Binge worthy series


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
I started it, saw three, maybe four episodes, and switched to something else. I was a little disappointed; I thought it was going to have some historical background. If it did, I missed it. Just a lot of drama, in a period time piece.

Ditto here. Had high hopes, but "not my cup of tea".


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
In contrast to 'the wire' the culture shock is entertaining. I'm more enjoying the historical references brought on by the set and items such as the bicycles, door bells (now I know why it's called a door bell) and lighting. So it's not like it's telling historical stories in the plot per sae yet there is history throughout……at least in the first few episodes.

It feels almost like watching that old tv show Dynasty but set back in the early 20th century and in Great Britain. I made it through "the Americans" and "breaking bad" so I may make it through Dowton Abby……


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I made it all the way to the last two episodes of Dowton Abby and lost interest. I've watched both episodes twice and have no idea what happened except they rehired "Thomas" (the villain servant). It was interesting to watch how the upper crust (and their staff) in Great Britain dealt with sociatal changes in the late 1910's and early 1920's such as electric appliances, women's rights and the evolution of automobile.

One episode minic'd the first time the King had ever done a radio broadcast. Another had a high end cook speak of radish in a jar being as good as home made. At that time in history lots of former military pilots from WW1 got their adrenaline rush by racing automobiles. Servants went back to high school to earn what Americans call GED, while corparate take overs changed the landscape at times. By season 6 the ladies all looked like American women with all of those "night club" looking out fits and hairdo's. Another post WW1 episode had the fire department enter the household during the night using flashlights.

Overall it did a great job of showing life of the upper closs during very rapid changes. They showed how folks handled WW1, the Spanish flu and the Russian revolution among other things. I really enjoyed the quips from gron-mah-mah and the ever faithful Mr Carson showed true class no matter the circumstances. A wonderful example of a true gentleman. I'm glad Mrs Fixer kept watching it in the evenings.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
'Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy" (3 seasons) on Amazon.
Some really funny and interesting episodes highlighting the uniqueness of this country.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
12 Monkeys is a sci-fi show where this one fellow is able to be transported through time from 2043 back to around 2016 when a virus was unleashed on plant earth that kills people in just a few hours. It's a nasty one like the corona but a lot more deadly. It has all of the right ingredients to be an action packed adventure where boy meets girl, villains prevail for a time while the good guys pursue, government intrusion through beaurcracy, shoot 'em up scenes and some mild gore yet it just falls flat somehow. Perhaps it's all of the dialog meant to appeal to the propellerheads who like to read romance novels? Perhaps it's just a dull screenplay? Perhaps it's just the background music is about as exciting as the audience in a golf tournament? Perhaps it's because because it's nearly dark in most scenes while everybody talks in a low tone? I don't know. I just know that by episode 7 I'm not drawn into the plot to see if the good guys wins one for a change or if the love triangle blossoms. Two words to describe this one……Bor-ing.
I'm half-tempted to skip seasons two and three. Skip to the second half of the final season to see if mankind survives, yet if this show is how life will be in 2043, let's just pull the plug now because 2043 is very depressing……
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*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
well i just finieshed off super store .kinda bummed the jonah and amy characters bothered me but its still a fun show


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2014
House, Amazon Prime (yeah that old tv series that I never watched). Just finished season 1 off - had to find out about which of the three he fired.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Normally I have always watched Band of Brothers from start to finish in a day, but this time I opted to watch episode per evening. By doing it that way it did not have the same impact as spending an entire day watching it does from an edge of your chair aspect as you follow the characters from place to place.

However it did give me a sense of what it must have been like for the veterans who saw it for the first time when it was initially broadcast. And by watching it one episode a day, it also provided the enjoyment of Mrs Fixers reactions to numerous parts I've always enjoyed. Oh, man she hated Sobel, laughed at Bull, shouted out "is that guy crazy?" as Spiers ran across a big area dodging bullets, then ran back……and marvelled at Lt, Capt, Major winters. She understood why I made our kids sit still and watch episode 9 one year so they'd get a sense of just how awful the holocaust was and not toss around the term "concentration camp" whenever their freedoms were temporarily restricted.

