Manker LAD, a new 219c option, alternative to the Tip?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 19, 2008
Waikato, New Zealand
PSA: The TIP CRI is on sale at:

Gearbest - $22.95 using their CPF code in the Dealer's section of CPF.

Oh geez, why did you have to post that?
Now I have a Tip CRI on the way from Gearbest.
I already have 2 lights on the way from China and am considering 2 other lights, pretty soon I wont be able to move for all the lights I have.


Newly Enlightened
May 5, 2016
When I received mine yesterday I plugged it in to see if it needed a charge, the blue light pulsed for a couple seconds and then went steady. According to my manual that means it's fully charged.
I used it a bunch last night and some at work today and went to charge it to see if it acted any differently, same thing, couple of pulses then steady.
I hooded up a handy USB voltage and current monitor to see what was going on.
When I plugged it in initially it showed .110A, over a few hours it slowly reduced to .030A. It's been a little more than 3 hours and it's sitting at .030A with the blue light solid.
I'll email Manker and see if they have any info.

Don't worry about it, it is normal.
The LAD has enough power when you received it so it is fast to get 90% charge then the button change to constant blue.
The first 90% charging current is 110A fast charge, the last 10% slow charge is .030A and this is for over charge protection.
LAD is desinged like this just like quality chargers.


Mar 28, 2009
Here's the straw-hats in all their glory:

The bizarre crop-ring straw-hat circles:

If you want to use your red light for up close work and don't want the crazy rings ruining the light, I've found that you can scuff up the ends of the emitters easy enough with some sandpaper.
You can probably do it without ever removing the screws, just turn a tiny scrap of sandpaper into a little cone and work the end of the emitter. I had instant results but will probably put a little more effort into it to get is looking even better.
NOTE: this is irreversible. Don't do this if you wish to project a sort of super-villain looking logo out of your light. You'll lose all the throw but, in my limited experience, red light is usually used for close work anyway.




OK, with a little more effort I was able to flatten the emitters close to flush and now I've got pretty much artifact-free red flood. Much nicer, unless you need the throw.


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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
Can anyone take a size comparison shot with a MecArmy SGN3?
good question
you can also get some idea by comparing weights
Nitecore Tube 10 grams
Tip 21 grams
LAD 25 grams
Sidekick 34 grams
SGN3 38 grams

fwiw the SGN3 does not offer a Nichia option, it has PWM, and Ive read reports that it can turn on accidentally in pocket. fwiw, the sidekick also offers no Nichia, and also has PWM.

of the lights mentioned, Only the LAD is NoPWM, and only the LAD and TIP offer Nichia.


Lad left - Tube right
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
Does LAD have some sort of Low Voltage warning?

I seem to have used all the charge. Instead of switching off, it reverted to the red LED mode…. now wondering if it shut down to red LED's due to heat. I was running it in high mode...
maybe the dragon breath will come on as a low battery warning, the way it does in the Manker Q11
Budda wrote:
When the battery is low, the blue led will turn on in dragon breath mode.

then this post about the LAD showed up:
Muto wrote:
It goes from any level right to red.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
Once again, more Slider deceptiveness, as well as the unsubstantiated claim of the LAD being constant current regulated. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him/her having to deal with this obsession?

I had the chance to walk in the perfect snowfall for checking Pulse Width Modulation, comparing the TIP CRI with another non apparent-PWM flashlight; the Clear Convoy C-8 with biscotti firmware. There was absolutely no signs of PWM at all, and unlike the one "proof of PWM" picture that slider keeps parading out ad nauseum, can be replicated by any readers here.

Curious that Manker is not getting incessantly slammed for the red straw hat and the dragon's breath features, as well as the proud screws and other design elements. I certainly won't, in that Manker is to be applauded for their enthusiasm, hard work, and willingness to listen to the flashlight community.

The banding could be a result of the downsize and extra compression I did in photoshop for web hosting. I don't see that effect on the full size original picture from the phone, but I absolutely see it in smaller version posted above when enlarged 300%.

