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GiveAway: Eneloop batteries 4xAA/4xAAA


Aug 27, 2009
Eneloop AA / AAA Give Away.

1. Be a CPF member from before: February 1st, 2018
2. Have more than 15 posts.
3. You can post Multiple times in this thread, but only your first reply will count.
4. Not a member who mostly just participates in giveaways.

How to enter:

  1. Please visit the eneloop101.com website and simply:
    1. A: Please post what you like to see being added to the site, or changed/improved, or a question to be answerd (please no technical website related things like javascript/php whatever)
    2. B: Or find any sentence that is incorrect, strange, unclear, could-be-improved, has wrong grammar, is-plain-stupid, is-too-Dutch... (that shouldn`t be too difficult ;--0) (please not from the Homepage anymore, that is less important!!). Post the (incorrect) sentence in your reply with the "correct version" (no need to link or anything as I can find them easily).
  2. Tell me whether you prefer to receive 4AA or 4AAA batteries when you win.
  3. This one is NOT a requirement to enter: if you`d be interested like the eneloop101 facebook page. (I will do a giveaway for the facebook page members if we hit 100 members)
Example post:
You can make up your own text of course
"envelopes are rechargeable batteries"
Should be: Eneloops are rechargeable batteries
4AA for me please

Closing date: I will close the giveaway somewhere around March 5th, 2018

How I decide the winner:
I will use Random.org to draw a number from the participants list.

What you`ll get?
4-pack of AA or AAA std eneloop batteries
I will order the batteries directly from an online store and let them ship them to the winner. If shipping to your address is too costly, I can transfer funds to your PayPal so you can order them in or closer to your country.
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List of participants:

  1. pc Light
  2. JoeRodge
  3. braddy
  4. jimbo 321
  5. AA Cycler
  6. Lemurian
  7. ronniepudding
  8. peter yetman
  9. Agpp
  10. bwalker
  11. LeanBurn
  12. grateful1
  13. KuanR
  14. ironhorse
  15. TwiceFuzed

(see datestamp of this post for the last update)
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Continue reading about Charging your rechargeable batteries or jump to the overview with the complete Sanyo and Panasonic eneloop battery charger list ever produced

Should say "most complete" so it makes sense.

AA batteries.
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This may be wrong but..........
"Some of them charge a pair of batteries for X amount of hours, and then stop." to "Some of them charge a pair of batteries for X amount of hours and then stop." without the comma.

AAs, please.
In the line up of 2005-2018 eneloops page at top might be better to say "Download and overview of all eneloop batteries, not PDF" instead of "Download overview all eneloop batteries, not pdf".....nice webpage though a weath of info.... I prefer the AA's if I won.... Cheers 🙂
"Did you live in a cave?"
Suggestion: Do you live in a cave?
Technically the original might be alright, but the suggestion is more natural sounding and thus more effective to my American English ear.
AAs, amigo.
"A list of characteristics on how to spot counterfeits" — I would rephrase this as "How to spot counterfeit Eneloops: a list of telltale characteristics", or something along those lines. The "on how" bit of the original is awkward.

Also, following that link, "I composed this list to watch out for counterfeits, with details that I have come along on the internet since 2010" ... I'd rewrite to something like this: "I've composed this list to help you watch out for counterfeits, using details that I have gathered from the internet since 2010."

4xAA would be appreciated, if my post is selected.
Thanks guys. I updated the rules. I have done this kind of giveaway done in the past as well, and most people commented on the Homepage. Please dont't recommend anything feom the homepage as that will continue to change in the next few months.
Id like to improve the site overall, somaybe come up with some NEW ideas for what is lacking/missing. I have run out of useful ideas.
What a great way to get us to read your site. Thank you, I'm learning a lot.
What immediately came to mind is the labelling on this graph....


I'd ditch the (Japanese?) characters and label the axes and graph clearly.

