Christmas Gifts X! (enter here)


Newly Enlightened
Oct 4, 2010
I just wanted to say thankyou to Csshih and all the donors this is an awesome thing year after year. It truely brought a smile to my family and I
The generosity and kindness offered by members of this community is unmatched anywhere


Newly Enlightened
Sep 22, 2008
I think its great this community can come together and do something like this, I've been inactive for a couple years but coming back and seeing the community still going strong is awesome :D:D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
Hey ccshih,

Martytuazon had to tend to a family emergancy. I communicated with him before he left on where to send his light. Since it looks like he will be the last person it would be a nice gesture to send him the last gift. He really needs some TLC trust me. If that is the case whomever is left can PM me for a mailing address.

Happy Holidays everybody!



Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2010
Right here
Even if he did, you shouldn't have.

Seriously, just stop. You guys are pissing all over this Giveaway. Post after post. No more jest, no more snipes, no more PM this and PM that on the topic itself. (Let's keep in mind what the "P" in PM stands for.) I've seen issues pop up in past years of the Christmas Giveaway, but not even remotely to the extent that it got turned into such a mess. It's time to put an end to the back & forth before it really starts to get out of hand. Let's get back to what matters.

People direct comments toward me, but I'm wrong to reply? That doesn't seem quite right. :thinking:

I would of preferred you didn't say anything at all, but since you chose to, shouldn't you be directing it toward people who overzealously comment on things that have nothing to do with them? All I did was explain my side, as to why I thought it was my pick and quote some rules. The decision was made, this should be over. Stop bringing it up.

I don't follow your whole PM this, PM that and P in PM thing. Was some sort of private information given out that I'm unaware of?

I think you are making this a bigger situation than it actually is. But I admit, I'm a bit annoyed that Tiresius quoted you and then +1'ed it, like he's above it all, when I feel he help initiate this inappropriate commenting thing. :shakehead

This Romanko situation has already been decided, please stop commenting on it. Unless you are csshih, undertheweepingmoon , Romanko or myself, it has nothing to do with you.


Sep 19, 2009
Fresno, CA
Just a few more members/lights and it's all gone :poof:.

They're closing in and next year, I hope to participate in giving out something "Custom" made :D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2003
six blocks from ground zero - WTC/NYC
I think I'm gonna go with the half kilo brick.

Question: Is this produce raw or has it been cut? You mentioned kids, so I assume it doesn't need further processing. Kids usually don't have the equipment to do that. Anybody know the street value?

I'll hit you up on the down low for more info.

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Aug 27, 2006
People direct comments toward me, but I'm wrong to reply? That doesn't seem quite right. :thinking:

Honestly, I didn't even bother reading the rest of your post after that one sentence quoted above. I honestly thought that since several hours had passed without a comment from you or the others involved in that little drama above . . . that finally, you guys got it. You guys understood the main point. Understood what was important. Maybe the other guys did. But you clearly have no clue what I meant. No clue what the Christmas Spirit means.

What the heck, I'll make it just a bit easy for you. What it definitely doesn't mean is squabbling over an item. Bickering back and forth about it. Giving a play-by-play of PMs to make yourself look like the one who's in the right. It's not about who's right. Sometimes it's about being mature and gracious enough to know when not to respond to a negative comment. To know when a discussion or a thought-provoking back & forth is deteriorating to bickering, squabbling, and in general turning into a very unpleasant experience for everyone involved. On an internet forum, it's when you don't respond to certain negative comments made by others that you end up looking good. Getting into it, all that back & forth; exact opposite.

Thankfully, all of that came at the tail-end of this year's Giveaway. So, the rest of us can concentrate on what's important.


Aug 27, 2006
I think I'm gonna go with the half kilo brick.

Question: Is this produce raw or has it been cut? You mentioned kids, so I assume it doesn't need further processing. Kids usually don't have the equipment to do that. Anybody know the street value?

I'll hit you up on the down low for more info.


Well . . . At one point in time, salt was traded nearly ounce-for-ounce for gold in the Middle East.

According to Starbucks anyway, that coffee you're going to get is worth just a bit more than a kilo of White Lady.

(Excuse the crappy 80's drug reference.)


