LED Flashlight with automatic turn off


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2016
I have spent some time looking around via Google and even specifically in these forums in my pursuit of finding a LED flashlight of typical tube shape that has an automatic turn off as part of the features. Ideally, it would not require clicking one button over another or anything complicated. In my dream world, it would have motion detection so the flashlight would be aware it was on but not actively being used. This last part is most certainly just me dreaming. A flashlight that would turn off at 30 minutes (or whatever value) and require being clicked again to stay turned on would be perfectly fine, an approach using nothing more than a basic timer circuit.

I saw a few old threads on this topic with one being this specific question. But, I did not want to hijack such an old thread so started this new one. I did track down the options mentioned in that old thread to find that things were no longer available after so many years.

My need is looking for a fairly standard LED flashlight that automatically turns off because we have kids around the house. We want the flashlights to be available to them but I have often found the flashlights left on and the batteries now dead. I am tired of killing batteries for no good reason. That feeling would be the same even if I switched us over to rechargeables which I am looking to do anyway.

I do recognize Eternal Light as a valid option but it is not the typical tube design I am hoping to get. Plus, it has multiple buttons so the kids would probably just use the on button that does not have the automatic turn off timer. I am trying to get something that is "sailor proof" as we would say in my Navy days. I also recognize that I could get one of the crank flashlights. We actually have those in our cars. But, that is not want I am wanting to get either for the house and our camping trips.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks!!!!


Dec 23, 2008
Penn's Woods
Welcome to CPF! The first that comes to mind are HDS lights, which have a 10 minute shutoff feature that you can enable. I'm sure you will get some more ideas!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
HDS lights, which have a 10 minute shutoff feature that you can enable.

that sounds excellent!

a distant second option might be the Olight S1, but, it requires a double click from on, to enable a 3 minute or double click again, to enable a 10 minute timer. iow, the timer setting is not stored in the olight

My GoogleFu says the Automatic turn off timer in the HDS is stored in the customization menu. Truly kid proof:

Option Menu Item #2
Automatic Turn Off – <bright-to-dim-ramp>
The Automatic Turn Off feature allows your flashlight to turn itself off
after 10 minutes of inactivity. [uses a switch timer from last click, not a motion sensor]
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
Perth - West Australia
HDS lights (as mentioned) have a 10 min timer (when enabled)

when it hits 10 minutes since the last click, it steps down in levels, then finally switches off.
if you are still using it, just click the button again and it will reset the timer


Dec 16, 2007
Foursevens Quark Smart has an auto off feature you can set to a specific time period via the smartphone app.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
you can set to a specific time period via the smartphone app.

My google Fu is weak!
I can find no info link to answer this question:

Does the 47's light remember the countdown timer automatically, like HDS?
Or must the 47's timer be set every time a timer is desired, like Olight?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 24, 2007
United States
I believe the SureFire Titan T1A has a 5 minutes auto-off timer as long as you don't turn it past 25% output.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 16, 2011
I'm not sure I'd recommend buying a bunch of $200 HDS lights to leave laying around for the kids. Not unless you have a lot of extra money to spend. Also even with HDS, it sounds like your kids could play with it enough to reconfigure it.

It would be cheaper to contact DrJones or one of the other modders who can program and ask to have some custom firmware programmed for you that does EXACTLY what you are seeking.... and nothing else. Send those drivers to a different modder, like Richard at Mountain Electronics, and have him build you some custom lights using those drivers.

Ordering custom programmed and built lights like this could take months, but it's the best and cheapest way to get exactly what you are seeking.


Dec 16, 2007
My google Fu is weak!
I can find no info link to answer this question:

Does the 47's light remember the countdown timer automatically, like HDS?
Or must the 47's timer be set every time a timer is desired, like Olight?

Once you set the timer on your phone it stays that way until you change it. Every time you use the light it will shut off after that period of time.


Nov 10, 2015
a distant second option might be the Olight S1, but, it requires a double click from on, to enable a 3 minute or double click again, to enable a 10 minute timer. iow, the timer setting is not stored in the olight

I was going to suggest the Olight S1 too for the timer. While I've never really used it (except for while testing it), its a nice to have feature that stays out of the way unless I want to activate it.


Dec 16, 2007
And Quarks are like $65 or so. I love my HDSs but I wouldn't buy them for kids to goof around with.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2016
Thanks everyone for all the advice here. I had time this weekend to play catch-up and look at all the suggestions mentioned by those posting on this thread.

I want to post some additional information for someone in the future that might later find this thread via something like a Google search that was my own path. Here are my own summary thoughts while realizing I am almost certainly the least knowledgeable of everyone here when it comes to flashlights.

After looking at everything I found prior to posting and then all the suggestions here, my top pick was the Quark Smart QS2A-X. It is selling on Amazon right now for $60 that includes shipping. Probably the only thing I wish is that it came with 18650 battery option versus the AA battery approach.

HDS is obviously capable. But, as others noted, way outside the price point to give to my kids to use. I could go through a ton of NiMH on any regular flashlight for a long time before I start reaching the total price point where a typical HDS starts. Felt like buying a Ferrari when all I need for the kids is a basic Honda to get groceries.

My challenge with the S1 Baton was that, if I understand properly, you had to leave it on one particular setting over many options in order to get the timer to work. That killed the "sailor proof" need here because I highly doubt the kids would do this properly all the time.

The custom build approach actually has a lot of appeal to me as someone who grew up in his parent's machine shop. But, getting beyond the DIY call that always has a good tug on me, I will get far more time/cost than just going with the Quart Smart QS2A-X.

Speaking globally, I am still surprised that a flashlight manufacturer has not built a super simple flashlight with some basic features that targets kids and how they almost always have times where they leave the flashlight on.

Thanks again everyone for the help with this. Probably my first and last post to these forum boards. Given the tone with which you treat visitors, you obviously got a good informal community going on here.
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Newly Enlightened
Feb 21, 2017
I was going to suggest the Olight S1 too for the timer. While I've never really used it (except for while testing it), its a nice to have feature that stays out of the way unless I want to activate it.

Not really applicable to the OP, buy I use OLight's timer function everytime I go camping.

Turn on moonlight, set the 9 minute timer and tell thé kids they had better be asleep by the time their "night light" turns off. Works everytime... though we do run them ragged usually while camping.