04 (diffuserlens removed) in an open nylon holster
- Fisher personalized chrome bullet space pen
- R/G/B button cell LED flasher light from lighthound
- Ferrari aluminum canister w/ ear plugs
- LifeHammer ResQMe
- Fox40 micro whistle
- Bottle opener Titanium Key
- Capsule lighter
- Jimi wallet

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Spyderco Jester keychain knife
LRI Photon II green body, white led, Spyderco logo (sold with Jester knife)
LRI Photon II black body, red led
Bunch of keys
That's it.
My keys, I keep light and non-bulky: House key, car key, car FOD and solitaire (haven't had a need for anything more powerful where I couldn't get one from my trunk or house). Work keys: Many keys, company vehicle keys. Don't carry light on work keys but keep a minimag with 3 LED nite-ize on my belt. I need the long run time because I do close up work up to a couple hours at a time.
I'm a lightweight on this one. With my 4 keys, I carry only a Peak Matterhorn. (I carry this in my right hip pocket and that's all I care to have poking my butt.) :D
Arc-P, a UV Photon Freedom (toy), and four keys on a small carabiner. Not a big fan of chunky keyrings.

And when it is time to impress the chicks:

I used to have huge keychain with all sorts of crap. Now it's only two keys, a fauxton, a swiss army classic for EDC ring, and car key, remote, and fauxton for car ring.
Nice thread. I've seen threads like this on here as well as EDCF, but it's nice to see updates and see how people's rigs change over time.

Mine's gone through some changes, but it's still big. However, each item's been so useful that it's hard to slim down any further.


Everything on a 2" SS spring gate clip, from Berkeley Point, which is clipped to a Black Diamond load-bearing carabiner. The big carabiner can be used to hold other things together in a pinch. Otherwise, it lets things be the perfect length for the keys and stuff to fit in the back pocket, when the biner is clipped to a back belt-loop. Everything also has its own pico-clip.

General keys:
- 5 keys on a keyring, clipped to main ring
- Stainless steel Ultrafire C1 CR123A Cree light (awesome throw, brightness, runtime - OP, you should definitely get this!)
- Leatherman Squirt
- Slim stainless steel 2GB flash drive, from DX
- Oil lighter (the o-ring keeps the fuel from evaporating, lasts a loooong time)
- Work magnetic key thing

Car keys: (carried separately in pocket)
- Fob and key
- Camper and hitch keys
- 1AAA Kaidomain SSC light (again awesome, and slim so better for my car key rig)
- Swisstech Utilikey (just picked up at Walmart, only had my car keys yesterday and needed to cut something, so bought it; slim and fits on car keychain well)


And that's it. Next week I'll be receiving a Southord keychain pickset, but not sure if I really want to carry it on my keychain (people asking questions), but there have been too many times I've had to use makeshift implements, making it take longer, and also probably scratching up the locks, that it might be worth it.

@Powernoodle: I see a Ford fob and key on yours - do you drive a truck too?

@DatiLED: I used to carry a P-38 on mine, but it kept digging into me when I slapped the keys in my back pocket, so I gave up. I have a spare one though, pm me your address and I'll send it to you.

@Energie: wow that's a neat pen. Did you make it yourself, or where did you get it? I've been looking for a small but sturdy pen for my keychain rig.

@Mikesalt: How do you keep the cheap laser pointer from unscrewing on your keychain? I tried to keep on on mine before (got from $ store) but it would keep unscrewing and I gave up.
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Also what might be fun is a list of stories of what we've used the various things on our keychains for!
Probably too much stuff, but here goes:
- 12 feet of paracord
- small spy capsule w/$20 bill
- spyderco ladybug serrated
- photon X-light
- uncle bill's sliver gripper
- BSA spark lighter
- small aluminum whistle
Currently a Fenix L0D-CE with a RayOvac hybrid NiMh cell plus a Fenix E0 with Energizer lithium battery - plus house/garage keys and Nissan Intelligent key. :huh: