A great old friend, and the wear it's recieved!


Mar 10, 2011
West Virginia
I see no reason to doubt mrlysle, what reason would he have to make this up?
Thanks Hondo. I'm glad you at least realize how rediculous it is to think this is some wild fabricated story I decided to dream up. I try to contribute what I can to this forum, and while this particular thread contributes little, I felt it was worth showing because it is so crazy that my method of carry would wear an aluminum light like this. EXACTLY what in the hell do I have to gain from it? Absolutely nothing. Or what sane reason would I have to intentionally deface or alter the light the way it is? For what?!!!! And it is no way intended to downgrade the Zebralight. I love their lights. Carry this one EVERY day. Have several. Thought I had made that clear from the beginning. The light looks like it does from simply pocket carrying it daily for a long time now. It would make some sense if I worked in an environment that was very dusty and kept the fabric of my jeans saturated with something abrasive, but I don't, and the jeans are washed regularly like everybody else washes their clothes. Thats why I thought I would post a couple pics. Just for the interest perspective. Now all of a sudden I'm hiding something or trying to pull the wool over everyones eyes. Bullshit. I think I'll ask a mod to just delete or at least lock this thread. Thought it would make interesting conversation, not turn me into sneaky liar. Ok, rant off. In answer to your questions, I have several pairs of jeans that I carry this light in, and every pair has suffered the thread wear at the top of the pocket. Just not as bad as this pair because this is my favorite pair of jeans to just knock around in. And as far as my daily work? Probably not much different than anyone else. I actually don't think carrying things would be the major contributing factor here, but I'm basically just grasping at straws for a logical explanation. When I got the SC60w, I slid it down into that right front pocket, been carrying it like that for a long time, and this is what it looks like now. Plain and simple. For those that have decided I'm hiding something, or have an ulterior motive for my post, excuse me all to hell, and think what you want!

Colonel Sanders

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 17, 2010
It is because my jeans were starting to look like yours that I stopped EDCing the SC60w so much and started using the SC30w (down loose in my left front instead of clipped to my right front like I did the SC60w.)

But....because of this thread I remembered how much I love my SC60w....and now I'm carrying them both. I'll just have to buy new jeans more often. Maybe someone should sell a little nylon pocket protector for clipped light pockets? Hmmmm...pocket protector...nothing sounds geekier than that! Oh well, it's all good here I guess. :D
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 22, 2011
The Alamo
Cool looking light! I think some people have so many lights that they don't have that one light that gets carried EVERYDAY for a year or so. Just because you carried it "a while" in rougher conditions doesn't mean it will wear more than a light carried daily for a year or two in a less brutal environment.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2010
The pics do not show him in them, but I am gonna wager they are snug well fit jeans. Loose jeans would likely fix the issue if considered an issue. The ano is pretty worn on my olight T10 and gerber shard that I keep in my pocket. Of course from wearing on each other as well, but thats mostly the scratches and knicks, the flat worn parts is just from the jeans.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2009
I think the pictures make it obvious that the light and the jeans have worn each other out. I have had the same type of phenomenon happen back when I worked at the race track. I used to carry a bunch of keys to get into the TIM (self-serve betting machines) and had to walk A LOT in the day. The keys never showed any sign of wear -but they're not made of aluminum either- but my pant pockets didn't like it all that much. Just pulling the keys out and putting them back in wore a few pant pockets somewhat like in your picture.

I still think there is one unmentioned or hidden factor that accounts for the wear, though. Could be because you take it out and put it back in very often, walk miles in a day or it's just being pushed in by your hips when you are sitting down.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2010
I still think there's more to the story. I can't see any conceivable way fabric alone could do that kind of damage. Not even the PLASTIC stuff in my jean's pockets wears away like that.
The guy showed a picture and you still think he's lying ? Jebus :/

FYI the same happens to one of my lights, maybe the metal is softer in some lights than others.


