Automatic Emergency Lights


Feb 12, 2013
Central Wisconsin
Moderators; I was unsure where to post this. Please move to the correct forum and you have my apology for my error and your inconvenience. Thank you.

What I'm looking for are a few emergency lights. What I'd like are ones that plug in, like a nightlight, but stay off until we lose power. Similar in concept to the emergency lights in businesses yet on a smaller scale.

I do not want lights with eyes, which turn on in the dark. If they happen to have a manual on/off switch, that's fine. However, I'm not looking for nightlights.

Apparently, I'm not using the correct search criteria as I'm not finding, in the Internet, what I'm looking for, assuming such a critter exists.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
IS that what you talking about?
I used to have some nightlight-style ones from Costco that were indeed nightlights but you could turn them off so they only illuminated upon a power failure. Unfortunately the batteries in them only lasted a few years before they finally went bad.
Try searching on "LED power-failure light" or similar.

I got some good Westinghouse brand power fail lights which have light and motion sensors which you can turn off. They can be pulled out of the wall and used as flashlights. I have seen them in 2- and 3-packs.

Maybe not what you are looking for, but I have some 4 inch recessed lights powered by a UPS backed circuit with some Shelly's in them, and HomeAssistant turns them on if the UPS is on for more than 5 seconds
Only a suggestion, I have installed several IDEAL SK638 power failure fixtures in elderly relatives homes. They have been very pleased with them. They take a replaceable SLA 4AH battery. I work in the building automation, HVAC and security trade, so those batteries are common use to me and recycling is easy. Ideal is in the process of upgrading the product, as well. The next revision may possibly include blue tooth ability . I've no affiliation with the manufacturer other than retail end user.
Morning all. Darn, all of a sudden I have stuff to do. Oh well, I think I'll nosy around the Internet for a bit more. Probably wind up with something simple like the Westinghouse units mentioned above. It's not that big of a deal to have replaceable batteries.
this probably isn't what you're looking for but it has the same functionality in a form of a flashlight.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
This is the best I have found so far - I have one in my house plus others I bought for friends & family. You can switch it to run 3 or 6 LEDs when power goes out - I find the 3 setting is enough to cover a typical house floor while 6 covers a larger ranch-style floor.

My primary power fail light is a Streamlight LiteBox power fail e-spot, but I justified that as a cool flashlight with an additional practical use rather than as the best bang-for-the-buck emergency light. It only works as well as it does because I can bounce it off a big white cathedral ceiling and get some diffuse coverage.

Thank you, I'll look into those.

I find it odd that all I want is a simple, nightlight like device, that turns on when the power goes off and I can't find it.
Oh, I wasn't, Poppy. I was also looking at those. I was holding out to see if I could find any that had replaceable batteries. These are sealed units apparently. With that said, I couldn't find any and since I can get three of these for $27, I guess they're the winner.

BTW, thanks to all who helped me with this, it is very much appreciated.