Sep 19, 2009
Fresno, CA
Keep the coffee away from kids :D

I've had bad experiences where kids thought it was brownie mix and ate them. Sure, it didn't taste good but I'm sure you know where that goes.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA
Moved back home for winter break after my finals yesterday, finally have the behemoth of a computer setup :)

I'm a bit disappointed in the arguing in the thread.
This giveaway is generally directed to those in need - those who are at a lower income level and those who normally wouldn't be able to afford lights that many of us (including me!) here have.
Rules are always flexible. People that post here and are unable to show up usually have a fairly good reason why, so I believe that some leniency should always apply.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Romanko sent a PM and hoped the donor could send the light international. If the donor is willing I think he should get the light.


PS: mm, coffee.


Dec 10, 2006
Middle of nowhere, Western Queensland
As far as I can see, the issue is resolved and needs no further discussion. We shouldn't let a little kerfuffle take away from what has been a very positive giveaway. Thanks for organising, Craig, and sorry for being absent when my light was chosen.

I'm actually surprised the coffee lasted so long. If I was on the list, and if I didn't already live on a diet of coffee and panadol, it'd be a very tempting choice.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 15, 2005
Hamilton Canada
Korgath you're up. (Just sent a PM).
Then its kelmo representing Martytuazon.
Then we're done.

8. Streamlight TwinTask + 4 primaries in a battery carrier, generously donated by climberkid
29. 10$ Brite Guy gift certificate, generously donated by [Anonymous]
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
Well . . . At one point in time, salt was traded nearly ounce-for-ounce for gold in the Middle East.

According to Starbucks anyway, that coffee you're going to get is worth just a bit more than a kilo of White Lady.

(Excuse the crappy 80's drug reference.)

Wow, didn't know there was so many "Miami Vice" fans.

"Well played Sonny." - Rico...


Aug 27, 2006
Wow, didn't know there was so many "Miami Vice" fans.

"Well played Sonny." - Rico...

Except for the Yayo and naked Greed, the 80's were a great time for so many things. I wish I was older back then so I could have really enjoyed it.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2010
Right here
Honestly, I didn't even bother reading the rest of your post after that one sentence quoted above. I honestly thought that since several hours had passed without a comment from you or the others involved in that little drama above . . . that finally, you guys got it. You guys understood the main point. Understood what was important. Maybe the other guys did. But you clearly have no clue what I meant. No clue what the Christmas Spirit means.

What the heck, I'll make it just a bit easy for you. What it definitely doesn't mean is squabbling over an item. Bickering back and forth about it. Giving a play-by-play of PMs to make yourself look like the one who's in the right. It's not about who's right. Sometimes it's about being mature and gracious enough to know when not to respond to a negative comment. To know when a discussion or a thought-provoking back & forth is deteriorating to bickering, squabbling, and in general turning into a very unpleasant experience for everyone involved. On an internet forum, it's when you don't respond to certain negative comments made by others that you end up looking good. Getting into it, all that back & forth; exact opposite.

Thankfully, all of that came at the tail-end of this year's Giveaway. So, the rest of us can concentrate on what's important.

Obviously you don't know what you are talking about. There's no squabbling over any item. It was sent to Romanko days ago. I was fine with that from day one. You are totally misreading everything. It's not about the item. It's about establishing the rules and how they work.

If you can't be bothered to read the posts, you shouldn't bother replying. The only bickering going on, is you toward me. And I have no idea why. I never even bickered with Romanko. I was very 'matter of fact' in pointing out how I interpreted the rules. Even ico thought Romanko's time ran out in post #310. Are you assuming malice in that too? You have a messed up view of the world, don't apply it to me. I simply wanted csshih is establish how the rule works.

"play-by-play of PMs"??? I still have no idea what you are talking about. :shrug:

You are the only one making this an argument. Take your own advise and "know when not to respond". Just stop already. It never had anything to do with you. And nothing you are saying is 'thought provoking'. You're just poking the bear for no reason.

Now that csshih has spoken, we know how it works in the future, and you KNOW it will happen again. Not a problem, the rule has been established. Now stop instigating.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2010
Right here
It's been pointed out to me in PM, by someone not directly involved with this situation, that regardless of what I meant or how well I phrase my post, some people are going to assume I'm trying to be greedy just because Romanko and I were choosing the same light.

I want to assure you guys that I am NOT, and honestly never was, arguing about the light. I was only miffed that the 24 hour rule was ignored. Then admittedly annoyed when people misquoted rules and started assume I'm fighting about a light. My intent was never to fight about anything, but to point out what the current rules are and how I thought they should of been applied.

In order to avoid anymore misunderstandings and further strife, I'm going to stop posting in this thread regarding that situation. I hope others follow my example and stop bringing it up. If you must, do so in a PM and not in this thread.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you guys. :santa: