cow orkers & other acquaintances who act as if they have a right to borrow your light

Billy Ram

Oct 13, 2009
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I had a guy needing some light the other day so I handed him my 2-D m*g09. He got a surprize!!:wow:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 6, 2009
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I keep a ITP A3 on my keychain just in case someone asks to borrow a flashlight. There are only a few people that I'd willingly lend my H501w or Ra Clicky to and they mostly carry their own lights anyways.

At home, I keep some super cheap 2D flashlights (the kind you actually need to bang on something sometimes to get them to fire up) as loaners/give-aways if a neighbor needs a light.


Launch Mini

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 28, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I was working under a coworkers desk working on some cabling and had my Tri V. Another fellow picked it up and was about to play with it. I physically had ti remove it from his hand as he didnt want to hand it back.

I said "that isn't a cheap light " and he said "like a hundred?".
Yeah something like that and took it out if hands.


May 27, 2009
East Fishkill, NY
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I was working under a coworkers desk working on some cabling and had my Tri V. Another fellow picked it up and was about to play with it. I physically had ti remove it from his hand as he didnt want to hand it back.

I said "that isn't a cheap light " and he said "like a hundred?".
Yeah something like that and took it out if hands.

Guess I'd give poor curatorship of a Tri-V ..........I'd explain the guy the different beams and let him take it for a spin. :ohgeez:
My LS20 gets passed around the few people I work with all the time. No one has any idea what it costs, so it's nice to see them enjoy it for its value as a tool without any fear of the pricetag. :)
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Launch Mini

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 28, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

Guess I'd give poor curatorship of a Tri-V ..........I'd explain the guy the different beams and let him take it for a spin. :ohgeez:
My LS20 gets passed around the few people I work with all the time. No one has any idea what it costs, so it's nice to see them enjoy it for its value as a tool without any fear of the pricetag. :)

I showed him the beams quickly, but this guy breaks everything he touches. Seriously. I am perpetually fixing his computer. I no idea WTF he does, but anything electrical is toast once he uses it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2003
East Texas
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I keep cheap lights and pocketknives around just for "borrowers" If they need to borrow that means they don't have the wherewithall to buy gear of their own and they are not getting my good stuff on a bet.


May 27, 2009
East Fishkill, NY
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I showed him the beams quickly, but this guy breaks everything he touches. Seriously. I am perpetually fixing his computer. I no idea WTF he does, but anything electrical is toast once he uses it.

LOL - fair enough. I do know a couple people like that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 13, 2006
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I carry two lights....Macs SST-50 and a cheap light I bought of DX

I loan out the DX light...would never loan out the SST-50!!

I have had people see my use Macs light and then ask to borrow it....

I just say no way....I dont give a ___ if they get upset.....not as upset I would get if they dropped it or something...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 13, 2006
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I do the same thing...well stated
I keep cheap lights and pocketknives around just for "borrowers" If they need to borrow that means they don't have the wherewithall to buy gear of their own and they are not getting my good stuff on a bet.


Oct 26, 2005
Toronto, ON
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

That could be acceptable, depending of course on who was doing the grabbing. :naughty::laughing:

I'm not daft, if it was a smoking hot female I wouldn't have said a word :p

I keep cheap lights and pocketknives around just for "borrowers" If they need to borrow that means they don't have the wherewithall to buy gear of their own and they are not getting my good stuff on a bet.

Why should you burden yourself by spending your time and energy preparing for someone else's shortcomings.

Failure to prepare on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2011
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I always wanted to start a thread like this. People will borrow a flashlight and then return it with dead batteries or a burned out bulb! Then, instead of thanking me, they tell me it was "no good." So... at work I keep my lights to myself and keep 2 cheap D cell lights with 1/2 dead batteries. Those are the only lights my coworkers see! Friends are a different matter. :devil:


Newly Enlightened
May 11, 2011
Houston, Tx
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

Learned that lesson the hard way a long time ago. Items I never allow to be used out of my sight under ANY circumstances are: flashlights, tools, lawnmowers, cars, bikes, knives, musical equipment, and photography equipment. For some reason, some borrowers feel free to abuse, misuse, break, keep, or re-lend those items. A firm NO! meaning the discussion is over works every time.
Most borrowers**
It seems like everything I lend out somehow gets messed up.. People don't have ANY respect for other peoples property now a'days.

Someone asks to borrow a dvd series, then ends up loaning it to someone else and they kick it around and scratch it up.
Other people ask to borrow a dvd and then fail to return it.. It's gotten to the point where I have to keep records like a library.
People ask to borrow money and promise to pay you back ASAP. 10 times you see that same person, and they don't mention paying you back once. You have to bring it up to them, because you loaning them money was meaningless.

