Review of Klarus G30 MT-G2 2450 lumens, 3x18650


Newly Enlightened
Apr 30, 2016
I also have a Klarus G30 recently arrived from Gearbest (ordered and arrived during April 2016).

Mine worked initially, but after it's first real world usage (i.e. on for more than 5 mins), it now won't turn on again. No signs of life at all.

Tested with 2 different sets of known-good Panasonics.

At this stage it certainly looks like a bad batch of lights.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 14, 2015
I also have a Klarus G30 recently arrived from Gearbest (ordered and arrived during April 2016).

Mine worked initially, but after it's first real world usage (i.e. on for more than 5 mins), it now won't turn on again. No signs of life at all.

Tested with 2 different sets of known-good Panasonics.

At this stage it certainly looks like a bad batch of lights.

That sure sounds a bit like what happened to mine bigturkey. I hope you get yours sorted out by the CS department soon.

So far and counting 3 lights received in April have failed. I wonder if there are more not reported here.

Most worrying thing is what caused be the failure.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 24, 2015
I bought my g30 in the flash sale at GB. 5 minutes the lamp functioned normally then it broke. It begins now to shine when the tailcap is closed. All stages can be switched through. Off she goes only after the tailcap is opend. Now I'm waiting for a replacement g30 from GB and pray that it work ... :(


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2008
Boden, Sweden
My G30 arrived yesterday, grabbed it from the post office today. Almost 6 weeks since I placed the order.
The size is very identical to Olight SR mini, just a tad longer. The tint is nice neutral like usual with MT-G2 and with slightly more throwy character than PD40(very close to Fenix TK35UE MT-G2). The emitter is off center but in my eyes it does not impact the beam profile in any noticeable way.
Comfortable in the hand with the side switch and decent knurling. The tail switch however, is just uncomfortable with such a thick body, so I find no reason to use it.
Also I find it a pity that while the design could be made for stable tail standing the tail switch protrudes a bit and makes it a bit wobbly.
Otherwise I consider it as a bargain for the price from Gearbest with the free shipping(the price to pay is the shipping time). I am really sorry for all of you who received a faulty light, just hope my example will continue to work.

Edit: I went out in the forest with the G30 and Fenix PD40. This may be the last outdoors use for several months, because it's not really dark at night any more. I realized there is a use of the tail switch: the side switch can be very difficult to find in the darkness while the tail switch is easy to find.
Last edited:


Aug 25, 2011
I ordered one couple days ago, did any of you guys select the next faster shipping? I picked the option of 6-8 business days, for a zero upgrade cost. In the past I have used this option at a cost of $1-2 difference and received lights in a weeks time. I also always pay for insurance?


Nov 30, 2009
Edit: This may be the last outdoors use for several months, because it's not really dark at night any more. I realized there is a use of the tail switch: the side switch can be very difficult to find in the darkness while the tail switch is easy to find.
This, plus it gives you direct access to turbo mode.


Newly Enlightened
May 5, 2016
I've been in this light for a very long time, thanks to you Im convinced to buy it from a vendor I know. Thanks!!


Newly Enlightened
May 6, 2015
What is the diameter of the LED Board?
Can you get more power from the driver? [Resistor]


Sep 8, 2014
Melbourne Australia
Does anyone else find the instant turbo annoying? It says, "long hold from tail switch for instant turbo." I do hold it, but can't find the right time to let go and keep it on turbo. When I do manage to turn it on turbo it turns off. Anyone has a trick or what is the correct way to get instant turbo?


Nov 30, 2009
Bdogps: from the tailcap switch the quick access to turbo is only for momentary on.


Nov 30, 2009
You are welcome. Otherwise you will consume your finger trying to make it to permanent turbo :)


Newly Enlightened
Jul 9, 2016
I know. Keep in mind that if 1 in 100 lights is faulty, but members buy 100'000 units, there will be 100 faulty lights.
Also, members will generally read the specs-review, and then buy the light. If the light is working, they will rarely write that they are happy; they will write more often to write that their light is broken.
Thus said, you paid for a light and you should get it working. It sucks when the stuff comes broken or breaks very quickly.
Long waiting time is a tradeoff for paying the light less (maybe 50% less?) than it would cost to buy it in your country... but we all know. If you want fast shipping, fast Customer care, fast replacement and cheap shipping in case of a reutrn... buy in your own country and pay a lot more.

Let us know how GB will handle the situation, I'm confident that if you contact the member here on this forum with order number, things will go faster.

I ordered mine on April 13th and it worked great. No issues with it at all. It was the first 18650 light I ever owned. I use it for mining and mine exploration where if your light goes out, you might not see the surface until they drag your corpse out. Of course, I carry an arsenal of 4 lights with me at all times.

Sadly it was one of my lights that were stolen from me a few weeks ago. Did I really like it? Yeah. I've already got it sitting in an online cart for repurchase.

It was my primary handheld light for mine exploration, but now it'll be my back-up. It fits too perfectly in my cargo pants secondary pocket. Its spot it being taken by a Niwalker MM18-II.

Turbo V6 Camaro

Newly Enlightened
Aug 24, 2009
thanks for the review however im red/green color blind (im sure im not hte only one here) and every color on your chart looks the same to me :(


Nov 30, 2009
I'm sorry.
The top flat one is turbo cooled.
the second top, with the steps is turbo uncooled.
the one around 40% is high.
The lower 2 are medium and low.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 1, 2016
Hi guys,

I'm a fresh newbie on posting here but I've been reading countless posts here for quite some time now, and it had helped me make such a good decision on which flashlight to buy. So I'd like to return the favour by posting about my experience with and the Klarus G30 too.

