Jeff Hanko Tribute thread

:laughing: too but the bridges have been burnt and my crackers are turned to crumbs:crazy:
:laughing: No those bridges are being dismantled and about to get re-built in other EU contries:poke:
Thank you for the kind words Ven, easilyled, eraursls1984, and Ken. Also great pics ken!
Jeff Hanko Tribute t

Jeff is off the respirator and breathing on his own. Still a long way to go but hes trying to come back to us. Keep the good thoughts coming
Re: Jeff Hanko Tribute t

^ One word. Striking. Probably the most striking black light I've ever seen. Very masculine. OK, that's two words, striking and masculine.

If knights of The Round Table carried flashlights .........

~ Chance
Re: Jeff Hanko Tribute t

^ One word. Striking. Probably the most striking black light I've ever seen. Very masculine. OK, that's two words, striking and masculine.

If knights of The Round Table carried flashlights .........

~ Chance

Thanks! I love the Zirconium.
Re: Jeff Hanko Tribute t

Post #950 sounds very worrying. I assume that it refers to the guy we're all paying tribute to in this thread. I hope that he manages to make a full recovery.

I haven't heard this, what I have heard is Jeff has been dealing with some health issues lately. He has been taking antibiotics by IV for a infection. It's been a lengthy process but hopefully he is on the mend.
Re: Jeff Hanko Tribute t

I haven't heard this, what I have heard is Jeff has been dealing with some health issues lately. He has been taking antibiotics by IV for a infection. It's been a lengthy process but hopefully he is on the mend.

I certainly hope that things are not as bad as they sound in that post. :candle:
Re: Jeff Hanko Tribute t

He was posting on FB a couple of days ago, was in good spirits.
Re: Jeff Hanko Tribute t

Jeff is off the respirator and breathing on his own. Still a long way to go but hes trying to come back to us. Keep the good thoughts coming

This is a scandalous lie, and one hell of a first post. Moderators, please banish this troll. Some people's children..... :(

Jeff is on the mend and doing better than he has since being ill. He is not, and has not been on a respirator. He is actually doing some limited work in the shop. Thank you all for your concern.
Re: Jeff Hanko Tribute t

This is a scandalous lie, and one hell of a first post. Moderators, please banish this troll. Some people's children..... :(

Jeff is on the mend and doing better than he has since being ill. He is not, and has not been on a respirator. He is actually doing some limited work in the shop. Thank you all for your concern.

Thank goodness for that and thanks for the clarification Jon.
I hope Jeff makes a full and speedy recovery and am pleased to hear that he's improving.

I can't understand the mentality of somebody that would post something to deliberately upset everybody.
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