This, from a response to ANOTHER claim that Slider is seeing PWM in a photograph.

greg c

Newly Enlightened
Sep 20, 2005
good question
you can also get some idea by comparing weights
Nitecore Tube 10 grams
Tip 21 grams
LAD 25 grams
Sidekick 34 grams
SGN3 38 grams

fwiw the SGN3 does not offer a Nichia option, it has PWM, and Ive read reports that it can turn on accidentally in pocket. fwiw, the sidekick also offers no Nichia, and also has PWM.

of the lights mentioned, Only the LAD is NoPWM, and only the LAD and TIP offer Nichia.

Thanks. The PWM and the lack of nichia are exactly the reasons that I'm looking to replace my SGN3.


Mar 28, 2009
Here's my current lineup of "cheap, little lights".

I used to be crazy about flashlights when I first started here, I've pretty much kept away for a few years as I am pretty happy with what I've got and things have moved in a different direction than I'd hoped.
For example, I was happiest when HDS still sold the $100 clicky and Twisty, and Liteflux were available for retail price. Loved swapping emitters and DIY-ing with drivers and general modding.
The hobby part kind of died when I got an SC62d and realized that it did everything I needed in a handheld.
These cheap little lights, (sorry nbp, I still LOL at that), have kinda got me back in but I'm amazed we're still dealing with things that I thought would've been cleared up years ago.
Tints are good enough that you're not forced to swap emitters most of the time, but PWM shouldn't be visible and clunky interfaces make me wonder if there are ANY flashloholics employed at light manufacturers.

I gave the SGN3 to my daughter as it's unusable with the PWM and M-H-L driver. PWM on Med and Low so bad it laughable.

The Manker is OK, from what I've seen it's prolly best to unplug it AS SOON as it charges, because unlike "quality chargers", it sits there trickle charging a li-ion battery at .030A. Output is nothing spectacular, that's best with this small battery, this is a light when all you need is a little light. Nice light for the price. With the single recessed button it's probably the best keychain light.

The TIP has best interface, best levels, best everything but the damn thing comes on in the pocket. Great they put a lockout on it, fantastic, but it's a pain. You might be able to activate it with just one thumb, but you'll probably turn on the turbo mode instead and then you're back at it with both hands. It's the light to carry of all these IMHO but damn those buttons. I filed mine down 50% and it didn't make a lick of difference. May try putting some small o-rings around the switches. It turns on in my pocket every time if I don't lock it out. Easy on to low, turbo, or last mode is great, output and beam profile is fantastic. Just don't put it in your pocket.

The Tube is chomping at all of these lights with it's $8 delivered (when you find it on sale) price tag. If they got rid of PWM this would be the light to beat. It weighs nothing and is pretty handy as a neck light. Tint isn't bad on these clear ones, sometimes I just need a little light and these are perfect. Great for camping.

Maybe we'll get a cheap little light with a slider switch for activation, that would take care of pocket activation.

OH yeah, if anyone was wondering, I can't move the TIP fast enough to capture any PWM. TiP and LAD both have flicker free output. Was really sad to see it on TWO levels of the SGN3, considering the price.


Dec 16, 2007
@Kitrobaskin: Please put jon slider on your ignore list.

@Jon slider: One of your posts was deleted. Language like that is prohibited here and you know it. Put Kitrobaskin on your ignore list.

@bansuri: They may be cheap but it doesn't mean they're bad. I have 3 Tubes and I love those little things! I just don't get how heated people get over them. Settle down folks, these ain't Search and Rescue lights here! Haha


Feb 23, 2007
Behind The Lamp
bansuri, does your Tube have lockout capability? Seems I remember the last production was upgraded with lockout. Or was that internet misinformation?


Mar 28, 2009
bansuri, does your Tube have lockout capability? Seems I remember the last production was upgraded with lockout. Or was that internet misinformation?

Yes it does!

From LOW press and hold, it'll go out, keep holding until the light flashes once. Then it's in lockout. Press and hold until it turns on to get out of lockout.


Mar 28, 2009
Here's the LAD and TIP being swung as fast as I can. Finally figured out to just hold down the shutter and take 100 pics, then choose from the ones that capture the beams.
Anyway, I don't see any PWM in either of them. Either too high frequency or just not there. If I can't see it then it's fine by me. We live in a 60hz world, good luck avoiding flickering lights in the US.
The LAD would benefit from having its hole rotated 90 degrees.
I'm waiting for someone to just make a light out of a key fob. Neither light seems like they want you to carry it on your key ring.