Pandemic Mental Health - How YOU doin'?


Jul 16, 2012
That "fall feeling" hit yesterday with a cloudy, drizzly day. Might have hit 70°. So did that wake-up-in-the-dark thing. That always seems to happen over the span one day somehow. Winter could be rough for a lot of people. Right now I'm running, cycling, and kayaking after work. These evenings after work are getting shorter though. I can do some of that in the dark, but not ideal. I'll have to find something else to keep moving. Working out indoors is pretty ridiculous IMO and I just can't stick with it.


Feb 29, 2004
That "fall feeling" hit yesterday with a cloudy, drizzly day. Might have hit 70°.

Same in DFW yesterday - except it was more like 75F daytime high. Reminded me of the Oregon coast.

The morning was glorious: about 55F when I walked the dogs - prime T-shirt weather while my neighbors were all North Face'ed up like they were about to trek across frozen tundra. Such is life in the Dallas area.
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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Just reviving a thread to rant on SQUIRRELS!

15 years ago, those furry tailed rats chewed up the power lines to my in-tank electric fuel pump of my motor home. They didn't eat them all the way through, so the wires didn't break until we were on our way back home, but still 80 miles away. Yeah... the shop had to drop the tank to find the problem, and between the tow, and the repair, it cost me about $600.

Recently I pulled my snow blower out to prep it for winter. The rats, chewed up it's gas cap, and fuel line.
After the repair, (which required TOO much removal of stuff to get to it), I surrounded the engine with 1/2 inch wire mesh.
The top 2/3rds is removable.


So now, here we are during this Covid thing, staying as distant as possible, and trying to maintain sanity by doing family things, outside as much as possible (because winter is coming) and thinking that apple picking, or pumpkin picking would be good. We do both pretty much each year.

Now, those outdoor activities are so over crowded, that you need to make a reservation.

There are places where we can obtain pumpkins, and we considered picking up a couple and doing the carving, and decorating thing. But those furry little rats have destroyed the little 4 inch pumpkins we put out as ornaments. They chewed them up, spit them out, dragged them around the front lawn, and didn't clean up after themselves. Little rats. If we put out 20 pound pumpkins, one can only imagine the mess they would make.

They are cute watching them chase each other around, trying to get lucky and "do the dirty"

I reserve the right to continue the rant at any time. :)
What are your thoughts?
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Sep 3, 2012
Best part about that solution is its effectiveness, that and there is no shortages in the stores. Living in upstate New York we have a lot of them. Very destructive creatures, the only ones I leave alone are the flying squirrels, they have not tried to destroy my equipment.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I thought of your snow blower saga recently Poppy. I have a car in moth balls that I needed to move. I lifted the hood to install a battery to start it and saw thousands of acorns stashed inside the engine bay.

I scanned over the engine bay for chewed items to ensure nothing would catch fire or worse. Nothing apparent so I turned the key and viola, success. The car was moved no problem. But then I blew out all those acorns with my cordless leaf blower and gave things a look see. It was a mouse.

The clothes dryer sheets had worked at keeping out squirrels but not mice. Luckily mice like peanut butter. Well not lucky for Mickey (rip) but for me. So far only one has taken the bait.
A coworker who has classic cars all over the place swears by clothes dryer sheets inside his cars as squirrel repelent. Does it work? I dunno, but I had no squirrel damage.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
A few years back, I read on another car/truck forum, that lying down sheet plastic and driving the car/truck over it when putting it in storage helps against mice. It is thought that they don't like walking on it.
Squirrels on the other hand can jump pretty darn far, and I see muddy little foot prints on the seat of my lawn mower each time I go out to it. Unfortunately it will live out-doors.
I'll try some dryer softener sheets in the engine compartment... can't hurt! Thanks for the reminder.

I'm glad that you didn't have any damage to your car. Tracking down faults in a wiring harness can be a bit tedious and frustrating.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
A few years back, I read on another car/truck forum, that lying down sheet plastic and driving the car/truck over it when putting it in storage helps against mice. It is thought that they don't like walking on it.
Squirrels on the other hand can jump pretty darn far, and I see muddy little foot prints on the seat of my lawn mower each time I go out to it. Unfortunately it will live out-doors.
I'll try some dryer softener sheets in the engine compartment... can't hurt! Thanks for the reminder.

I'm glad that you didn't have any damage to your car. Tracking down faults in a wiring harness can be a bit tedious and frustrating.

I moth balled it due to a mystery ground issue causing the low oil pressure lamp to light then a mystery coolant leak shortly after I had finally solved a few other mystery issues. I had narrowed the ground issue to a couple of places left to check when the coolant leak developed. ENOUGH!! So I parked it.
I kept it insured for a couple of years in case space junk landed on it. After 3 years with no such luck I retired the tags and stopped insuring it.
When I put it back to it's storage spot I'll place a blue tarp inder it. Thanks for the tip.