I play Disc Golf and got my friends into it by letting them borrow my discs. Then I offer to take them out and show them which disc/discs to buy, but they don't want to spend the money. It's $10! Then they call me up wanting to play, and expect me to let them borrow my discs again.. After I let them throw them into tree trunks, concrete, almost lose them in water, etc.

I play Tennis with several friends, and every time they get annoyed, they throw their racket(walmart ones) or hit it on the ground.. Then they ask to try my $200 one out to see how it feels. Sometimes this is immediately after slamming theirs on the ground, to which I reply, "Nope. Look at how you treat your own racket. Why would I let you use mine?". A lot of the time they don't even get it, it just doesn't click. Finally one friend bought his own racket and now he's terrified to even get it close to the court surface, but with mine he didn't care.

If I let someone borrow something now I usually explain to them the cost, the consequences if they mess it up, how long they can borrow it for, when I expect it back, not to lend it out to other people like it's their own, how to properly use it(and even then they usually don't listen), etc. If I trust the person and don't think they are an idiot, I'll just hand it to them. That's hardly anyone except my brother though. People lack common sense and respect..

Oh, another time recently.. I was playing basketball at the local court and the people I was playing with wanted to use my ball. After we beat the other team, some ******* booted my ball over the fence and into the parking lot.

I can't think of anything else right now.
I was working under a coworkers desk working on some cabling and had my Tri V. Another fellow picked it up and was about to play with it. I physically had ti remove it from his hand as he didnt want to hand it back.

I said "that isn't a cheap light " and he said "like a hundred?".
Yeah something like that and took it out if hands.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 5, 2010
Hove, UK
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

Well it goes to show Lord Polonius was right when he said:

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be"

I am very reluctant to lend anything as it always ends up damaged or excessively 'used' so ---- them who are so unprepared and don't respect other people's property.

I would only ever ask to borrow something in an emergency and then I would only borrow it if I could afford to replace it or if there were consumables, to replace them.

If it is an emergency for the person asking to borrow something, I will help them by using it myself, but not just hand it over.
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Apr 10, 2006
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

Kinda' ironic, really . . . .

The only person i would lend my flashlight to, would be a "true flashaholic".

- however -

a true flashaholic wouldn't NEED to borrow my flashlight, cuz' he'd have his OWN.


Biker Bear

Sep 9, 2006
The Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Sprawl
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I'm not daft, if it was a smoking hot female I wouldn't have said a word :p
In that case, you might be wise to smile pleasantly and say "Just be sure to put it back when you're done." *grin*

Why should you burden yourself by spending your time and energy preparing for someone else's shortcomings.

Failure to prepare on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
Social lubricant, really; and how much trouble is it for me to have a spare fauxton type light on my keyring to lend out? Granted, other gear is a different issue and if they try to demand "the good light" - my personal response would be "that doesn't get lent out."

Especially in the case of someone who'd ridiculed me for carrying (fill in the blank for the piece of EDC gear they now want to borrow), I'd ask them why they'd want to borrow an item that's so... (fill in however they insulted the idea of carrying that bit of gear). If that doesn't give them the idea, then a simple, direct "no" would follow.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

I've only loaned my decent lights to co-workers when we're working together on a job site and the light always remains nearby while they're using it. Even then I've occasionally watched a co-worker slip it into his pocket when he's finished with it. I'll usually give them a few minutes to see if they "remember" to give it back, and ultimately I'll have to say "um, I need that back." Fortunately this has been the exception rather than the rule, but primarily because it never leaves my sight in the first place.


Jul 26, 2009
Re: coworkers and other aquaintances WHO act as if they have a right to borrow your l

A lot of people nowadays just don't respect others valuables, especially when they don't know how expensive your light is. my friends who usually borrows my lights know that my lights are expensive and have taken good care of them.


Jul 26, 2009
Flashlight lending catastrophy...

I thought that I was prepared for the worst when lending Lights to friends/collegues as I just can't say no when someone ask to borrow my light.

I usually carry a less than $20 dollar light with me (with enough output-100lumens) for lending to friends so that I don't have to let them use my EDC light. Also have several spare fauxtons in my bag just in case someone might need a light(might not be able to return it).

I got the surprise of my flashaholic life when on a Mt Hiking trip I was left with no light at all for a few grueling minutes as my last light was borrowed by a friend of mine.

This happened when I brought 5 Lights with Me. One lantern for the camp, 2 supposed to be for lending to friends, a Light for throw and a headlamp. As I predicted the two for lending lights was out of my possession once it gets dark and after a while my Thrower light got borrowed by another friend, at this point I was a bit frustrated and things got worst when one of my closest friend ask me if she could use my headlamp for a few minutes.:banghead: