What did you use your flashlight for today?

Jean-Luc Descarte

Jul 29, 2020
Where the sun sets fast
I'm not a lawyer. But, if you're going to do something like that.... Don't openly discuss it on a public forum!

Big knife reviewer on YouTube, Cutlery Lover. Many years ago, used to be one of us. Quit CPF to concentrate on his channel. Awhile back, he posted having issues with a couple of squirrels. So, he shot them, skinned them, and made a video about it. One of his subscribers didn't like that. Knew the law where Jeff lives. I'm assuming the subscriber lives in the same neck of the woods as Jeff. And, snitched on him. Apparently some wacko Animal Rights advocates also collect knives. Jeff made a video about how two officers stopped by his property to talk to him about the incident.

Had he not uploaded that video or never made that video in the first place, no one would have known. Some things are best done, quietly. Behind closed doors. Involving no one else. And, they don't need to be talked about; after the fact.
Sage advice. Those who keep their mouths shut don't swallow bugs.

This is why the SSS doctrine exists:
1. Shoot
2. Shovel
3. Shut up


Dec 7, 2022
I'm at work. It is Thursday and I'm there well past the time all my other co-workers leave. There is an IT guy there along with a bunch of tradesmen. He gets a ladder and goes into the ceiling with a little pen light that had maybe 30 lumens.

I sneak away and get a Streamlight Stinger 2020 and flip the switch to warp drive or ahh lightspeed even. :D I aim it up into the ceiling behind him and turn it on.

It was like you see in the movies when G-d shines a light down and the angels sing sorta moment and he is like what did you do??? I told him I turned on my flashlight. Now this wasn't even a Lupine or X21 but it impressed him so much he wanted to examine it when he got down. He only had an old Coast that wasn't even a Lenser.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
I went out early this morning deer hunting for the first time, and used an incan surefire E2O outdoorsman to walk to the blind and set up. Didn't see any deer but it was a good time.
Dragged the trash dumpster out to the road this morning shortly after 6 a.m.. Used my Princeton-Tec Apex to provide my illumination. It appears, I may have gophers in my yard, (the little furry creatures, not the golfers!). Lines of soft, raised soil, with tiny, about 1/2 inch in diameter air holes every now and then. Tempted to hook up a garden hose to a vehicle exhaust pipe and gas whatever it is. Probably violate all kinds of laws, though. Any lawyers here willing to give a little free advice?
Just get mole traps for your yard. Buy them at lowes or anywhere.

I used to have a schnauzer that would dig them straight out of the ground. 😁


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Used my keychain Manker LAD to give our rented golf cart a once over to make sure we didn't leave anything behind. Good thing! I may have left my fleece pullover in the back bucket.



*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
love a pork chop..far as flashlight use everyday i place on in the bathroom as i shower a course its on incase we loose power. when i say day i mean night. thats why i love flashlights there always there for you. im not inot as much as i used to be but still love them. .still play with them. there just a fun tool and a hobby that serves a porpiuse


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
Used my Sure Fire DFT to drag the dumpster out to the road last night. Stopped at Kid's F150 on the way back to the house and retrieved my Princeton Tec Apex that I had left in it over a week ago. Came back to the house and spotlit the thermometer on the porch...28F! It was C.O.L.D. buddy! Frost on the punkin'! Got inside, and tried out the Apex, to see if it worked. It did, so I was curious what batteries I had in it. Opened it up, and surprise! Energizer Max! :eek: I got to get some Lithium primaries in that bad boy for the winter, and order it some Eneloops for the summer. Got caught with my pants down this time. :oops:


Aug 27, 2006
Day before last, 5.11 Response XR1 at the Driver's-side window to yet again kick out a trespasser doing a pathetic job of trying to blend in with other vehicles. Not against the wall. Opposite section. Yeah, I know every single Make and Model of vehicle that is supposed to be in those particular reserved spots from that particular "company." And, your hooptie isn't one of them. Gave him a chance to leave. Walked away. He didn't get the hint. Had to walk back with my stern face on. That's when he finally, slowly, pulled out and drove off.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
We had a water leak at work recently. It's all dried out now, but today I took one of my LED UV lights into the room to see if I could trace the water's path and look for further evidence of damage. I was able to see where the water entered the area and I could also see splashes of dried residue on some surfaces that were otherwise invisible under regular light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
We had a water leak at work recently. It's all dried out now, but today I took one of my LED UV lights into the room to see if I could trace the water's path and look for further evidence of damage. I was able to see where the water entered the area and I could also see splashes of dried residue on some surfaces that were otherwise invisible under regular light.
Mr. CSI!(y)


Aug 27, 2006
Sofrin SP10 Pro (Green body version).

