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Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Today's the first day California has had a decrease in ICU patients; you might want to check the statistics on those states that don't feel like "suspending rights"..

They also said today that restrictions would not be lifted until we have at least 28 days with no new cases. Under this new order, wouldn't bringing food or medications to a disabled family friend be considered as a gathering? If this is enforced to the letter of the law, I can see it doing more harm than good. I see the need to limit the spread, but to suspend our rights to this degree is just inviting stupid people to defy it. If you try to legislate stupidity away, you won't have any rights left. Remember, you can't fix stupid.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Covid-19 should be a lesson in social studies, civics, government and history for nearly every person on the planet.

But it probably won't be. :ohgeez:

My boss says George Soros paid a lab to design a virus that will kill just enough people to scare everybody else. My brother says build walls around each state and check peoples papers entering and exiting. A friend says it's 5g morphed the common cold virus into covid-19. Some are taking pictures of small crowds and sending them to news channels. Some fear any germs so they are really freaking out right now. Some say covid-19 is racist. Others think the whole thing is a giant hoax.

Time will reveal what really happened. I see it as a virus that is brand new, has more durability than usual, causes the body's immune system to over react in some and is going to change the way we think for a long long time. Right now when you do happen upon a stranger you probably don't break the ice by talking about the weather. Hopefully a lot of good will happen, like perhaps during next years flu season folks will spread it less, or hospitals will keep better stocked up on supplies, Americans will appreciate their barber more and running errands won't seem like such a chore anymore.
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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
I think what is important , that pharmacies , docs, health services , companies, continue to stock up. Especially with ventilators , masks, gloves and face shields. If this comes back(predicted to) in winter, then we have no excuse to not be more prepared.

Scientists are finding out(not actually surprising given how fast and easy it appears to spread) that it stays air born longer than first thought. Potentially minutes in the air. So someone could sneeze or cough in a food isle. Leave the isle! Then you wander down and potentially breath in the virus.

So as much protection as reasonably possible would be a good move, if and when leaving the house. Every time we leave, be it work, fuel, food we are at more risk. We find out little snip bits here and there, each week a little more found out. It would be very frustrating if we found a simple measure would have protected us months back. If it is more airborn than first thought, face shields as well as specific masks would have helped hugely early on.

I still think if we in the UK would have locked down in January and listened to the warnings. We would have saved a lot of lives. Italy weeks back told us to full lock down, it's still not happened . It's just a part lock down.

stay safe


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
San Diego county in California changed their law banning groups of 10 and over to include any group under 10 people (with the exception of those living with you). I guess freedom of assembly is suspended until further notice. I understand the reason why(people are dying), but I didn't think it was legal to suspend constitutional rights short of declaring martial law. Is that where we're at now? I really hope this isn't the new normal.
Earlier, the Governor of Connecticut, ordered that people traveling out of NYC were to be quarantined for 2 weeks. It was falsely reported that state troopers were going door to door to locate New Yorkers, and to enforce quarantine. And that they were at the borders, turning around cars with NY plates, not allowing them to enter.

His order, whatever it was, was reversed within 24 hours.

When I heard it, my thought was that it was unconstitutional (we have a constitutional right to freedom of movement). My nephew cited three times that certain constitutional rights were suspended, the only one I remember was when President Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus.

I reasoned that even if it was unconstitutional to limit movement, by time a lawsuit worked its way through the courts the pandemic would have run its course.

I think it was mentioned earlier in this thread. The Government only has the power that we as a populace grant them.

Personally, I won't be too concerned during a time like this, unless they come for our guns.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
That is an awesome looking mask!

It looks like the bridge of the nose is a bit wide, and gets into your field of view, but that the filter area is large enough that it may allow air to get through without too much effort.

Here is a picture of one of mine.
Inhaling takes a little effort, not too much, but enough to raise a little anxiety for me.


Yesterday I wrote about my brother stating that some of the doctors in the hospital that his daughter works in, and an expert epidemiologist, thought it was air borne. I wonder how long the "powers that be" were aware of that, and decided to withhold that info from us. I suppose that if they released that information to the general public, there would be panic, and there would be NO N95 filters for the medical profession.

Certainly there will be arguments of pros vs cons of what was done, and what should have been done.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
San Diego county in California changed their law banning groups of 10 and over to include any group under 10 people (with the exception of those living with you). I guess freedom of assembly is suspended until further notice. I understand the reason why(people are dying), but I didn't think it was legal to suspend constitutional rights short of declaring martial law. Is that where we're at now? I really hope this isn't the new normal.
Freedom of assembly has been restricted for many years. Not to the extent as we are seeing here, but certain size groups, LARGE groups, must have a PERMIT to assemble. I believe that is for traffic control, and the safety of the general public.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Yes spot on poppy, I took the pic before crushing the nose part in. Many are not aware, even the cheap masks have a wife of kind in the bridge. To form and creat a seal around the nose.

That mask is not comfy, it's a tight fit and feels like it's crushing your face in!!! Not the best for hours on end wearing.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
To hear San Diego declare folks gathering who aren't kin is illegal should be no surprise to anybody there. Hopefully it will spook enough folks there to see a giant "ENOUGH" by the citizenry there.

