Thanks for covering that one, Bill. It sure seems like Fish did get the answer he was looking for :twothumbs: (and thank you Irelander for pointing the manufacturer's website all the way back there
I guess I was just too dizzy during the "shutdown frenzy" manufacturing plants go through here at the end of July to even notice something was going on. I also want to thank you again, Bill, for making this thread a sticky and I just noticed it was a day before the 2 year creation anniversary of this thread when I quit smoking just this year (thanks to e-cigarettes, as flashaholic-friendly device). I also just noticed that the 2 year sticky anniversary is coming up right this coming winter solstice, which also means 2 years after the predicted end of the world by the Mayan calendar fanatics!!!!
We definitely need to celebrate all of that at once:buddies: (or at least don't let me get drunk alone and look like a jack...
Everyone who was able to fix a problem thanks to my thread also need to thank Bill for making it a sticky. I can't take 100% of the credit, it was Bill's decision to sticky this (even though I might have brought it up to his attention... once or twice... or was it the PWM sticky? :thinking: Who stickied my PWM thread? Why is it that when you're a kid, a month is like a year, yet we remember clearly what happened a year ago and when we're getting older, years are like months and we have a hard time remembering what happened yesterday?) So Bill stickied this despite the thread being slow, I guess because it does answer the basic questions (it sure wasn't because I sent him money or flashlights...)
Bill: just thank you, I feel like I am somehow stepping into people's monitors and help guiding them remotely on how to go about the basic steps to get their lights working after a fail and I wouldn't have that feeling if no one had made this thread a sticky. I can't fix them all in one guide and I can't fix them all, period, but at least I can feel I'm making a difference