What did you use your flashlight for today?

Streamlight 3N Proploymer LED to get a better look at a little red plastic tab underneath my work-desk, at my 3rd Shift job. Tab turned out to be nothing important.

(Uploaded a video review of it on my YT channel. It happened be within arm's reach.)
Maybe try to be like Nonkelroge?

He is the gold standard for reviews!


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He is the gold standard for reviews!
Fair enough, but I'm not trying to compete with anyone.
My channel is known for two things. Very thorough, and blatantly honest reviews. Zero sponsorships. I accept zero items from companies for review. Literally everything on my channel is bought by me with my own hard-earned money. Have had companies over the years offer to sponsor my channel, or send me stuff for free. They were polite, so I very politely turned them down. Also, I de-monitize my own videos. Meaning, not trying to sell anything to anyone. My channel is an odd hybrid between those content creators who only upload vids. for fun vs. those who do YT as a living, with an upload schedule and some production values.

Knowing myself, there is no way I could do thorough reviews in 5 minutes or less. Maybe I could shave that 20 minutes on average down to around 15. But less than that for me would honestly be impossible.
Fair enough, but I'm not trying to compete with anyone.
My channel is known for two things. Very thorough, and blatantly honest reviews. Zero sponsorships. I accept zero items from companies for review. Literally everything on my channel is bought by me with my own hard-earned money. Have had companies over the years offer to sponsor my channel, or send me stuff for free. They were polite, so I very politely turned them down. Also, I de-monitize my own videos. Meaning, not trying to sell anything to anyone. My channel is an odd hybrid between those content creators who only upload vids. for fun vs. those who do YT as a living, with an upload schedule and some production values.

Knowing myself, there is no way I could do thorough reviews in 5 minutes or less. Maybe I could shave that 20 minutes on average down to around 15. But less than that for me would honestly be impossible.
I'll take a DM link to the channel if you're still offering.
What I used my flashlight for today...

To continue collecting dust on shelves at home. LOL

Honestly 99% of my edc needs are met and surpassed with the light on my Iphone.

I know that might be nails on a chalkboard to many here, and don't get me wrong, I have thousands of $ invested in solid flashlights!

Absolutely love them and do carry one daily. It's just very rare that I actually need to use it. - but it brings me a great peace of mind knowing it's there on the off-chance I do need it.

I told the story in the HDS thread a while back of while walking down whats called "the path of the gods" *(at the time my fiancé and I had no clue that it was called that or was a well-known BIG hike on the side of a mountain in Italy)*. -- we thought it was a short-cut to our restaurant for dinner after having missed our bus (the last bus of the night in that direction) BOY were we WRONG. Halfway down the mountain it became extremely dark as the sun dropped out of the sky, and you could barely see your hand in front of your face. (Mountain had a super dense canopy that made it that much darker).

Thankfully I had my trusty HDS rotary with me... That SAVED us big time. Made it all the way down the mountain with that light. I love my HDS rotary, and have yet to find a better EDC light. I could care less about the new fandango lights with all these bells and whistles and all the lumens and candela in the world.

When it comes right down to it, the HDS with its 250 lumens lit up that entire trail we were on, and made it look close to daytime! With that, I also learned that day you really don't need THAT many lumens to light up a big area that is REALLY dark...
Heck, I didn't even run my HDS at max output, I'd say 65-70% output and it was great!

Anyway, that's enough outta me for today!
After terrible storms last weekend kept me from it, was back working on my sister's floor today. Got two joists under her porch replaced. That was fun, it involved six bottle jacks and me rolling around in surprisingly numerous brown widow egg sacs. I mean, it was just lousy with them under there. Little buggers were everywhere. Invasive species to this area, showed up after hurricane Katrina.

Patched a spot under the tongue and groove in her living room, and got one joist back in the kitchen (just 12 more to go!). Will be at it again tomorrow, at least the temps should be 20 or so degrees cooler. Not many of those days coming anymore this year.

The HDS rotary was back with me, and it got used aplenty. Something that I have come across before is the usefulness of the incredibly intuitive UI when you hand it over to somebody else. Just a, "button on the back, spin the tail for bright or dim" and you're done.
That's really helpful when you are both dog tired and miles to go before you sleep. Nobody has time to give a quick UI lesson over a damned flashlight.
Found a roach in my bedroom this morning, running away from the exterminators' efforts in the apartment complex earlier. Swung a sandal at it and it disappeared, so I used my S21E to look behind and under furniture to find it.

In the end, it wasn't even needed - I'd nailed the bug and sent it careening to the opposite, sunlit side of the room that I was inspecting. Not squashed, but definitely dead.

And so ended my bout of excitement for the day. Truly thrilling times I live in.
Good shot!
This morning at around 3:00 AM I was doing my fairly regular night call, and I noticed a little bug walking along the edge of a towel in the laundry basket. I reached over to squash him, and he jumped about 5 inches. I reached for him again, and he jumped again. Then I couldn't find him, so I carried the laundry to the washing machine, and turned it on with soap and bleach.

I hope that got him.

Today, I sprayed the lawn, the perimeter of the house, and some of the side of the house with bug killer, the deck too.

Our dog is flea and tick protected, but we are not. They way it jumped, I suspect it was a flea. I hope not.