Pandemic mental health? So far so good. Living a hermit life since 03 has its advantages I guess.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 3, 2010
I am so glad we don't have rats where we live. Nasty creatures. Fun Fact: Alberta Canada is the largest inhabited area on the planet that is rat-free.

Keep telling dad-jokes. They make people smile every time for a multitude of reasons.


Sep 3, 2012
I have had a couple of issues with rats this year, my friend has a dairy farm .5 miles away and sometimes they migrate. I am terrified of rat traps but they work well. Rats are carnivorous so a small bit of hot dog zipped tied to the trigger plate is the way to go. Another friend of mine told me that trick and it works very well.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
While the Early Bird gets the worm, it's the second rat that gets the cheese. I thought a joke might improve some member's MH.
Very funny :thumbsup:

Mr Fixer,
There was a time that I spent a lot of time at the BroncoZone forum, and FullSizeBronco forum.

I got help at one or the other when I needed help, and actually became pretty good at diagnosing / troubleshooting computer controlled engines.
I also got personal satisfaction out of working my way through wiring diagrams, and helping others fix their trucks.

Repair manuals that are used in shops that are much more detailed than Haynes, or Chilton's are often available online. FORD's EVTM Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual is so detailed that it lists where and which wires are spliced together. Without that level of detail, it can be next to impossible to find the culprit.


I imagine that Honda also has that info available.

I still pop in at either of those sites now and then to help out. It passes my time in a constructive way. It also keeps some of those old neurons firing.

Keeping old neurons firing is an anti-Covid kind of exercise. :)
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
My daughter' principal and teacher tested positive. Had to go get tested and my wife had to go get tested (for the 170000th time). My wife is exposed to people every single day with the virus and has been for months. I'm almost positive I already had it back in March. I ran a fever with pink eye for 2 weeks and couldn't breathe. Chest still hurts at times although I can still run pretty well. (I'm 260 and can run 3 miles in 30 minutes when my knees allow it, I used to do about 19 minutes at 220) Doesn't mean I can't catch it again but "THE EXPERTS" as some people on the forum like to call them still can't tell us if that is possible. My daughter is on quarantine even though she has had no symptoms at all and it's been over a week. I am not quarantined and my wife is not quarantined. Explain that. Somebody. Anybody? Any EXPERTS on here want to weigh in? I feel sorry for everyone dealing with this junk directly or indirectly. Which is all of us. As I've said in several other threads just take care of eachother. We all come from different backgrounds. We all have different thought processes. NONE of us are better than any of the others. Keep that in mind, quit fighting on a damned flashlight forum and take care of eachother.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
NJ's Governor Murphy says we need to find a way to combat "Pandemic Fatigue"
"The numbers we're getting day-to-day are sobering," Murphy said. "They are constant reminders that not only are we not out of the woods, but we also have to find a way to combat our pandemic fatigue and remain vigilant."
Those issues, Murphy suggested, could be behind the recent spikes in numbers.
As the weather gets colder and people get tired of social distancing, the governor said, New Jersey is seeing outbreaks in cases caused largely by gatherings in homes.

When this started, we stayed at home, never venturing off of our property, except to go food shopping. That was only once a week, and at that, it was often a "Order online, and pick up at the store". For months we didn't do any fast food, or take out from the pizza parlor. Gradually the State's numbers got better, and our fatigue increased to the point that fast food, and/or take out is a normal daily occurrence.

The numbers in or State (NJ) are rapidly increasing once again. With the days getting shorter, and nights longer, and temperatures dropping, (reducing outdoor dining opportunities) I don't know how well we will handle being locked up for the winter.

So... as the title of this thread asks --- "How YOU Doing?"


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
It stands to reason that as the weather cools people tend to gather indoors more. During really hot weather the same applies. Outdoor gatherings become indoor gatherings. That's why before this pandemic colds and flu tend to spike in winter, and at times summer. My neighbor was out of work for two weeks recently due to an influenza bug. He is a contract mail carrier who plays by the cdc suggested rules yet ended up with the flu in late September. He has no idea who he got it from because nobody in his circle has had it (that they knew of).

On the construction sites we gauge the wind and speak to each other in loud conditions in a way that ensures both parties are in a neutral position. In other words if a wind is blowing we make sure that neither person is facing it. If no wind is blowing and you have to speak to someone close up so they can hear you we cup a hand and holler into the other persons ear through a cupped hand. Mask or not.

