Man charged with felony assault for shining flashlight at officer


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
There was probably real crime those reporters could have been talking about instead of yet another one making the cops look bad.

Besides, Tony zapped the cop with his flashlight...on purpose. The masked reporter even highlighted it. Yup ole Tony had an @$$ woopin' coming no doubt. You just don't do that to a cop. He did assault the police officer by scorching his retinas and then wants everybody to feel sorry for him. Very stupid man. Unfortunately this so-called news story is a hit piece on the people helping keep ole Tony's neighborhood safe.
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Dec 7, 2022
Well if the police wanted to be shown in a good light they could stop killing black men and combat vets. Oh and they could not bother enforcing stupid US laws. There are so many bad laws on the books, with ITAR as an example, that it isn't even funny even when it is because those monkeys act like they should be enforced. If that isn't bad enough they quite often let the worst scum of society walk the streets to reoffend because they can inform on less serious offenders or set people up. Why do we have more cops than ever but there is a drug problem? Why do the police resemble paramilitaries but they rarely stop a school shooter? Why is the only crimes they seem to solve traffic infractions?

Defund the police.

I know theres cops here but you have to see the problems with all this even if you say nothing or ignore it. You can also think of how police unions protect bad cops or fund the legal defence for the really bad ones. They don't have the phrase gypsy cop for no reason....


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
There was probably real crime those reporters could have been talking about instead of yet another one making the cops look bad.

Besides, Tony zapped the cop with his flashlight...on purpose. The masked reporter even highlighted it. Yup ole Tony had an @$$ woopin' coming no doubt. You just don't do that to a cop. He did assault the police officer by scorching his retinas and then wants everybody to feel sorry for him. Very stupid man. Unfortunately this so-called news story is a hit piece on the people helping keep ole Tony's neighborhood safe.
When a flash in the face becomes a felony, then you can kiss your flashlights, cell phones and flash photography equipment goodbye. This citizen was wronged, and the judge/court recognized that. If it had not been for the citizen's foresight and wisdom to have his wife video record the event, that man would have probably done some serious prison time for nothing. I'm pro-LE, but this LEO was clearly over-reacting. The department needs to screen their officers periodically for stress. This LEO is having some issues, I think.

Earlier this morning, I was actually thinking about the crap that LEOs have to deal with, and frankly, I don't see how they can stand the job. They are under terrible stress, with traffic stops, fighting criminals, fentanyl poisoning hazards, domestic disputes, juvenile delinquency, extremes of climate, long hours, shift changes, paperwork, bureaucracy, political BS...I just don't see how or why anyone would want to do the job. I'm glad there are people that will do it, but the burnout rate must be extremely high.


Dec 7, 2022
I had a policeman for a neighbour as a kid. He served in the military and when he got out he joined the police service. After a few years he went on to become a fireman. There is probably a lot less BS being a first responder as a paramedic or fireman.


Apr 16, 2010
They would have a massive lawsuit, case dismissed or not.

If there is a random car in the middle of the night just hanging around my daughter's bedroom window the light I'd shine on it would be on the end of a firearm.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Had ole Tony accidently flashed the cop yeah I'd agree sol man, but he did it as a passive agressive move. No differrent than "accidently" slapping him as he turned around to walk away. There was intent, malice if you will. The wife with the camera only escalated the situation.

I've approached strangers sitting on my street. One was a cop. I said "oops my bad, sorry to bug you officer" and showed him respect even though he was rude to me. I didn't zap the guy with my flashlight. Why? Because that's a stupid thing to do and a good way to receive a beat down.
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Dec 7, 2022
The police complain but they will use explosives to enter a house. Toss a flashbang grenade in a room with a baby. They will pepperspray arrested protesters. They will beat or shoot unarmed blacks. They stand around doing nothing when Columbine happened. They violate civil rights on a regular basis.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
Had ole Tony accidently flashed the cop yeah I'd agree sol man, but he did it as a passive agressive move. No differrent than "accidently" slapping him as he turned around to walk away. There was intent, malice if you will. The wife with the camera only escalated the situation.