[/URL]IMG_8607 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

I too was a bit apprehensive about buying from a China-based site but because of good-enough reviews and with some safeguards in placed, I went ahead and purchased - actually, my GF intercepted my purchase and got it first for me for US$53, as a gift - at

It arrived July 26, 2016 & I wrote its arrival date on the box, as to what I do with the rest of my gadgets, either on the box or the piece itself. The crappy 18650 batts I had from an old Ultrafire 300lumens unit couldn't power it well enough, so I researched a lot about a worthwhile batt - which ended up being the Samsung INR18650-25R (flat top) - and I found the best price on a USA website. Though we're based in Canada, I was going to USA around that time, hence I ordered.

Brought with me my Klarus G30 on my USA trip. Got the Samsung batts, charged them a bit then powered up my G30. Wow, it's bright!!! Then a few mins later, it went kaput! The light would flicker and seems like something inside was loose. After a few attempts to rectify it, the unit just went dead. Even after I fully charged the Samsung batts, nada. I felt very bad then I remembered a bad review I read earlier about how the user ended up buying again, but from a different website caused of a very bad experience with gearbest.

I decided to just try and test gearbest's after-sales support policies and accessed my GF's gearbest account to report to them about what happened. To my surprise, within 24hours, they replied me with a few options...... to which I opted for option#2 - a replacement - of course.

[/URL]Screen Shot 2016-10-01 at 10.36.59 AM by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

I finally received the replacement G30 on Sept 26, 2016. Although the package was damaged - all wrapped up in a Canada Post plastic though - and with a slight grazed on near the tip of the unit, everything worked well, so my thoughts on claiming from Canada Post or worse, complaining to gearbest again to replace this, was muted. Heck I even blasted it to turbo mode and let it shine on the ceiling for 75mins to test it well and it held up well! No issues whatsoever. So I just used a marker and coloured black the small grazed area - which was already down to the bare metal of silver colour - and everything went well. Following pix shows the old one (with its box) on top and the new one below. Now I'm just gonna use the old unit as a paperweight, perhaps ;-)

[/URL]IMG_3747 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

KUDOS INDEED TO GEARBEST.COM! To those who feel apprehensive about dealing with, DONT WORRY & just deal with them.

Now for the G30 review........ I was very happy that the flat-top Samsung INR18650-25R worked well together. I was a bit worried that I could only use the regular li-ion ICR type, even with a PCB. Esp since the INR was the best of both worlds - stability & performance. Plus the Samsung 25R is one of the best INR in the world and I got them for a mere US$15/PAIR.

[/URL]IMG_2549 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

The battery indicator light only indicate the battery life for a few seconds then it would shut off. I guess this was designed this way to save battery. But I agree that it would've been better to had left it on the whole time, esp since its just a tinny dot which wouldn't use too much power. The back switch went pressed & held for 1-2secs would activate the turbo mode BUT ONCE YOU LET GO, the light goes off. I guess this is for those quicky moments only unlike the side button which would on the unit continuously until its turned off. My only gripe for the Kalurs G30 is that it does get uncomfortably hot when its on the turbo mode after a few minutes of usage. I think I'll hack it a bit by putting electric tape on the flat surfaces to act as an insulation a bit. But aside from this, the KLARUS G30 is a perfect kick-*** flashlight that is compact, powerful, heavy duty, ipx-8 rated, high performance, has both flood & spot simultaneously, very affordable & from a good brand !

As for the power of 2,450lumens, I tested it outside 1 night versus the Ultrafire 300lumens and ...... it literally turned night into day! Pix below were taken in our bedroom with the room light off from a distance of 1.5meters. Left is the UltraFire 300 Lumens (zoomable. 2nd pix showing the square diode) & Right is the Klarus G30.

[/URL]IMG_8261 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/URL]IMG_7950 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/URL]IMG_6623 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

Then I ordered 2 Klarus K1 18650 battery charger from and received them after a few weeks. I chose this single charger although I've 4 Samsung 25R, because you can set it to charge slow (0.5mah) or fast (1mah) + auto detect what type&volt of 18650 batt NiMH/Li-Ion/Li-Fe + auto shut off when fully charged + charging indicator + more auto protection features + a very very low price of US$7-8 each (shipping inclusive) ! Oh yah, plus its micro-USB port can be charged from any USB port, whether direct to the wall socket adapter or thru a laptop etc.

[/URL]IMG_2542 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/URL]IMG_2367 by Richard joseph Paraguya, on Flickr[/IMG]

So now my rig is complete and I'm all set for the next few months/years for my flashlight needs! Sorry if this is a bit lengthy and it not only covered the G30 but I wanted to be as thorough as possible and figured that the batt & charger info would be useful too.

Have a great wekend guys. HTH


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2008
Boden, Sweden
I have used my G30 for a while now. The floody neutral tinted beam is nice. But I am not really satisfied with the switch: it's too swampy, I want a more distinct feeling.
And even worse: when I want high mode it now and then jumps over from turbo to medium. I thought it would replace Fenix TK35UE(MT-G2) but I think it will not. Also I like the feeling of Fenix better.

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