Anyone worried about this?

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Newly Enlightened
Sep 15, 2023
I would like to add that almost none of these coincidences, like Jabe said, never happened during 2016-2020?? Explain that someone? There were always some, but not like the frequency of mishaps from 2021-2023. Not coincidence at all. 2016-2020, no conflicts, no wars, no invasions, etc. Coincidence?? No. But not just for one man. the main issue is the one party now that all of this is happening in the USA and abroad. ?? Why. I know the answer.

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
Tunnel vision again rears its skinny head as it focuses only on one problem of its choosing, and ignoring the reality coming from all around. Head stuck in the tunnel, it can see nothing else.

Anyone who makes edgy accusations and claims that all is the blame of their sole favorite target is usually blind in at least one eye.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I would like to add that almost none of these coincidences, like Jabe said, never happened during 2016-2020?? Explain that someone? There were always some, but not like the frequency of mishaps from 2021-2023. Not coincidence at all. 2016-2020, no conflicts, no wars, no invasions, etc. Coincidence?? No. But not just for one man. the main issue is the one party now that all of this is happening in the USA and abroad. ?? Why. I know the answer.
Oh grow up.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
Nope, not like the frequency and the timing of all other huge mishaps. Too much to be coincidence.

This is the 'small data set' fallacy.

"The nicer houses didn't burn"
These almost always have larger yards that are well-maintained (no debris/dead stuff/etc).

And reminder, there's no conspiracy.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 15, 2023
Tunnel vision again rears its skinny head as it focuses only on one problem of its choosing, and ignoring the reality coming from all around. Head stuck in the tunnel, it can see nothing else.

Anyone who makes edgy accusations and claims that all is the blame of their sole favorite target is usually blind in at least one My one eye is literally close to blind. LOL

Tunnel vision again rears its skinny head as it focuses only on one problem of its choosing, and ignoring the reality coming from all around. Head stuck in the tunnel, it can see nothing else.

Anyone who makes edgy accusations and claims that all is the blame of their sole favorite target is usually blind in at least one eye.
I am literally almost blind in 1 eye. Oh, you mean figuratively! LOL


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
OK, so we are getting silly.
If Hamas was to attack wouldn't it be by way of uni-bombers?

Wouldn't the most targeted population be the Jewish?
Or any large group of Americans.
If a terrorist group wanted to really scare Americans, the place to attack wouldn't be in large cities where such things are expected. I've read that attacking shopping malls around the holidays would deeply scar the American psyche. So would initiating multi-car pile-ups on a bunch of Interstates, preferably over a period of a few days. Many Americans think they're safe if they're outside larger cities. An attack like I mentioned would paralyze the entire country with fear, probably cost more than the 9/11 attacks in terms of economic damage, and (to quote a line from Avatar):

"Now, the hostiles believe that this mountain stronghold of theirs is well protected by their – their deity. And when we destroy it, we will blast a crater in their racial memory so deep that they won't come within a thousand klicks of this place ever again."
Contrary to big city people's opinion, we aren't like the Clampetts, not a bunch of uneducated, inbred backward hicks. We are educated in universities, and those that aren't are still a lot smarter than you think.
Plenty of really ignorant people in large cities. Sadly, most of them actually. Just like pretty much anywhere else.
We are scared to death that what is happening in the big metros will come to our area, too.
Hence my usual line when I hear neighbors or friends talk about leaving NYC. You can run, but eventually the same problems are coming your way no matter where you go, short of living in the middle of rural Alaska off-grid. Best to just stand your ground and deal with them here. Besides, moving is SUCH a hassle.
Really at a loss how "what's happening on TV" is being generalized.

