More EV fires after salt water flooding


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
0-60mph. in 30 seconds!
Good gracious, that is horrifying!
Next car, both issues fixed! But 0-60mph. in 30 seconds??
I think a golf cart can go faster than that. Not a VW Golf.
I mean a legit golf cart. Heck, on a good day;
I think I can run faster than that!
I don't know if this is the same model, or a later slightly "improved" one, but either way it's still awful:

"It'll do 0-30 mph in about four seconds, which isn't too bad, but it takes an agonizing 17 more seconds to "accelerate" from 30-60 mph, giving a 0-60 time of just over 20 seconds. The lesson? Stay in the city with this car."

20 seconds 0 to 60 mph. That's with pros driving it. Probably more like 25 to 30 with your average driver.

This is a 1977 gas version:

60 mph: 15.0 sec
70 mph: 24.6 sec
1/4 mile: 19.8 sec @ 66 mph
Top speed (drag limited): 81 mph
Braking, 70–0 mph: 232 ft

I recall back in the 1980s racing a lot of these econoboxes from stop lights. On my bike. I beat them to 25 mph more often than not. Put me in a decent velomobile back then, I might well have beat them to 60 mph.

Slowest 0-60 mph times
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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
yea, than it was replaced by 350sdl, his car was over 20 years old still was in perfect shape, no issues. if he did not crash it, it may even be running today
Only being in production for two years, it should be a highly desired collectable model. I hope it is still in perfect shape, and someone can give it a nice home where it is preserved. Maybe Jay Leno, or someone like him will end up with it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.

I'm thinking probably the best thing to do with these cars is crane them into a partially filled with sand dump truck, then bury it to the top of the dump bed with sand. Transport to a disposal site, dump it out, and recover it with sand. I am not a firefighter, but I don't see water as a practical way to put these lithium battery fires out.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Only being in production for two years, it should be a highly desired collectable model. I hope it is still in perfect shape, and someone can give it a nice home where it is preserved. Maybe Jay Leno, or someone like him will end up with it.
If you look at MB lineup, they usually change model designations every few years, it could be 420 for few years then 430, 500 becomes 550 in several years, than 560. 260 becomes 300, than 320, several years after 350,........etc. nothing unusual
but i do agree, those w126 diesels are not common in usa, thou not something that a J leno would want. it is actually not uncommon to see w126 running in good shape now, those cars were build to last and engineered exceptionally well.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 17, 2023
I saw a piece on the dramatic depreciation in these vehicles - some of them losing half their value or more in their first year of ownership. Not to mention the dramatic slowdown in sales once people realize the narrow use case for these things. Bottom line, neither these products or the electric grid are ready for prime time. They wont make that 2035 phase out of ICE vehicles.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
I saw a piece on the dramatic depreciation in these vehicles - some of them losing half their value or more in their first year of ownership. Not to mention the dramatic slowdown in sales once people realize the narrow use case for these things. Bottom line, neither these products or the electric grid are ready for prime time. They wont make that 2035 phase out of ICE vehicles.
The DOE got a huge amount of money to beef up the electric grid, and I think they are preparing now to trickle it out to get things going. So, by 2035, who knows, they may have it robust enough, but it will be too late to help now.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 17, 2023
From what I read it was a few billion with estimates of the real expense in the trillions . . . . with somewhere around 280 million cars in the US, and the estimates for grid improvements ranging from $2000-7000 per electric vehicle . . . . well, Biden needs to check his math either way. I don't see that investment happening in the next decade or even beyond without a fundamental change in technology.


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
They do not spread anything about electric vehicles, (fud, sounds like another liberal label for people who do not like to be told how to live.) i have nothing against electrics, but people who live in apartments can not charge them, nor they are cheap, cheapest tesla 3 is like 50 grand, it is the size of Honda civic, for 25 you can get an accord, which is much roomier.
The cheapest Tesla with incentives is less than an Accord as well as roomier. What are you smoking? Fud is: Fear, uncertainty and doubt. Basically lies to stop you from doing the right thing.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 29, 2017
You simply don't know the damage to the environment you are doing and the savings you're missing out on. We have a fully electric house with two electric vehicles. We traveled 12,000 miles and heated the house and made hot water. All household functions with no fossil fuel. We have owned a 2.4kw solar system for 20 years. Last year our total energy bill was $550.00. We now have a Tesla III and a Leaf. Will replace Leaf with a Model Y. Looking to add a battery and more solar capacity.
Well aren't you special.. Listen NOT everyone can afford the wonderful future you think is the new deal. And it's amazing. You think ALL of the plastics and batteries and so forth that makes your wonderful electric empire is all green and environmentally friendly ? "Damage to the environment" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
The cheapest Tesla with incentives is less than an Accord as well as roomier. What are you smoking? Fud is: Fear, uncertainty and doubt. Basically lies to stop you from doing the right thing.
That is a pile of horsecrap, prove it, show us the receipt. Not even gonna address obvious bull about the size, anyone can read numbers themselves, except you.
Keep your liberal labels to yourself to be entertained


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
It's bad for the end user to pay so much money for energy. Energy should be like any other good. Buy the ability to make it once, then use it indefinitely. That's how solar works. Buy the panels. In a few years you break even. After that it's free energy. Why should we give an income stream to giant corporations? That same money could be spent elsewhere, creating as many or more jobs.

I'd like to see people offered more things which let them live more cheaply. That's why I never owned a car. I shouldn't have to spend an income stream just to get around. I like to either just pay a fare only when I use it, or buy a vehicle which doesn't cost me anything beyond the purchase price, plus very occasional maintenance, like a bicycle.

