Which Progold Applicator is the best

Where can i purchase foam tipped applicators in quanity, (100-200)?
A merchant on eBay was selling them for $5 for a box of 100. I just checked and didn't see them listed. You might want to search and see if you can find them.
I got the 100% solutions in DeoxIT pen and ProGold pens at Rat Shack about 6 months ago, and just saw them there 2 weeks ago. They are handy because they have a durable, tough fibrous tip that allows you to neatly & precisely apply to many surfaces.

The pen tops screw off, so I refill them with my 100% 25ml small bottles with needle applicator tops. I think this is the most economical way to use the stuff, and I'm sure these amounts will last the rest of my lifetime. The small spray bottles are only 5% concentration, and they spray all over making a mess. I could see where small foam tip applicators might also be useful, but have not needed them to date.

I can't believe anyone defends Al "I won the popular vote" Gore (aka "The Whiner") about anything. I have seen more interesting & useful planks of wood.