May 14, 2011
Call ZebraLight. Explain the issue and that you are not experiencing it on your other light and see if they will replace it. Unless you feel emotionally attached to it.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 13, 2011
I can hardly believe the negativity and disrespect I am seeing towards the OP.

Thanks for posting OP. That type of wear is interesting to see. The pocket-wear on your pants is also impressive.


Mar 10, 2011
West Virginia
Something just hit me! The seatbelt in my car! It comes right across my lap at the pocket line there, and naturally the SC60w too! I bet that's contributing greatly to wear on this thing. Just noticed it today. Hit me like a ton of bricks! lol And in response to EnduringEagle, this is the only SC60w I carry right now. The others I have are still new in box. I like the SC60w so much, I bought the others to have in case this one ever quits working, which I actually kinda doubt! Love the warm tints from Zebra, and really grew fond of this little guy. It goes in and out of my pocket many times, being used for a few seconds, or a few minutes at a time. It just makes sense now that the added pressure from the seatbelt, and the light inside the pocket, that the cloth is very slowly abrading the aluminum at those few points you can see in the pictures. Yes, makes perfect sense now. I really found it hard to believe when I first started seeing the wear, that just carrying it like I do, and removing/reinstalling it in the pocket would do it. But as much time as I spend driving, and looking at the whole picture, I think the mystery is over for me now. And I have no doubt, that if I replaced my current SC60w with a brand new one, it would look exactly like this one after awhile. That's a lot of added pressure when I'm sitting with my seatbelt on, adjusting my position frequently. When I leave my house to start my work rotation, it's 3.5 hours min, before I take off my seatbelt and get out of the car in Gettysburg. Done it many, many, times. At least it all sure makes sense to me now, as far as the wear on my light goes. Ok, done babbling now. Take care folks! :)


Dec 16, 2007
Something just hit me! The seatbelt in my car! It comes right across my lap at the pocket line there, and naturally the SC60w too! I bet that's contributing greatly to wear on this thing. Just noticed it today. Hit me like a ton of bricks! lol And in response to EnduringEagle, this is the only SC60w I carry right now. The others I have are still new in box. I like the SC60w so much, I bought the others to have in case this one ever quits working, which I actually kinda doubt! Love the warm tints from Zebra, and really grew fond of this little guy. It goes in and out of my pocket many times, being used for a few seconds, or a few minutes at a time. It just makes sense now that the added pressure from the seatbelt, and the light inside the pocket, that the cloth is very slowly abrading the aluminum at those few points you can see in the pictures. Yes, makes perfect sense now. I really found it hard to believe when I first started seeing the wear, that just carrying it like I do, and removing/reinstalling it in the pocket would do it. But as much time as I spend driving, and looking at the whole picture, I think the mystery is over for me now. And I have no doubt, that if I replaced my current SC60w with a brand new one, it would look exactly like this one after awhile. That's a lot of added pressure when I'm sitting with my seatbelt on, adjusting my position frequently. When I leave my house to start my work rotation, it's 3.5 hours min, before I take off my seatbelt and get out of the car in Gettysburg. Done it many, many, times. At least it all sure makes sense to me now, as far as the wear on my light goes. Ok, done babbling now. Take care folks! :)

Now that seems like a very reasonable hypothesis! That would definitely be an additional source of pressure and wear to help explain that abrasion, especially if you are in the car for hours per day. That was the kind of thing that I meant when I wrote what I did below. I apologize to you, mrlysle, if I came off as antagonistic previously. I never doubted that the wear had occurred naturally, or thought you intentionally defaced it. I just felt strongly that there had to be something that was contributing to the wear, even if it was not immediately obviously what it was. Perhaps that did not come across the way I meant it. And I still do think the light looks cool the way it is. Shows you really use it. Peace dude. :)

I do not doubt that this wear occurs as a result of EDC, many people are hard on their lights. But my experience posted above leads me to believe that there MUST be some additional source of friction and wear on the ZL during normal use that is not being accounted for.
At any rate, well worn lights ARE cool, and I think the abrasion on this light DOES add some interesting character to it. It's good to see well-loved tools. :)

Still around slice? Thought you didn't like it here. How's your coup d'état going?