Living in a major metro area (Dallas-Fort Worth being #4) like some 83% of the population in a middling suburb and trekking downtown multiple times a week I've yet to witness these horrors being alluded to.
Same here. I feel perfectly safe where I am.
2023 will probably see an uptick in homicides in my burb but the stuff making the news is, shall we say, an occupational hazard for those involved in or patronizing the illicit distribution business rather than more vivid random violence.
Yep, many of those homicides are gang bangers offing each other, like this one not far from where my brother lives.
You and I do this also... generally speaking we shop where the price is the lowest... regardless of the long-term consequences to ourselves and others.

How do you think wal-mart got so large? If people never shopped there, they would have gone bust in Arkansas.
True but with 40 years of wage stagnation in many cases if prices were higher people would simply do without. The stores selling higher-priced goods would be out of business even without Walmart.

I'd gladly pay a little more for things if it meant keeping people in this country in jobs, but for a lot of the stuff I need that option doesn't even exist any more.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
It should not be accepted as the norm, and simply shrugged off. "We" as a nation, need to do better. We put men on the moon, we should be able to get trains to stay on the tracks.
Europe and Japan seem to manage exactly that. They also have trains that average up to three times the speed of Amtrak. Railroads and subways are sadly the neglected step child in this country. It shouldn't be that way. Rail is by far the most efficient way to move goods and people. Done right, it's also the fastest by far.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 25, 2008
With your assertion that it just didn't happen before; you apparently never consider that we just weren't allowed to know

Please remove the tinfoil hats at the door.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
With your assertion that it just didn't happen before; you apparently never consider that we just weren't allowed to know

Please remove the tinfoil hats at the door.
So, you are saying that previously, there was a conspiracy to a coverup. Hmmmm!
"Please remove the tinfoil hats at the door." :crackup:

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
I despise all politicians. Greedy crooks, the whole lot of them!
Can't get more Apolitical than that. 😉
Despite the popularity of this type of non-thinking class warfare based cynicism, it's behind virtually every bloody conflict in history. Substituting any aggrieved group for your "politicians" led to 'guillotine justice' just a couple hundred years ago, lynchings in this country and every other around the world since the beginning of time, and has people being accosted because they appear to belong to a group that is popular to hate. But hey, let's throw some more gasoline on the fire.

It's all fun and games, until they decide that you belong to one of the classes of people with whom they've got a grudge to bear, and at the rate things are going, you probably already do.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Condescension or Condescendence is a form of incivility wherein the speaker or poster displays an attitude of patronizing superiority or contempt. Condescension "is associated with a patronizing attitude, and with other negative words such as divisive, heartless, arrogant, high-handed, [and] dictatorial".

Members of CPF, Let us strive to do better.

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
Condescension or Condescendence is a form of incivility wherein the speaker or poster displays an attitude of patronizing superiority or contempt. Condescension "is associated with a patronizing attitude, and with other negative words such as divisive, heartless, arrogant, high-handed, [and] dictatorial".

Members of CPF, Let us strive to do better.
LoL!! Total lack of self-awareness day, all the way from the condescending opening to the "attitude of patronizing superiority or contempt" of the closing line.

Try to do better indeed.


Aug 26, 2005
If a terrorist group wanted to really scare Americans, the place to attack wouldn't be in large cities where such things are expected.
Fortunately, the 9/11 attackers didn't understand Americans. From what intelligence info I'm able to siphon, they still don't (thankfully). Personally, I always thought they botched the attack. If they dropped an airliner every other month over time, then people would have remained fearful. Their methods of hijacking also were pretty poor.

I always thought the best attack would be on the power grid. Without getting into specifics, if you understand the US grid, there's some attacks which require very little skill and capital but you would be able to knock out parts of the grid for 1-2 months. We saw what happened in Texas and that was only a few days. At the same time, part of me secretly wants to see how the youth would handle no cell phones or social media for a few weeks.


Aug 27, 2006
Knocking out the grid is easy, and for a helluva lot longer than just a couple of months. You just need one item and a delivery system for it. As well as knowing where the right target is. Thankfully that item is not cheap nor easy to acquire.

As for the details?.... Hell no, I'm not posting that on a Public Internet forum!
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