It's not "good" having giant corporations make money off the backs of working people. That's reverse Marxism-money going from the poor/middle class to the wealthy.
Rich guys only take from the economy, and grudgingly use labor, which does spread wealth. However spreading wealth is incidental.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
Rich guys only take from the economy, and grudgingly use labor, which does spread wealth. However spreading wealth is incidental.
Well, Gee, if the poor people had no money, then who are the rich guys going to sell their goods and services to, to get profit from?

Your illogical thinking is mind boggling.

Ford paid his employees enough money to make them customers, i.e., he paid them enough money to afford the cars they were making. That was smart. He didn't have to pay them that much money, but it was smart to pay them enough money to be able to buy his product--that was "good business".

So yes, spreading wealth is incidental, spreading wealth is not the primary purpose of a business. People don't go into business to provide people with jobs, or any other benevolent reason, people go into business to seek their fortune, to make money, and hopefully a LOT OF MONEY! There is nothing wrong with that, in fact, it is a good thing. If everyone had a productive business, and a lot of money, the world would be a lot better off. A prosperous nation is better than a beggar nation.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
IT is getting tiresome to hear this nonsense from preachers of socialism and communism, you do not like capitalists move to north Korea, Venezuela, Iran, they do not have any, and you'll live happily.
But they wont, they happy to use products of those evil billionaires, teslas i phones, software, computers, use cell networks, live in houses that are made of material that are produced by factories of those evil billionaires. make money on stocks, have 401k, go to hospitals that have diagnostic equipment made by those evil people, use medicine developed and made by companies that billionaires created, then they go on forums and virtue signal about pretty much everything, smh
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Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
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Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
IT is getting tiresome to hear this nonsense from preachers of socialism and communism, you do not like capitalists move to north Korea, Venezuela, Iran, they do not have any, and you'll live happily.
But they wont, they happy to use products of those evil billionaires, teslas i phones, software, computers, use cell networks, live in houses that are made of material that are produced by factories of those evil billionaires. make money on stocks, have 401k, go to hospitals that have diagnostic equipment made by those evil people, use medicine developed and made by companies that billionaires created, then they go on forums and virtue signal about pretty much everything, smh
Every great innovation in the world doesn't come from capitalism. That's what they want you think. In fact, there's only one thing capitalism does fairly well. That's causing a product to be made as efficiently as possible, and to distribute it to as many people as possible. Capitalism sucks though at picking the best products which actually get produced. If it can't make someone as much money, even if it's a great thing for the masses, it just doesn't get made. Great products are incidental to capitalism, not inherent to it. Sometimes they get made, but it's more the exception than the rule. The best products seem to come from startups where people are passionate about their work.

The real innovation comes from the scientists or engineers racking their brains out in a lab with no fanfare, often being paid a fraction of what they truly deserve. Most real innovators couldn't care less about making a buck beyond what they need to live. That's not how the minds of idealists work. They want to leave the world a better place than they found it. If it were up to them, the stuff they come up with would be made and sold at cost.

Capitalism is great at suppressing what might be better products for the end user if those products can't be made or distributed at a profit. The pharmaceutical industry is a great example. There are alternatives to many of the drugs being sold. Many even work better, without as many of the side effects. However, you can't make money off something you can't patent or control production of. That might be a particular kind of plant anyone can grow, or something coming from an animal. Most people aren't even aware of these alternatives, despite the fact they have been used in traditional medicine for millennia.

The younger crowd in this country is getting disenchanted with capitalism for the simple reason it just doesn't work as advertised any more, if indeed it ever did. It's not a tide that lifts all boats. It's more like a few people live on yachts, then occasional throw out scraps of wood for the masses to grab to keep from sinking. Naked greed has ruined it. The profit margins companies operated on for many decades stopped being good enough once Wall Street started with its mantra of growth at all costs, and greed is good. Before then they at least sacrificed enough potential profits to pay workers halfway decently. We also didn't get greedy with housing, treating it like a commodity instead of a place people live. Now we commoditize everything so the wealthy few can get ever richer, while the rest of us suffer with high prices for the necessities of life.

Capitalism has worked best when it was heavily regulated/taxed to check extreme greed. Sure, the little guy should be able to start a business, work hard, and retire with a few million. Nobody is against that. However, it should be much harder to accumulate tens or hundreds of millions. Billionaires just shouldn't exist at all. Those who already made it big-time don't need favorable laws or tax treatments, yet that's exactly what we have.

Last thing. Just because someone may not be enamored with capitalism doesn't imply they're a big fan of socialism, or especially communism. Communism still has winners and losers, only the winners are high party members who live like royalty, while those under them are in squalor. Kim Jong-un lives in a palace while most of his countrymen are starving, some to the point they're eating grass.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
YEt capitalist countries thrive, while socialist fall, even if something good created there, their inventors go to capitalist countries to actually make it happen. nikola tesla, sarnoff of the RCA (came from russia) Sikorski, also came from russia, and hundreds more, they build their enterprises here, not there. All the major enterprises that affect the whole world are created by capitalists, show me great inventions from socialist countries. i can not think of a single one. why do their bright minds get nowhere, or in gulags, and those who come here especially basically create the modern world.
It is really what they want you to think, a bunch of entitled lazy socialists that modern education system creates in last 30 years do not make this country better. just look around.
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Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
Right, because there is nothing outside California, I said show me a receipt, not an article somewhere.
Go to , get it straight from the source. I might be lying. Yes, articles are out of date. Check the website for current prices. Prices are going down. But I might be lying.