Random thoughts on flashlight lifespan.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
So, given that I already own more flashlights than I can reasonably use, how to I justify buying a new flashlight? Well, I have the disposable income, flashlights make me happy, and, as a hobby, flashlights are orders of magnitude cheaper than drinking. And the lights I don't use eventually get given to someone who needs a light, so it's almost a charity...

A couple of years ago, I found that I was buying lights just so that I could talk about them from first hand experience.
If I didn't come to CPF, I probably wouldn't buy another light for years.
More recently, I buy lights, so that I can justify gifting others, or I buy lights to gift.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2018
I use a flashlight every day for work. I try to mix them up to get a feel for my new lights and stay proficient with my older ones. Hate when one fails and leaves me stranded. Find the technology can be addicting.

chris malcolm

Newly Enlightened
Jul 14, 2012
Ive had a CMG Ultra almost 20 years now and it is by far the most hours on it Light I have right now. 2-3 lumens and it hasn't given up yet. Easily at a minimum 100 hours a year, that's probably more like 1/3 to 1/4 what it actually runs, 2;000 hours absolute minimum of runtime so far. If it were to die today I'd be proud of the service it has given me.

My first serious LED flashlight was a CMG Infinity, bought in 2001, which I still have! Used a lot in its first few years, it's now a backup emergency light for when I need to make my last AA cell last as long as possible.


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I also have found that MOST of my lights get no use what-so-ever.
I don't dog walk, nor do I go for pleasure walks, so unless I am camping, my flashlight use is primarily for in house tasks like finding a pot cover in the back of a cabinet.
The S2+ in the kitchen junk drawer gets used 2-3 times a month for seconds at a time.

Of the 7 night stand lights, really only one gets used. A DQG single AA twisty. It gets used usually once a night or morning for a second to check the thermostat setting. At that rate, the battery charge will probably last a year or three, but I charge it now and then anyway.

My key chain light, a little CooYoo, with a 10180 - 100 mAh capacity cell, has never been fully discharged. That light may actually be used for a couple of minutes here and there, every other month. Most weeks, it isn't even used for seconds.

My Crelant headlamp with an 18650 probably gets as much use as all lights combined, (which still isn't much). It'll get used when I am repairing something, or taking out the trash. Maybe when looking for something in the garage. I usually top it off before and after a camping trip. But in-between, it isn't necessary.

There is also a 2D cell light in the garage that I converted to run on a 26650, that gets 30 second uses a few times a week, while looking for something. That cell will last all year and more on a single charge.

For all the years I've been indulging my love of lights I never really paused and thought about how much each individual light really gets used at a time until I started doing reviews. I quickly realized that my lights actually get used a lot less than I thought.

For example, my "bedstand lights" rack up minuscule time since they are usually run for 2-3 minutes tops per use and even my "evening walkaround" lights, especially those used for the Real World Reviews usually get no more than 40-50 minutes straight of uninterrupted use per walk.

The "Hobby" headlamp I use with my magnifying glasses gets a lot more use, sometimes a couple of hours at a time a few nights a week and that is a light I sometimes wish I could either plug in, or wire in a much larger battery pack (grin).

Probably the one with the most hours on it is a battery pack powered Ryobi LED floodlight I use in my garage or out in the yard at night. It doesn't get used all that often but when I am using it then it is on for hours.

This really hit home with a few recent reviews of some lights that had 6-8 hours of runtime at their regular or medium settings. I came back from the evening walk and realized that there wasn't really even any point to topping off the batteries!

Yeah, the old fart in me is remembering when you would do an hour walk, and change your Zinc-Carbon "D" cell batteries because they were pretty much done.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2014
From reading all kinds of posts here, it's evident there are all kinds of flashlight enthusiasts. From collectors, modders, duty/tool users, to outdoor users, it's a good mix of people. The different interests and backgrounds affect the various factors in why people purchase lights and how they get used. Some are looking for the perfect light for their job while others are looking to collect or attain certain types. Some chase deals, some chase specs, and others want exclusivity. Basically, how long a light in your collection lasts is really up to you. Those treated like museum pieces will last forever and that's sometimes the goal. Others use certain flashlights for certain tasks so eventually, they may fail, break, or get lost. After all, flashlights are tools and not all tools last forever.

Basically, I really think the experience is up to you and how you want to use them. I sometimes read comments where some seem to have an existential crisis about their flashlights. My suggestion is to go out and use them. Go adventure, go explore. Light up something other than a white wall or your backyard. Rotate them in use and I think you'll appreciate each one a little bit more. If not, you can always sell or gift them away.