I agree with boosted, the unknown would have been starting at my Kimber
@bykfixer I respect you a lot Mike, but I disagree with you on this. Yes, it was an act of disrespect, but it is not equivilant to a physical assault. Unfortunately, too many LEOs react to actions of disrespect, like when catching a suspect after a chase, and beating them excessively out of rage, because they did not respect their signal to stop, and ran from them. Ego can be a terrible thing. Yes, LEOs have the right to expect that their commands are followed, but

stress + adrenaline x ego=trouble.

I have been through my local PD's Citizens Academy, twice--first in 2009, and again in 2019. So, I'm not a LEO hater. I fly a thin line flag on my front porch with red, green and blue strips, I support LEOs, Fire/EMT and our military. But, I hold them to high standards. If they want respect, they have to behave respectfully. Respect isn't automatic, it is earned. Unfortunately, as bad a job as LE is, recruitment is very difficult, and some/many departments have to lower standards to fill patrol cars, and to keep them filled they ignore problems with officers. This leads to bad policing, which leads to estrangement of LE with the community, and rebellion against LE, and the "defund the police" movement.

I don't know what the answer to all this is, if I did, I'd either be the most popular person in the country, or the most despised person in the country, I suppose. I do know one thing, people need God, really bad, in this nation. The nation has drifted away from God, and it has resulted in more and more misery. I don't mean to preach, I'm far from a saint, but I can see that kids without parents grow up to generally be a problem. We need to restore the nuclear family, and traditional values in this nation, or we are going down the tubes, and end up in the dust bin of history, along with so many other failed nations. I don't want that for my children and grandchildren. I don't want it for yours, either. Getting windy, so I'll stop now. 73


Dec 7, 2022
You know there is a religion that believes in G-d and respects Christians and Jewish people. They tend to enforce religious laws which as good enough really and actually do things to problematic peoples. Like if you catch a thief and cut off his hand he probably won't reoffend and people are less likely to steal if their are real consequences.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
This nation was not founded under that religion, and we have a different kind of legal system. There are countries that have that religion/laws, and if you want to live like that, you can move there.


Apr 27, 2016
The worse our laws get the better religious laws seem.
Afghan women could offer some perspective on how those religious laws are working out in real life. In addition to being banned from getting an education, working, and accessing routine hygiene services, they're now also forbidden from visiting at least one national park and I wouldn't be surprised to see that list of off-limit attractions grow. But hey, they're still useful as broodmares, and I get that women's quality of life isn't a priority for everyone.

I'm a LEO supporter from way back, but felony assault? Really? Thank goodness this encounter was filmed so people know the truth. I'm grateful for the majority of first responders out there, who have a tough job but who possess the common sense to understand why a parent might not take kindly to a strange rig sitting outside their kid's window and can interact with people as humans rather than as Officer Cartman from South Park.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 1, 2007
Sunraysia, Australia
You know there is a religion that believes in G-d and respects Christians and Jewish people. They tend to enforce religious laws which as good enough really and actually do things to problematic peoples. Like if you catch a thief and cut off his hand he probably won't reoffend and people are less likely to steal if their are real consequences.

There is cultural/social context to removing that hand (of a thief), Middle Eastern food is traditionally eaten with the hands and often shared in a group setting, traditional/religious practices dictate that only the left hand is used for bathroom hygiene, no one wants to share a meal with someone who uses one hand for all activies and thus are shun by Society.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
There is cultural/social context to removing that hand (of a thief), Middle Eastern food is traditionally eaten with the hands and often shared in a group setting, traditional/religious practices dictate that only the left hand is used for bathroom hygiene, no one wants to share a meal with someone who uses one hand for all activies and thus are shun by Society.
You know, I never made that connection before. Very perceptive! (y)

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