Man charged with felony assault for shining flashlight at officer

Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
You know there is a religion that believes in G-d and respects Christians and Jewish people. They tend to enforce religious laws which as good enough really and actually do things to problematic peoples. Like if you catch a thief and cut off his hand he probably won't reoffend and people are less likely to steal if their are real consequences.

However, after receiving such a punishment, his right hand wouldn't know what his left hand was doing. 😁


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 1, 2007
Sunraysia, Australia
The worse our laws get the better religious laws seem.

Western Countries have a legal system based on Christian-Judeo values/morals, whilst clearly an imperfect model it remains a work in progress, I would never advocate for a legal system that executes victims of sexual assault as adulterers...


Newly Enlightened
Aug 18, 2019
My goodness.

What has the world come to?

We are afraid to speak out on our opinions or perceptions, lest we be misunderstood, misrepresented and "reported" for the next "cancelling" hate mob.

A cop can't do his duty without some woke do-gooder shouting that we should defund them. (Wokists, please do good by being constructive).
And a man can't defend his family without getting the wrong kind of a@@-whoopin' that ruins his reputation and legal standing for life.

It's a mess. And yes, I'm probably going to get "reported" for this too: I'm a God-fearing man, and I firmly believe that the above mess is just a symptom of the broken human condition. We have to address the root of the problem - ourselves - and then that will flow over into fixing the world.
If you study history for five minutes, you'll quickly see that mankind (No, wokists, that's not a 'sexist term', buy a dictionary - it refers to humanity collectively, men and women) has tried everything, from religion to stoicism, to no avail.
The only thing that can save us is God himself. Read your Bible and you'll see that He finished that work 2000 years ago through Jesus Christ, and offers to radically and irreversibly change and perfect any who ask Him to, from the inside out.

I think the reason threads like this rouse us is that these sorts of incidents remind us of what a broken lot we humans are. We need to help one another, not break down each other or the systems we have created to help mitigate this sort of thing.

It's super interesting to see that a flashlight in the eyes could even be considered in a legal sense. I get that it's a retina burn and evokes a reaction, but beyond that…
I guess I would understand if it was a laser, or even an LEP, but this was not a bright light.

I call stupidity points on both sides, to be honest.
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Mar 27, 2022
Yes, but the arrest will follow him the rest of his life, and could cause problems later for him.
It shouldn't, as it's not abjudicated.

Background checks look for convictions.

We have talked about this before, crime reporting isn't what it used to be.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Felony asault? Uh, that's a little much. What he did doesn't warrant a felony in my view, but did warrant a charge. And again I say the wife with the camera escalated the situation.

Did Tony approach the car with a decent attitude or did he start out rude? His first actions may have been the match that lit the fire. But of course he indicated his action was that of the perfect gentleman.

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Sep 14, 2008
It's super interesting to see that a flashlight in the eyes could even be considered in a legal sense. I get that it's a retina burn and evokes a reaction, but beyond that…
I guess I would understand if it was a laser, or even an LEP, but this was not a bright light.

^ This.

Police are lawfully capable of employing light to see who they're interacting with. But the peons aren't? On this point, I, too, call foul.

IIRC, during the riotous mess during 2020, in Louisville (KY) there was one of a small group of people on top of a parking structure who aimed his light at people approaching up the stairs and toward them. The police were furious, and the district attorney was indignant ... in the "How the hell are the peons allowed to shine lights on us?!" sense. Of course, that light was the weapons light attached to his rifle. The guy was arrested and charged, certainly as much for what they found out after actually reaching the people (that it was a light/attachment device, not a hand-held) as for the fact of being lit by somebody.

In a given situation, lacking any dangerous behavior beyond shining light to see a person, it's hard to claim there's a threat. Irrespective of the fact of a "badge" being involved.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 11, 2017
NorCal, Central Coast
Felony asault? Uh, that's a little much. What he did doesn't warrant a felony in my view, but did warrant a charge. And again I say the wife with the camera escalated the situation.

Did Tony approach the car with a decent attitude or did he start out rude? His first actions may have been the match that lit the fire. But of course he indicated his action was that of the perfect gentleman.

View attachment 48117
Eddy's annoyance to a police officer would have been more appropriate charges


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2007
"Assault" and "Terrorism" are the two largest things overcharged in this country. Any lawyer will tell you that. I was charged with Terrorizing with a "Dangerous" weapon just because cops saw me standing next to a rifle I was going to take out to my car. It's a long stupid story. Law enforcement is such garbage these days. I feel like they should get some real jobs like I have had. Job protecting idiots is all most of them are. I think there's been a huge push to get everyone "INTO THE SYSTEM" and take everyone's guns and other rights away.. like the right to earn a living so that you're less of a threat to the elite. I'll just stop there because I'm starting to get really angry about it.

