Lumens Factory HauL


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2014
Mobjack Bay
Bugging me all day that the Sanyos fit (but don't fire), and especially that the UH1835P fit, but the NH1832 wouldn't. Well, as it turns out, the NH1832 do fit Seraph and fit just fine with plenty of clearance. I'm going to let CPF guess what the problem is until I hear back from Mark.

Mark has resolved, and no one guessed. So I will now reveal the problem and the solution.

Mark@LF said:
As for the extender I found out that the internal diameter is 18.5 where it should be 18.8-18.9.
These extenders are from a brand new batch so I am sorry about this.
I have arranged the batch to be reworked and another batch made just in case.

Do not buy another extender from someone else, I will sent you a new one once it is sorted.
It is our fault and I thank you for notifying me about it.

I just don't know what to do about this guy. New extender arrived today, with a twin. To be clear, there are two extenders sent as a replacement for one. Also, Mark threw in a large Pineapple body. I think it must be a P60 body. And he also threw in an HA z41 McClicky. I'm wearing it on The Greenbean, and the ano is a perfect match. I'll have to now build the Pineapple into a light, so that was very clever of Mark to entice me to purchase more LF merchandise, which I was going to do anyway, so maybe too clever for his own good. Just kidding, Mark is so incredibly nice and so very generous that it is causing me to blush.


Just went for a walk with The Greenbean to check the mail, took the long way. Stopped at the beach and acquired a target across the river. A direct hit.


I put the WA1185 back in a few days ago. Cells are full, the air is clear, so there is a lot of visibility. I really wonder what it looks like from over there.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2014
Mobjack Bay
Pepparing for a chilly moonless evening woods walk with a friend in his 40 acres of forest. I invited bykfixer, but the man has important things to do, and I don't doubt it.

I am taking way too many lights for two. But another friend may show, though unlikely, and might bring wife, and perhaps the first friend's daughter will join us. But likely it's just going to be me and my friend from high school and college both carrying a lot of incan flashlights.

Among the selections will be,
  • Seraph SP-9 w/ extender, D36 head, SR-9L 1.55A 320L with about 2 hours runtime on 2x NH1832 and one cell swap
  • 1x18650 LeeF z46 w/ 1794 3A 1000Lm with about 20 minutes runtime on 2x UH1835P, but I'll have one cell swap before changing the lamp to Tad's A7212 1.2A 200Lm for over 2 hours runtime on an old protected Keeppower
  • The Greenbean, 3x18650 LeeF KT4 w/ 1909 5.1A ~2100Lm for maybe 35 minutes on 3x NH1832, which I'll swap out for the WA1185 3.15A 1200Lm on 3x NH1835 for about an hour, and if we trek long enough, I can swap out again with IMR-M6 3A 1000Lm on 3x NCR18650GA for about another hour.
  • 6P generic naked Al with P60 1.13A ~60Lm on an old protected Keeppower for over 2 hours runtime
  • 2x E2e Elites w/ Tad's A7212 1.2A 200Lm on 2x Vapcell T8 for about 40 minutes each, and I have two extra cell swaps for each with AW16340 550mAh sets for a little extra runtime
  • E2L AA Elite w/ A7212 1.2A 200Lm on 2x Vapcell H10 for about 50 minutes runtime with 2 extra cell swaps
  • Spark UBH Elite w/ A7212 1.2A 200Lm on 3x Surefire CR123A with 2 extra cell swaps on 2x Vapcell H10
  • 1xAA Malkoff Elite w/ Tad's A3718 1.8A 140Lm on Vapcell H10 with about 8 more cell swaps
  • Bored E2e Elite and LF E2 Elite w/ Tad's A3712 on NH1832 for about 2 hours and 40 minutes of runtime each, and each with at least one cell swap
  • Two LF E1 Elites w/ MN02 0.51A ~20Lm on UH1835P for about 2 hours 20 minutes with one cell swap each
  • Zebralight SC5c Mk II 5A 475Lm (mine) and SC5w Mk II 5A 550Lm (his) on IKEA Ladda 2450 with 4 swaps each
Sunset is around 5:15PM today, and it will be about 45°F with a 5kt wind out of the north. Nautical Twilight ends just after 7PM, by which time it will have chilled to 40°F and might even drop to 36°F by 9PM, all along with a 5kt northerly wind.

Time for me to start packing it up and get.
Have a nice evening, CPF!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2014
Mobjack Bay
So it was just my friend, his young adult daughter and I. We walked through the woods for about an hour and a half. We saw a group of deer and a few cats. No bears. It was pretty cold, but not as cold as I thought it would be. And it was really, really dark out there. There are paths through the woods, and we stuck to them, came out on the other side where he has a field, walked the perimeter, then hugged the woods, and hung out in a spot he calls Amen Hen which looks over his few acre pond. Can see his house from there at about 500 yards, and his daughter was amazed the Greenbean lit up the whole house from that far. This was on the 1909, which actually impressed me, too, for how floody and still reaching.

The Greenbean seems like it was the all around favorite, very bright and floody on 1909 and throwy on WA1185. The smaller LeeF w/ 1794 is also very floody, then threw a tight narrow beam with A7212. Beam profiles are so different between 1909 & WA1185 and 1794 & A7212, it's to believe they're the same heads.

My friend discovered he really liked the Zebralight SC5w Mk II that I gave him for his 50th a couple years ago. It's mostly been sitting in the console of his car, but he mentioned a few times how much he liked the brightness and flood, and that he couldn't believe how bright it was. He was genuinely surprised. I've been telling him.