And at the end I was just about as choked up with man tears as I was the first time I saw it with my pop a long time ago.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I tried to watch "curb your enthusiasm" and actually made it through disk 1 of season 1. During disk 2 it started growing on me enough to lose the urge to punch my tv. Then Mrs Fixer entered the room, sat down and watched an episode with me.
When she said "if you don't punch the tv I will" that was it for that one.
To me it's like Saturday night live……you either like it or you don't. There is no in between.

"Your Honor" was enjoyable. A 10 episode show about a judge who's kid ran over a mobsters kid. The mobster ends up thinking the judge did it and starts demanding favors from the judge in exchange for his life to be spared.
The end made you scratch your head and wonder did the kid who shot the one guy mean to miss the other guy or was his intention to shoot the guy he hit? We will probably never know.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
SWAT season 4 just showed up at my local Wal Mart. Much anticipated as it is a show we watch to forget about all of the chaos outside and just eat some popcorn and enjoy some action tv. Instead it was a big let down.

Instead of at the end of each episode the audience smiling and cheering for the good guy they seemingly chose to try to have the audience throw tomatoes at the good guys.

Everybody knows 2020 was a tough year to be a police officer. SWAT could have been a cheerleader for Americas police force, or even just stayed neutral and kept it about the good guys winning. Yeah, they did that some.

They carved a little deeper into the characters personal lives in between taking down a domestic terror group. Yet the "wokery" was just too much for me to even consider watching season 5. The one thing they did not show that surprised me was no red baseball caps worn by AR-15 weilding yahoos. But they got in all of the other 2020 political stuff.

And it seemed like the virus had disappeared by episode 4……at least in the SWAT bubble. Nobody in SWAT taking Dr Fauchi's advise. I suppose wearing a face covering would mask all of those perfect teeth the actors spend so much money on.

By the last episode I was no longer cheering for the hero, but had instilled in my psyche that the villain is just misunderstood and those people in blue uniforms shall not be trusted……
Good job CBS!


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
SWAT season 4 just showed up at my local Wal Mart. Much anticipated as it is a show we watch to forget about all of the chaos outside and just eat some popcorn and enjoy some action tv. Instead it was a big let down.

Instead of at the end of each episode the audience smiling and cheering for the good guy they seemingly chose to try to have the audience throw tomatoes at the good guys.

Everybody knows 2020 was a tough year to be a police officer. SWAT could have been a cheerleader for Americas police force, or even just stayed neutral and kept it about the good guys winning. Yeah, they did that some.

They carved a little deeper into the characters personal lives in between taking down a domestic terror group. Yet the "wokery" was just too much for me to even consider watching season 5. The one thing they did not show that surprised me was no red baseball caps worn by AR-15 weilding yahoos. But they got in all of the other 2020 political stuff.

And it seemed like the virus had disappeared by episode 4……at least in the SWAT bubble. Nobody in SWAT taking Dr Fauchi's advise. I suppose wearing a face covering would mask all of those perfect teeth the actors spend so much money on.

By the last episode I was no longer cheering for the hero, but had instilled in my psyche that the villain is just misunderstood and those people in blue uniforms shall not be trusted……
Good job CBS!
Thanks for the review.. I'll be sure not to watch it.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Just re-watched Longmire.
Often times I put in a disk, hit play and go about life. So it ends up there are episodes I did not see. Or Mrs Fixer will watch a disk on her day off etc.

Sometimes I yell at Walt "you stubborn mule, can't you see Nighthorse did not do that?" only to discover a few episodes later, yeah Nighthorse actually did do that.

There's just barely enough cussing and lude-behavior that pops up unexpectedly that I shouldn't watch it with the grandson in the room. I did one episode and when Vic spewed out a bad word little grandson looks up from playing, looks towards the tv and says "my mommy doesn't let me watch grown up tv shows"……
oops my bad.

I'll probably watch it again in 2022.
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