Flashlight Enthusiast
True that. I hope you didn't take it as an offense, BTW... it wasn't meant to be one.
True that. I hope you didn't take it as an offense, BTW... it wasn't meant to be one.
I have recently tried to update our 21st century flashlight needs by going with a couple AAAs (LOD Q4/Tiablo A1); two AA's (Infinities) as well as chargers for both Eneloops and Li-Ions. This assault on the budget has not made the wife skip a beat; yet she's smart enough to recognize what we need and what we don't...so I choose not to push it.(kind of did so with the Spear now on its way...but hey, that's just between us fellow flashaholics and certainly well within the guidelines of any 12 step rehabilitation program....).
I knew I was doing something wrong..I step backwards.:whoopin:
We do give gifts to each other, of course, and we ask each other for opinions and advice, and I would help her economically if need be just as she would me, but the words "can I buy (insert name of object of desire here)?" have never been pronounced in our relationship and never will be.