The Seraph SP-9, extender, D36 head and SR-9L was passed around and used quite a lot. The cells are still half full. It's an impressive set up, throws light for the several hundred yards of pond that was as far as we could throw there. I hadn't used this lamp and cells before tonight, and I really like it. 350Lm isn't all that bright, especially compared to the 1794, 1909 & WA1185, but it's bright enough I had to tell my friend to stop pointing it at the ground right in front of us but instead far ahead because he kept blinding us all with it. The ground was grass and dirt, or leaf litter, not exactly reflective, and yet it was still blinding.

The Spark UBH was used a lot, too, and the Malkoff Elite. The Makoff Elite, the ZL SC5w, and the small LeeF were the only lights that needed cells swapped. The E2e's were tried out, but I think with so many Elite heads, not much difference was noticed between the 80, 140 and 200 lumen set ups. Now I think I need to get a few IMR-E2 from Mark for next time. I think there's a new moon in May on a Friday.

Earlier, before we left for dinner and returned for the walk, I had him show me his Maglites. He has a red 2D, and black 3D, two 4D and a 5D, and they're all vintage. I explained to him what he had, and that if he didn't want them, he should sell them so others can hotwire them.

I told him about my recent Mag plans, and that I was looking for a 2D, and how hard it is to tell from auctions because a lot of sellers don't know what they have, or their descriptions are not explicit, and he made me take the 2D. I offered to pay for it, but he insisted I take it. He said it was that or the dump. I told him not to even joke about that, that he might be throwing away $400 or more. I hope he paid attention, but I gratefully accepted the red 2D. I already have an Al reflector for it and potted WA1185. All I need now is a glass lens, a 5mm spring, 26500 cells and a sleeve, but I'll probably change the spring in the switch, too. After I put it together and play with it, I'm going to return it. Maybe he'll appreciate it a little more when it's 1200Lm.
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Feb 25, 2006
I've been looking at LF drop ins for my Surefire 6p. Are they a true 1,000 lumen? Do they heat up like a Sportac will?

How long is the shipping from Hong Kong??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2014
Mobjack Bay
Shipping is FedEx, never took more than a week with my orders, always surprising me because I always expect two week delivery.

I don't have any of Mark's high output LED dropins, but my experience with the one single LED dropin I have is that the product page current draws are extremely conservative, and I would assume that extends to his other dropins since Mark caters to lumen junkies, meaning, they'll be brighter than advertised.

My understanding is high brightness means high heat, unfortunately. My recommendation is to experiment with different brightnesses, and only use what you need, i.e. don't go 4000Lm when you only need 800Lm. Or go bright as possible, hot as the surface of the sun, and lightly mod you grip with vented heat tape.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
There's hasn't been a lot said on the lumens factory E series bodies. I've been hesitant purchasing one for a couple reasons and it would be nice to get your input. One worry is how thin they must be. Since they're made to take 18mm cells. I know they're not just going to bend. But do they have that surefire "solidness" if you know what I mean? And how is the anodizing? I have an over 20-year-old A2 that looks almost new. But a solar force L2P, that is also supposed to be HA3, that that is heavily worn. So there's obviously different qualities of HA3. Thing is, these are priced in surefire territory. Not Chinese light territory. Their seraph lights are pretty good, but much cheaper so I don't expect surefire quality from them
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Lumens Factory products are solid with hard anodize coating. Much better than solarforce items were. It took Mark a while to develop the e-series bodies to house the larger batteries and still be substantial. He also took a while to produce an anodize he was satisfied with.

No, Mark puts a lot of time and effort into building sturdy lighting tools that can stack up against a SureFire any day.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2013
Southern Ontario
Finished test with MN02 (0.51A) and Sanyo NCR18650GA (3500mAh).

  • 4.12V 0h
  • 4.03V 1h
  • 3.88V 2h
  • 3.77V 3h 8m
  • 3.64V 4h 6m
Kind of disappointed.

Did I initially calculate my expected runtime correctly? What I did is took HKJ's test results for 0.5A, which is 3.311Ah, and divide by 0.51A = 6.49h or 6h 29m 31s. Maybe I was going to get 4h 20m on this cell. I'm missing more than two hours of runtime.

Maybe the more I use them, they'll get better?

I love the way the button top NH1832 snuggly fits the LF E2 body and doesn't need help to make contact. I don't mind wrapping it with a little paper, but having to use a magnet with the Sanyo is a little annoying because the MN02 pot is ferrous and sticks to it when I swap cells. I prefer my lamps stayed in the head.

Starting the same test with an MN02 riding a button top NH1832, 3200mAh. HKJ tests of same or similar.

4.12V 0h
3.88V 1h
3.68V 2h (probably a bad read)
3.77V 2h 15m
3.70V 2h 47m
3.63V 3h

Was I wrong to expect 6h of runtime on MN01? Maybe the amps for MN02 on the Popular bulbs current draw post is off? Maybe something is different about this particular MN02?

I'm going to get some 35E when I have a chance and see how they do.
I think you may be getting the cell chemistry mixed up a little bit being dead at 3.6 V is old cells. These newer ones are dead closer to 3.2 V. You're leaving a lot of capacity on the table, which is why your runtimes are shorter than you expect. Doesn't do a lot of good for incandescent because they are getting pretty dim by then. But that is matching up with your runtimes.
Also, in another post, you are correct. Current does drop with voltage. Though not by much. Depending on the driver, some LED lights will increase current as voltage drops. But not all. A Boost or buck driver will. But a linear driver will not.