I'd be pleased with AA cells if I win.
Thank you ChibiM, I really like this GAW. :)
http://eneloop101.com/faq/ :
"I think its called Lazy effect.." -> "I think its called Lazy effect..."
"Fetch the contact details from the Contact page" -> "Fetch the contact details from the About / Contact page"
http://eneloop101.com/eneloop-products/eneloopy/ :
"eneloop`s" -> "eneloop's"
"it`s nose" -> "its nose" (2 times)
"wouldn`t" -> "wouldn't"
"don`t" -> "don't"

I'd like 4AA.
I lost my post due to internal server error. :(
I can't find one correction that I had before...but still I can show you several:
In http://eneloop101.com/eneloop-products/eneloopy/ you use "`" (grave accent) instead of "'" (apostrophe) in several places. Also there's "it`s nose" instead of "its nose" twice.
In http://eneloop101.com/faq/ :
You use grave accent again.
"Fetch the contact details from the Contact page" -> "Fetch the contact details from the About / Contact page"
"Take a look at many tests that are performed in the Eneloop Test section on this website. The only place they don't excel is in very very low drain devices, like clocks": there's a double space after the dot on your site. This forum strips it so you don't see it in the quotation above.
Thanks a lot for the GAW!
I'd like 4AA.

EDIT: server crashed, I refreshed the site, my post wasn't here, but now I see it's above. Note that some mistakes noted are available in just one of either posts, some are in both.
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If I get behind the PC I will update the list. Keep them coming. Especially new ideas of things that are currently missing.
Edit: done!
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From: http://eneloop101.com/batteries/rewrapped-batteries/

I would change the following paragrahs :

Rewrapped Eneloops have been a fairly common topic of debate. Some people claim certain batteries to be Eneloops. And some of them may even be. But since FDK is owned by Fujitsu there are more and more batteries out there that have an "Eneloop" inside of them. That being said, if you read the following list carefully, you`ll see that they are not always one to one copies. There is even a 4th LSD battery so to say that is not sold under the Panasonic Eneloop brand at the moment. If you look carefully it will explain this. Read carefully between the lines. Good luck.

Please note that the following list is as much as I know, and only be taken as my understanding of the market. Another thing to clarify again is that "generation" doesn`t mean a certain age, but more of a quality difference. It is impossible to know what generation is used for a certain brand. It is likely depending on the buyer (in this case a brand) who gets what generation for what price. Some of the following batteries even indicate (by specs) a different generation than currently is being sold as the latest Eneloops. Also it is very important to note that not all FDK batteries are part of the "Eneloop family". Think about the Panasonic 2700 etc. I will post (mostly) the batteries that have a (clear) resemblance with their Eneloop counterparts.

to read:

Rewrapped Eneloops have been a fairly common topic of debate. Some people claim that certain batteries are Eneloops and some very well may be. Since FDK Corporation is owned by Fujitsu, there are more and more batteries out there that have an "Eneloop" internals but in a different wrapper. Keeping that clue in mind and referring to the list below, you will see that batteries are not always one to one copies. There is also currently a 4th LSD battery that is not sold under the Panasonic Eneloop brand. A little digging into the details reveals an explanation. Good luck

Please note that the following list contain all my current data and understanding of the market. Just a reminder that the term "generation" does not necessarily mean a certain age, but more of a quality difference. It is impossible to know what generation is used for a given name brand. The quality is more dependent on the buying price (in this case a brand) than who gets what generation at that price point. Some of the batteries listed below indicate (using the specifications as reference) that a different generation than the one currently being sold are indeed the latest Eneloops. Please note that not all FDK Corporation batteries are part of the "Eneloop family" and the Panasonic 2700 is an example. I will list the batteries that have a more clear resemblance with their Eneloop counterparts for the most part.

4AA for me please.

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The 'And' really throws the flow of this off.

Some products like the mobile boosters have been improved and sold under the Panasonic brand. And many more never saw daylight again.

Products like the mobile boosters have been improved and sold under the Panasonic brand while many others will never see daylight again.

(or some variant)