Help me understand the popularity of the TS10


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
Of course you can program the aux leds to OFF. Just 7C from Off to cycle aux hi-lo-blinking-off.
You can also enter 5C momentary mode which bypasses all aux LED settings.

I see, so I need to do a rain dance for 10 minutes

Followed by singing Kumbaya with 7 friends

While juggling 5 oranges

Then hop around on 1 leg, while reciting Macbeth

NOW I can select the mode/level I want

Nothing more than gimmicks and BS


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
From all I can tell, this anduril thing, along with this light, needs to be looked at in the realm of a toy. Instead of a serious lighting tool. Whatever that means. With all these modes and options, it's more for someone to play around with. And go ooh…ahhhh turning on turbo for a few seconds at a time. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I am not in any type of search and rescue. Law-enforcement. Firefighting. None of that. I just like lights. And being able to see when I go for a walk at night. And I'm sure this light could do OK at that. Not very efficiently because it's so floody, but it could work. And for only $20, I guess why not give One a shot. I'm waiting for red. If this is going to be a toy, I want it in a nice color. Bright orange would be best though.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
From all I can tell, this anduril thing, along with this light, needs to be looked at in the realm of a toy. Instead of a serious lighting tool. Whatever that means. With all these modes and options, it's more for someone to play around with. And go ooh…ahhhh turning on turbo for a few seconds at a time. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I am not in any type of surgeon rescue. Law-enforcement. Firefighting. None of that. I just like lights. And being able to see when I go for a walk at night. And I'm sure this light could do OK at that. Not very efficiently because it's so floody, but it could work. And for only $20, I guess why not give One a shot. I'm waiting for red. If this is going to be a toy, I want it in a nice color. Bright orange would be best though.

I totally agree, nothing more than a toy, something to play with.

I admit my bias.

I'm a career Paramedic and Firefighter, who uses my flashlights for work, not to play with.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2021
From all I can tell, this anduril thing, along with this light, needs to be looked at in the realm of a toy. Instead of a serious lighting tool. Whatever that means.

Exactly. It's not a Malkoff or Elzetta, which is a malkoff circuitry


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
I guess my biggest problem with this light is the thermal management.
> No one should be pulling 8+ amps from a non-high drain 14500.

there must be some misunderstanding.. If the battery has a 3A max discharge rate, the driver cannot force it to deliver 8A

> That tells me that the LED and the driver are insulated from the body. There's no way that it would kick down that quickly, if the body was able to pull heat away . Or it's a timed step down

it is not a timed step down it is simply a Fet light that will produce a lot of heat at ridiculously high outputs for its ridiculously small thermal mass, if you floor the gas pedal

The TS10 weighs half as much as an HDS that is limited to 200 lumens maximum output.. The TS10 at 200 lumens has perfectly fine thermal management.. there is nothing wrong with the design of the shelf that the mcpcb sits on, and there is no bad design

if we realize that the lumens wars created hotrods, that all exceed the thermal dissipation capabilities of the host, we can choose not to join the Lumens race and just use a 55 gram light, at an output that is sustainable

Turbo is only for marketing, its a waste of batteries, and is not sustainable.. just ignore the 1400 lumens focused advertising.

> The cell would explode as soon as you hit the button. 20 A through a 14500

drivers dont pull 20A out of a battery, the driver just opens the valve on the circuit and lets as much power through, as the Battery is designed to deliver. A circuit can never "pull" 20A out of a 3A battery..

I also dont drive my car with the gas pedal to the metal.. just because it can go 100mph, does not mean I should


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
> No one should be pulling 8+ amps from a non-high drain 14500.

there must be some misunderstanding.. If the battery has a 3A max discharge rate, the driver cannot force it to deliver 8A

> That tells me that the LED and the driver are insulated from the body. There's no way that it would kick down that quickly, if the body was able to pull heat away . Or it's a timed step down

it is not a timed step down it is simply a Fet light that will produce a lot of heat at ridiculously high outputs for its ridiculously small thermal mass, if you floor the gas pedal

The TS10 weighs half as much as an HDS that is limited to 200 lumens maximum output.. The TS10 at 200 lumens has perfectly fine thermal management.. there is nothing wrong with the design of the shelf that the mcpcb sits on, and there is no bad design

if we realize that the lumens wars created hotrods, that all exceed the thermal dissipation capabilities of the host, we can choose not to join the Lumens race and just use a 55 gram light, at an output that is sustainable

Turbo is only for marketing, its a waste of batteries, and is not sustainable.. just ignore the 1400 lumens focused advertising.