When working indoors it's always ensured that air is briskly circulating to reduce potential viral load. So far so good. The 6 foot rule is a normal thing now and so is a fist bump. Bottom line is many people around me do not have the luxury of working from home or being able to always spread out. We go out the door in the morning (or evening depending on the work schedule) and end up around people we have no idea if they are a carrier or not. So we try to practice "cold and flu" reducing tactics as not one of us wants to be "that person" who got it, or gave it away. Life goes on.

My sister has a co-morbid situation so she retired as a school teacher last spring. She lives in a place where "outsiders" were not allowed until May or June I forget. But when outsiders were allowed many of them were from NE America and they saw cases rise like a helium filled birthday balloon. So she decided to retire and possibly go back part time after it's done. Last Christmas we joked about "this new virus in China" saying "if this thing hits the US we'll be in rough shape by July 4th". This Christmas we will probably not gather. Perhaps we'll FaceTime or something like that but that rules out my drunk brother who still uses a flip phone and has major hearing loss (from what he like to say) Blue Oyster Cult

Is it going to be a dark winter as some say? For some, hellyeah. But for some it'll be business as usual. But I'm noticing less and less people not covering their face. One tactic very popular on the construction site is the bandanna since it does not really mute your speech like a dental mask or those super filters, yet it catches your spit when having to holler. Another is a cut off shirt sleeve that you can wear around your neck like a gator and easily deploy, yet is easy to breathe with since it has an open bottom to allow fresh air from below while catching spit droplets. It also complies with mask mandates.

I enjoy seeing all of the interesting things people use. There's tons of bandanna styles now, or company logos, or just plain old bank robber types. Style during the pandemic keeps it interesting. I am fortunate enough to live in a place that has not been overwhelmed like metropolis places. Yeah, it's real and it's serious but we aren't packed into sardine cans when commuting to and from work and things like the super populated areas deal with.

In my work I now travel each day through and area on the interstate where you keep your head on a swivel, stay in your lane and cross your fingers with a kung fu grip on the steering wheel that today is not the day it goes from "not if but when" you got caught up in the big one at the Talledega speedway called I-95. Arrive at work without any new dents and play the game called life, return home with head on a swivel hope today was not the day you became one of the case numbers now called 'infection numbrrs'.
Overall I'm doing ok. The corona fatigue became just another day after a while. Proceed with caution but……keep on proceeding.
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Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
If you have a cat you'll probably get this.


Even if you don't you still might.
LMAO :crackup:

Yep, not hard to imagine what comes next even if you don't have cats. I had a glass jar of alcohol on my workbench once and one of my cats did exactly that, then flew out of the room the second the jar hit the floor.


Apr 8, 2002
NJ's Governor Murphy says we need to find a way to combat "Pandemic Fatigue"
"The numbers we're getting day-to-day are sobering," Murphy said. "They are constant reminders that not only are we not out of the woods, but we also have to find a way to combat our pandemic fatigue and remain vigilant."
Those issues, Murphy suggested, could be behind the recent spikes in numbers.
As the weather gets colder and people get tired of social distancing, the governor said, New Jersey is seeing outbreaks in cases caused largely by gatherings in homes.

When this started, we stayed at home, never venturing off of our property, except to go food shopping. That was only once a week, and at that, it was often a "Order online, and pick up at the store". For months we didn't do any fast food, or take out from the pizza parlor. Gradually the State's numbers got better, and our fatigue increased to the point that fast food, and/or take out is a normal daily occurrence.

The numbers in or State (NJ) are rapidly increasing once again. With the days getting shorter, and nights longer, and temperatures dropping, (reducing outdoor dining opportunities) I don't know how well we will handle being locked up for the winter.

So... as the title of this thread asks --- "How YOU Doing?"

Weary... :sigh:

Funny... "as the weather gets colder... gatherings in homes...". It's just the opposite here. The temps have finally dropped into the low 90's/high 80's and we are finally getting to bust OUT! We can finally shake the cobwebs out of our hoodies for those 60's evenings and get out for hiking, disc golf, regular golf, off roading, etc. We haven't had any measurable rainfall since April (true story!). It is DRY! Tough on the sinuses and eyeballs.

I did have a "normal" day this past week... the OLD normal! Finally got to go to champagne brunch with my girlfriend again and then spend the day visiting and catching up at the cigar bar. People came and went and we all got to catch up on our lives and I won $40 in a poker game! :grin2: It was truly an awesome day!