Okay I'm going to say something else. I used to be a prison guard, and have known law enforcement training for the past 15 years, so I know all about it and what they do and what they're like. I remember working security at a law enforcement academy years ago and these idiots would be sitting around at breakfast joking about tasering homeless people and I usually lost my appetite and had to leave the cafeteria. And at the prison I worked at, most of the guards were worse than the inmates. But you know what they say, "where there is prey there are predators."
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2007
^^ the 50cal was locked & loaded, and were you wearing full body armor. What did you expect!?

That's unfortunately something like the newspaper said, but there was no body armor and it was a 556. And nobody was threatened by it. In fact I was standing next to my next door neighbor talking about things that needed to be repaired in the building when three cops came in pointing their guns at me. The messed up thing is, with the weapon I had that was leaning against the wall, I could have easily killed them all, but why would they be logical about that and not consider me a threat after the fact? They were vindictive about it too and stole my wallet. (so I couldn't bail out of jail) And they wouldn't talk to my neighbor who was standing right next to me who knows I didn't do anything. What a bunch of clowns.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
"Assault" and "Terrorism" are the two largest things overcharged in this country. Any lawyer will tell you that. I was charged with Terrorizing with a "Dangerous" weapon just because cops saw me standing next to a rifle I was going to take out to my car. It's a long stupid story. Law enforcement is such garbage these days. I feel like they should get some real jobs like I have had. Job protecting idiots is all most of them are. I think there's been a huge push to get everyone "INTO THE SYSTEM" and take everyone's guns and other rights away.. like the right to earn a living so that you're less of a threat to the elite. I'll just stop there because I'm starting to get really angry about it.

Okay I'm going to say something else. I used to be a prison guard, and have known law enforcement training for the past 15 years, so I know all about it and what they do and what they're like. I remember working security at a law enforcement academy years ago and these idiots would be sitting around at breakfast joking about tasering homeless people and I usually lost my appetite and had to leave the cafeteria. And at the prison I worked at, most of the guards were worse than the inmates. But you know what they say, "where there is prey there are predators."
Law enforcement is not immune from the general moral decay of our society. Garbage in, garbage out. You can't have good LEOs unless you recruit high-quality people, and it is difficult to find good people anymore. Look at the problem our military has filling their recruitment quotas. They have had to lower standards, too. One benefit from the foreign invasion of our nation is more physically fit men are going to be available for military service. Most military age US citizens are not physically fit enough for military service. It's a shame, but it is what it is. Fortunately, we are on the cusp of having many military soldiers replaced by robots. That will keep the military industrial complex busy for awhile, making soldier-bots. The race for the best AI will determine who wins the cyber wars. Life is going to be very, very interesting soon.

Regarding the OP, the citizen should have called the police and reported a suspicious vehicle. Our man could have blown a stakeout, or a felony arrest in-progress. A quick call to 911 could have prevented the whole affair. A citizen should not leave their home to check out a suspicious vehicle--that's LE's work. A citizen's job is to keep themselves safe. They don't know who is out there, or how many friends they might have. A person could walk out into a gang war, or simply an ambush.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2007
Law enforcement is not immune from the general moral decay of our society. Garbage in, garbage out. You can't have good LEOs unless you recruit high-quality people, and it is difficult to find good people anymore. Look at the problem our military has filling their recruitment quotas.

I've done a lot of both. My main point was that they are out there to GET YOU now.. not serve and protect. And they only hire young idiots these days that the police commanders can control, not older experienced people.

The military isn't offering anything for younger people these days, and we got idiot politicians trying to constantly take whatever is left, like tuition assistance away. Who could blame younger people for not joining anymore. It's really not worth it. And they all get out after the first enlistment if they have a brain and don't get some type of AGR job. I've seen it a million times.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
I've done a lot of both. My main point was that they are out there to GET YOU now.. not serve and protect. And they only hire young idiots these days that the police commanders can control, not older experienced people.

The military isn't offering anything for younger people these days, and we got idiot politicians trying to constantly take whatever is left, like tuition assistance away. Who could blame younger people for not joining anymore. It's really not worth it. And they all get out after the first enlistment if they have a brain and don't get some type of AGR job. I've seen it a million times.
I guess I can't comment on what it is like where you are, I can only comment on my own community. I listen to the local and county LE frequencies where I live, and I have met several of the local officers different times. At one time, the BSA troop that my family was involved with had a local LEO as the scoutmaster, and some ex-LEOs were asst. scoutmasters. They were good people. But this is in a smaller town, not a Metro area. If you live in a big metro area, like Atlanta, or any of the big cities, I advise you to get out, now. Move out into the small towns, far away from those big metros. Get to know the locals. If it isn't for you, then move on. This is a big nation, there are a lot of options available.