In my area the talk is about jobs being lost. One trend I see is businesses restructuring are using covid-19 as an excuse to slash costs. My company for example is a bloated mess. They just slashed the roster of a bunch of dead weight. Conservative radio host Glenn Beck called that one back in February.

Meanwhile pollen has lots of folks looking like covid carriers……
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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Yes spot on poppy, I took the pic before crushing the nose part in. Many are not aware, even the cheap masks have a wife of kind in the bridge. To form and creat a seal around the nose.

That mask is not comfy, it's a tight fit and feels like it's crushing your face in!!! Not the best for hours on end wearing.

Yes ven, I sympathize. Wearing hours on end would not be fun at all.

I am fortunate that I am required to, and be able to stay at home. In fact the government is willing to pay me to do so. :thumbsup:
I am also fortunate that my house is large enough that we are not all crawling all over each other, and that we have a washer and dryer. On nice weather days, we can sit in the yard or front porch, in the sun, listening to music.

I Thank God, that I and my family, are not stuck in small, over crowded apartment. I really feel badly for those people.

I wish you all, and your families, the best.
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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Good stuff poppy, glad your all safe and well in this difficult time. It's important and glad your seeing the positives . After this 12hr stint I will be enjoying some chill time. Netflix, food to wind down later (about 4hrs off). Catch up with family, open my amazon packages :D Nothing exciting , but I seem to be on a jet lighter thing!
Very important to see positives , dwelling on negatives can soon get you down. So I try and set little things to look forward to or do.
Then weekend will be bits of gardening , maybe car wash and eating chocolate! Back in work Easter Monday for a few jobs.

Thank you for kind words, you all to stay safe and enjoy family time. There are no rules against camping out back in the garden :poke:. After all, once it's dark you could be anywhere. Toasted marshmallows and a low output incand light will take you back to being a kid.



Jul 24, 2016
Bergen, Norway
There was a bit of discussion about using coffee filters, filter diameter etc, and I just wanted to quickly comment...

0.3 micrometer is just about that hardest to filter. Corona virus is smaller than that, and actually easier to filter, which is good news. Put in practical terms, a filter size of 0.5 might still be 80% effective at 0.3, yet 95-99% effective at 0.125, about where Corona is. This is very good for us, since the net effect is that a less than ideal filter used out of spec is likely to outperform expectations, and be at least a step up from nothing.

What you'd ideally want isn't an N95 mask, but go all the way up to FFP3. Even if you could buy that, most of us shouldn't, at least not now. Leave it for the health care workers that are sure to come in contact with infected patients. In part because there's more good news:

There'a very little evidence of the virus - alone - being airborne. It certainly is in mucus aerosols, but those are way easier to trap than the virus itself. Larger particles that'll fairly easily get stopped or stuck by a filter. Even a 4 ply home made mask from T-shirt textiles will provide some protection against casual exposure if you jog behind a spreader that sneezes.

If you want to DIY a mask, it's still fairly easy to step up from tshirts or coffee filters. HEPA filters intended for air purifiers or vacuums are good candidates here, even if you buy a filter for an air purifier or vacuum you don't have, just to get the filter. If those are not available, the fabric from the vacuum bag itself will do. I'd take those above a coffee filter, but if I had nothing better, a coffee filter between right woven textiles will do as well.

For any kind of DIY-solution, I don't think the choices in filter material is even the most significant factor, but rather that you get it tight enough to not just drag in unfiltered air around the mask itself. If you're high risk and worried, use masking tape around the mask, to get it tight to your skin. Masking tape can also be used to hold the straps of a DIY or normal mask, to avoid touching your face to adjust.

Mask aside, I think other lapses are probably just as easy to make. If you're high risk and worried, follow the layered approach and gradual undressing on your way in, treat those closed as a risk, and go straight for a shower, including soap-based face wash.

Some of the things here I haven't seen mentioned previously, sorry if I've missed it. Just wanted to mention quickly, in case it might be relevant for any of you.

Disclaimer; I'm not a professional in PPE. Most of what is mentioned here is based on reading up on studies from 3M and others, mixed with a little bit of common sense.

Oh, and: if you have a multi-use dust-mask, perhaps with P3 filters, those should be completely awesome for this. Multi use should be fine, just be mindful to disinfect the non-filter parts. The filter should hold any captured viruses pretty well, and multi use should be fine. Still be mindful of where you place it (an open bag to contain viruses, but let moisture escape).


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Unfortunately scientists are finding out it is more airborn than first thought. They have found it can possibly linger for several minutes! That will also help towards explaining why so many seem to be catching it. I am sure as the days/weeks go on, we will find out more.


Jul 24, 2016
Bergen, Norway
Unfortunately scientists are finding out it is more airborn than first thought. They have found it can possibly linger for several minutes! That will also help towards explaining why so many seem to be catching it. I am sure as the days/weeks go on, we will find out more.

I've seen no indication of it being truly airborne, outside of aerosol. Even so, that still means you can probably sneeze it 4-5 meters, have it linger for half an hour, then land on something where it can live for days, maybe a week.

I think it's easy to underestimate this.
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