Yeah, found out a few days ago with a different budget light from a different brand that I'm not a fan of Anduril. Way too needlessly complex for a U.I. controlled entirely by one button. Wasn't looking forward to testing out my first ever Sofrin bought a few days ago. Thankfully default U.I. is a good one. Medium output with one button press. Double click from off to get the brightest setting. So yeah, I'm good. Stopped experimenting with the U.I. after that.

EDIT: Clarification.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
Sofrin SP10 Pro (Green body version).

Yeah, found out a few days ago with a different budget light from a different brand that I'm not a fan of Anduril. Way too needlessly complication for a U.I. controlled entirely by one button. Wasn't looking forward to testing out my first ever Sofrin bought a few days ago. Thankfully default U.I. is a good one. Medium output with one button press. Double click from off to get the brightest setting. So yeah, I'm good. Stopped experimenting with the U.I. after that.
Serves ya right for buyin Chinee. :p


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2015
Phoenix, AZ USA
Sofrin SP10 Pro (Green body version).

Yeah, found out a few days ago with a different budget light from a different brand that I'm not a fan of Anduril. Way too needlessly complication for a U.I. controlled entirely by one button. Wasn't looking forward to testing out my first ever Sofrin bought a few days ago. Thankfully default U.I. is a good one. Medium output with one button press. Double click from off to get the brightest setting. So yeah, I'm good. Stopped experimenting with the U.I. after that.

Any time my eyes behold the word 'Anduril', my brain presents me with the word 'Advil'...something I used to live on for pain. It's reflexive - I'm not joking. It's also appropriate, in a rather bizarre coincidence.

To each their own, and all that tommyrot.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
We had a water leak at work recently. It's all dried out now, but today I took one of my LED UV lights into the room to see if I could trace the water's path and look for further evidence of damage. I was able to see where the water entered the area and I could also see splashes of dried residue on some surfaces that were otherwise invisible under regular light.
I forgot to mention, while I was running the UV light I had the regular ceiling lights turned off, so I had my PD36R in my other hand, turning it on intermittently so I wouldn't crash into things while walking around. So that's a two'fer. :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
Spent years using: three/four/five mode ascending and descending, Zebralights (about 6 of them), Crescendo, PFlexPRO programmable, Biscotti, Oveready, SureFire U2 (first release) and other options long forgotten.

Single mode is the best for serious scenarios.

Other than the wonderful FrazLabs for certain applications, Anduril flashlights done right are fantastic. Walking dogs, it is essentially perfect for some of us. Things can go wonkified yes, but a sure foot and a sure hand moves efficiently through the night.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2011
I got the kids a couple inexpensive 100 lumen super floody lights to play with, and I've been taking the kids on walks around the neighborhood lately after dark. We've been having a blast. The lights are pretty decent, too (Hyper Tough 120 Lumen LED Pen Light). I figure with a floody light like that they won't hurt their eyes too much when they inevitably shine them into each others' eyes over and over again.

I carried my usual suspect, a Fenix TK22 TAC, which I use near the bigger roads when cars are coming to ensure we are seen well. I usually shine it on the ground somewhat toward the cars on turbo and they typically give us a wide berth when they see that light. However, today one person was completely oblivious to it even when we were in a well-lit crosswalk and didn't seem to even notice us as he kept speeding toward us. Thankfully I had the kids past that lane by the time he reached us, but his eyes did not even glance toward us or show any recognition of us being just several feet away from his car.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
I got the kids a couple inexpensive 100 lumen super floody lights to play with, and I've been taking the kids on walks around the neighborhood lately after dark. We've been having a blast. The lights are pretty decent, too (Hyper Tough 120 Lumen LED Pen Light). I figure with a floody light like that they won't hurt their eyes too much when they inevitably shine them into each others' eyes over and over again.

I carried my usual suspect, a Fenix TK22 TAC, which I use near the bigger roads when cars are coming to ensure we are seen well. I usually shine it on the ground somewhat toward the cars on turbo and they typically give us a wide berth when they see that light. However, today one person was completely oblivious to it even when we were in a well-lit crosswalk and didn't seem to even notice us as he kept speeding toward us. Thankfully I had the kids past that lane by the time he reached us, but his eyes did not even glance toward us or show any recognition of us being just several feet away from his car.
Ya I generally start rising the beam as they get closer. No one isn't going to notice a 200 or so lumen focused beam in the eyeballs