The next day, Honey got into an accident with the Slingshot - totaled the Slingshot. Honey is fine... a little bit of a sore neck and back but otherwise unharmed. Totally not his fault! This 82 year old dude driving a pickup towing two jet skis on a trailer took a right turn from the left lane in front of Honey. Literally ran over the Slingshot. Now Dude refuses to give a statement to our insurance company and completely lied to his own. So fight is on. Fortunately, it's not my first rodeo taking accident photos so I took lots... and video too. Those along with the police report tell the REAL story. It will all come out right in the end but will now take more time than it should. Why can't people just do what's right from the beginning? :shakehead So I suppose that event was OLD normal too. Life goes on. :shrug:

Although I intensely abhor the term "new normal", there are a few things I doubt I will ever go back to once the coast is clear. I doubt I'll ever just go out for the day and browse around grocery stores and retail stores and home improvement stores. Now I just get everything delivered. The good news is I'm saving a lot of money! I've been so turned off by all of the mask-Karens out there and those activities that I used to enjoy have been completely ruined for me. I feel like all of the plexiglass is here to stay forever and honestly... I just don't want to see it.

So the only time I go out anymore is to meet up with friends at the cigar bar for a poker game or two or a trivia tournament, and to get my nails done every three weeks (a girl has to stay classy... even during a pandemic :p). Some of our friends have gotten the covids and recovered just fine. Some got it bad, most had few symptoms. None have died or even know anyone who has died. We are fortunate.

I am still weary though. I feel beat down and locked down and not really motivated to get out there and resume "normal"... because I don't even know what that is anymore. I know what the OLD normal is and when I can, I will try to experience that. But for now... beat down and locked down... and my new 2020 tattoo...


Be well, my friends. :grouphug:


Dec 5, 2009
Northern Victoria, Australia
Weary... :sigh:

Funny... "as the weather gets colder... gatherings in homes...". It's just the opposite here. The temps have finally dropped into the low 90's/high 80's and we are finally getting to bust OUT! We can finally shake the cobwebs out of our hoodies for those 60's evenings and get out for hiking, disc golf, regular golf, off roading, etc. We haven't had any measurable rainfall since April (true story!). It is DRY! Tough on the sinuses and eyeballs.

I did have a "normal" day this past week... the OLD normal! Finally got to go to champagne brunch with my girlfriend again and then spend the day visiting and catching up at the cigar bar. People came and went and we all got to catch up on our lives and I won $40 in a poker game! :grin2: It was truly an awesome day!

The next day, Honey got into an accident with the Slingshot - totaled the Slingshot. Honey is fine... a little bit of a sore neck and back but otherwise unharmed. Totally not his fault! This 82 year old dude driving a pickup towing two jet skis on a trailer took a right turn from the left lane in front of Honey. Literally ran over the Slingshot. Now Dude refuses to give a statement to our insurance company and completely lied to his own. So fight is on. Fortunately, it's not my first rodeo taking accident photos so I took lots... and video too. Those along with the police report tell the REAL story. It will all come out right in the end but will now take more time than it should. Why can't people just do what's right from the beginning? :shakehead So I suppose that event was OLD normal too. Life goes on. :shrug:

Although I intensely abhor the term "new normal", there are a few things I doubt I will ever go back to once the coast is clear. I doubt I'll ever just go out for the day and browse around grocery stores and retail stores and home improvement stores. Now I just get everything delivered. The good news is I'm saving a lot of money! I've been so turned off by all of the mask-Karens out there and those activities that I used to enjoy have been completely ruined for me. I feel like all of the plexiglass is here to stay forever and honestly... I just don't want to see it.

So the only time I go out anymore is to meet up with friends at the cigar bar for a poker game or two or a trivia tournament, and to get my nails done every three weeks (a girl has to stay classy... even during a pandemic :p). Some of our friends have gotten the covids and recovered just fine. Some got it bad, most had few symptoms. None have died or even know anyone who has died. We are fortunate.

I am still weary though. I feel beat down and locked down and not really motivated to get out there and resume "normal"... because I don't even know what that is anymore. I know what the OLD normal is and when I can, I will try to experience that. But for now... beat down and locked down... and my new 2020 tattoo...


Be well, my friends. :grouphug:

Come down here to Victoria, Greta. Public anger is growing daily. In a state of just 6.5M people, directly or indirectly attributed to this stupid C19 crap, deaths due to poor mental health are approaching 1,000. More than supposed deaths from C19 in the State. Easy to say, harder to do, but STAY STRONG EVERYONE. Seek help from trusted people if you are feeling down. Family and friends are your rock. Talk and talk and talk, don't keep it to yourself.


Dec 5, 2009
Northern Victoria, Australia
Stay informed people, as knowledge is power, but don't forget a bit of C19 time out when necessary. Turn that telly off. Same with the devices. You can live without them for a day or two. Polish those shelf queens, mow the lawns, go for a drive, sit with a Glenfiddich and listen to music in a darkened room ( my favourite ). Your mind is your own, no one else's. Look after it.