May 22, 2010
Heidelberg Area, Germany
Interesting thread, shows once again why it is a good thing to have duplicates of things you like. Btw I never had a doubt that the jeans cloth alone can produce that wear (the seat belt makes sense too). It may seem that jeans is soft, but the same thing goes for polishing cloth and polishing is nothing else than a very fine abrasion. Or just look at what water does to stone (Grand Canyon / Colorado River)



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2009
Something just hit me! The seatbelt in my car! It comes right across my lap at the pocket line there, and naturally the SC60w too! I bet that's contributing greatly to wear on this thing. Just noticed it today. Hit me like a ton of bricks! lol And in response to EnduringEagle, this is the only SC60w I carry right now. The others I have are still new in box. I like the SC60w so much, I bought the others to have in case this one ever quits working, which I actually kinda doubt! Love the warm tints from Zebra, and really grew fond of this little guy. It goes in and out of my pocket many times, being used for a few seconds, or a few minutes at a time. It just makes sense now that the added pressure from the seatbelt, and the light inside the pocket, that the cloth is very slowly abrading the aluminum at those few points you can see in the pictures. Yes, makes perfect sense now. I really found it hard to believe when I first started seeing the wear, that just carrying it like I do, and removing/reinstalling it in the pocket would do it. But as much time as I spend driving, and looking at the whole picture, I think the mystery is over for me now. And I have no doubt, that if I replaced my current SC60w with a brand new one, it would look exactly like this one after awhile. That's a lot of added pressure when I'm sitting with my seatbelt on, adjusting my position frequently. When I leave my house to start my work rotation, it's 3.5 hours min, before I take off my seatbelt and get out of the car in Gettysburg. Done it many, many, times. At least it all sure makes sense to me now, as far as the wear on my light goes. Ok, done babbling now. Take care folks! :)

Now that makes a lot of sense. I EDC 2 lights in a holster on workdays and both holsters are showing a lot of wear -almost like your jeans by now-. I wear these on the right side and they get stuck somewhere between me, the seatbelt and the seat itself. Fortunately I'm not driving a new car because the seat shows wear in that same spot. I guess it's time for me to find a different carying position or method before I need to buy 2 holsters and a car seat cover.

[...] Maybe someone should sell a little nylon pocket protector for clipped light pockets? Hmmmm...pocket protector...nothing sounds geekier than that! Oh well, it's all good here I guess. :D

You could always try pocket protectors made for pens. I'm a definite holster guy, so I'm starting to think about sewing a nylon strip to the front or side of my pant legs and carry my holsters there instead.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 14, 2007
Interesting thread, shows once again why it is a good thing to have duplicates of things you like. Btw I never had a doubt that the jeans cloth alone can produce that wear (the seat belt makes sense too). It may seem that jeans is soft, but the same thing goes for polishing cloth and polishing is nothing else than a very fine abrasion. Or just look at what water does to stone (Grand Canyon / Colorado River)


Also, if your work involves any kind of fine abrasive dust, that will accelerate wear quickly in a pair of jeans. My coin pocket EDC light and other small tools I carry go from mint to stonewashed in no time at all depending on the kind of construction work I'm doing. Get enough fine grit in your pocket, and you might as well be buffing whatever's touching the denim with a rubbing compound every time you move.

On the other hand, some tools seem to find lightweight denim delicious:

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Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2010
Still around slice? Thought you didn't like it here. How's your coup d'état going?
What coup? You don't have to do anything for people with more integrity than $$$ to realise what goes on :) my tongue is still pink thanks.
Besides nothing much has happened lately, and what does remain seems to get deleted in amusing IT disasters. You couldn't make this stuff up.

On topic, sometimes I wonder if a flat light has its place, you can get flat lithium batteries.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2007
I pocket carry my Ti Preon 2,and I don't see anywhere near the wear you're describing.Wonder what the difference is with the Zebralight.