Recomendations for a 2xAA for general household use?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 22, 2014
Hi everyone, I have a slight problem that I hope someone can help with. I need replacement 2xAA lights for around the house. I would like something similar to the quark pro as far as runtime extremes and lumens. Can anyone list off a few so I don't have to do hours and hours of research? I don't need a thrower, or a 500+ lumen monster, as I have a few of those. I would like to keep it under $60 or so. Thanks for any help you can give.
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I have a Fenix E25 that I really like for around the house. On 2 AA it will run 130 lumens in a pleasing beam with plenty of spill for 3 hours; if you're in the house you can run it at 55 lumens for 10 hours. It also has a 260-lumen Burst mode and the flashlight itself looks and feels great. It's well under your budget, too!
... I would like something similar to the quark pro as far as runtime extremes and lumens...

For extreme runtime, you need good sub-/low-lumen modes and spacing - 47 Quarks, Eagletac D252As, Nitecore EA21, Olight S15, and Thrunite Archer and Neutron 2A V2 are a few 2xAAs to consider that focus on efficient low and sub-lumen modes. Careful comparing spec sheets though, I have most of the above in 2 and/or 1 AA format and find 47s and ET to be quite truthful, while the others can be off by multiples (on output, or runtime, or both), particularly with the low/sub-lumen modes. The TN Neutron wins the high output award by a good margin, but I prefer Quarks for best mode spacing, regulation, warranty and customer service.
I also have a couple of e25 burst lights,one in work and one in the house. Simple UI,fed on 2x eneloops and does the job fine.
Thanks for the replies. It looks like it might have to be the v20a. Maybe I will try a v20a and an e2laa-a? What is the best place to purchase from now? It looks like Lighthound is out of the v20a, and I haven't bought a surefire in years.
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I also have a couple of e25 burst lights,one in work and one in the house. Simple UI,fed on 2x eneloops and does the job fine.

Woot! Thanks for the photo, Ven! It may look identical to mine, but it's still fun to see!
Thanks for the replies. It looks like it might have to be the v20a. It is kinda funny that 5 years ago very few manufacturers used a side switch. There must be a new breed of flashoholics that enjoy doing the roly poly while hunting for a switch. Maybe I will try a v20a and an e2laa-a? What is the best place to purchase from now? It looks like Lighthound is out of the v20a, and I haven't bought a surefire in years.

A search on "The Find" website shows several sellers with the V20A in stock.
A search on "The Find" website shows several sellers with the V20A in stock.

I guess things have changed a whole lot, because back in the day we really tried to support forum sponsors. I guess I will just buy from the cheapest seller I can find. Thanks for the help.