> The cell would explode as soon as you hit the button. 20 A through a 14500

drivers dont pull 20A out of a battery, the driver just opens the valve on the circuit and lets as much power through, as the Battery is designed to deliver. A circuit can never "pull" 20A out of a 3A battery..

I also dont drive my car with the gas pedal to the metal.. just because it can go 100mph, does not mean I should
That's not how batteries work. I guarantee that "3A" cell can supply more than 3 A. It's just bad for it to exceed that. Unless it's a protected battery. And 3A will not produce 1400 lumens. Maybe half that.
You are correct that a fet circuit would not draw 20A from a 14500. It was a joke on the ridiculousness of putting an sbt-90 in this light.
As far as heat, I already said I had an s2+ that made over 3000 lumens. It's not that much bigger of a light. And it does not drop to 12% of its output in under 30sec like the TS10. And the s2+ is not a thermal powerhouse. LEDs make heat but not enough for that type of step down if made correctly.
I do agree the turbo is a silly marketing ploy, but I still contend turbo should last longer than a few seconds. Unless the no name emitters they're using are that inefficient, there's something wrong there. Or the thermal management is set far too low that the light can't even sustain over 100 lumens for long. That's the part that gets me. Especially as it's such a floody light it needs a lot of lumens to light anything more than a few feet away. Now if it had a reflector and a single small die emitter and good thermal build, I could see it being a pretty useful light. Even with anduril. Something like the old aviator with 3 aux emitters surrounding a central power led.

Oh well. I'm sure it's a fun little light. Just needs better heat sinking to actually be able to be used as more than a moonlight maker.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
Here is a Red host w 4000K LED and Red Aux
a Red host w 5800K LED and Orange Aux,
for $20 shipped.. (be sure to order with battery)
Thank you. I did see that link. If I choose a battery, only option is black 4k with red or blue aux. if I choose no battery I can have a red one with orange aux, but only 5800k. A bit cool for my taste


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
If I choose a battery, only option is black 4k with red or blue aux.
we are getting different results, for 4000K I see Red host w Red Aux:
Screen Shot 2023-11-28 at 6.39.16 PM.png

Well I just ordered one directly from their website. Red with 4k emitters and orange aux. with battery. $18.99usd
Congratulations! 🍺


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
we are getting different results, for 4000K I see Red host w Red Aux:
View attachment 53330

Congratulations! 🍺
Thanks. I feel I'm going to regret this. I already try not to carry my convoy s2+ or T3, just due to the fact they're basically perfect and makes me not want to lug around my big incandescents as much. Lol.
Ya I had the availablility of red aux, but wanted something different as my aviator has red led. So I got orange. We'll see how I like orange LEDs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
We'll see how I like orange LEDs
they are very dim on low, not visible during the day, similar to tritiums.. work great in the dark

the Aux are tucked under the optic cones (one more than others), they are not aimed into a useable beam for walking, even on High bright..

and high bright aux should not be used 24/7, they drain the battery in less than a week. (even though high bright is the default they ship with, I recommend changing that setting)

I recommend this pocket clip upgrade, unless you like the option to use the stock clip on a baseball cap (it works but is rather short and tight on the bill of a cap).. but the stock clip has an issue, that it tends to snag on a pocket seam.. which is why I upgrage the clips on mine, to the one in that link, that looks like this one on my Red TS10 4000K:

some people who are into hatclips (Im not one of them) swear by the one wurkkos offers, on the right:

both of those clips ride on the head and need to be lifted when changing batteries (the one I prefer does not ride on the head)

oh, and, the tailcap is glued shut intentionally, batteries should only be changed by unscrewing the head, not the tail..
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
they are very dim on low, not visible during the day, similar to tritiums.. work great in the dark

the Aux are tucked under the optic cones (one more than others), they are not aimed into a useable beam for walking, even on High bright..

and high bright aux should not be used 24/7, they drain the battery in less than a week. (even though high bright is the default they ship with, I recommend changing that setting)

I recommend this pocket clip upgrade, unless you like the option to use the stock clip on a baseball cap (it works but is rather short and tight on the bill of a cap).. but the stock clip has an issue, that it tends to snag on a pocket seam.. which is why I upgrage the clips on mine, to the one in that link, that looks like this one on my Red TS10 4000K:
View attachment 53332
some people who are into hatclips (Im not one of them) swear by the one wurkkos offers, on the right:
View attachment 53335
both of those clips ride on the head and need to be lifted when changing batteries (the one I prefer does not ride on the head)

oh, and, the tailcap is glued shut intentionally, batteries should only be changed by unscrewing the head, not the tail..
Do you know if the firmware has been updated so aux have some lvp?