Need some help with a Quark QS2L-X


Newly Enlightened
Aug 29, 2011
Hey, I have been in the mood to change things up a bit and I LOVE my SMART QUARK so I cut the body down a bit and am making the whole thing a better size for my tastes. The problem I am running into is that a 16340/RCR123 does not have enough voltage to run the light now. I must admit I didn't even think about that BEFORE I cut it up. So I suppose my question is how do I get the vault is necessary or a boost driver in this thing to be able to run it at the optimal 4.2 and above? I'm trying to avoid buying the new head that has the low-voltage driver in it which I believe operates between 2.1 and 4.2v.

the ideal solution would be a CR123 sized battery with 7.4v, but I cannot find one. I have explored a 2S LiPo also, but I don't like that idea.

Here are are some pix in the next post of the Frankenstein. I LOVE this size!!


Newly Enlightened
Aug 29, 2011
What I did was cut the threaded parts off the battery tube and JB welded them together. So far it seams to be holding well. This is the size i think this should have been from the start.

The one pic pic shows another option I have been toying with which is a DQG Hobi inside the area cutout for the tactical rear button. Just a thought, but it could be cool to have two lit ends.

Also, while I am asking questions: how the hell to I get the side button out of this thing? I want to change the green and red LEDs for the charging and power indicators to BLUE and while I have the materials and ability, I can't seam to get the comteol board out of the head. I'd also like to add a charging oort to it (micro USB which I have a few of) and I even have an LCD display from a VAPE mod that I'd like to install. I just don't know how to rewrite the software to make it display voltage, as it currently displays wattage and resistance (the important things to monitor on a VAPE I guess).

the yellow paint that glows which I put in the lanyard holes as well as on the lens is SITEGLO firearm paint. I often work on firearms and am a full time Horologist (watch smith) so I am always messing with LUME or night sites and anything else I can make glow in the dark, lol, I love it!!.

many thoughts or help are appreciated!!








Sep 19, 2013
NY Capital District
Foursevens makes a QSL1xR/CR123 version of this light that will run on the lower voltage produced by one cell. The QS2L-X won't work with less than 4 volts input, and there is no such thing as a 16340 sized cell that will produce more than 4.2 volts. If I were you, I'd buy the QSL model and move on.
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