I would like to show them all but...
Fairy br cw (2 green trit) 10180
Spy ti (green trit) 10180
Spy ti (3 green trit) 10180
Spy ti (3 blue trit) 10180
V3 ti cw (green trit) AAA
Nucleus tl polished ((5 green trit) button cell
Wee ns (blue trit) 10180
Wee ns (blue trit) 10180
Wee ns (blue trit) 110180
Wee ss (ice blue trit) 10180
Wee ti (blue trit) 10180
Wee ti (blue trit) 10180
Wee da (ice blue trit) 10180
Raw ns (2 green trit) ICR 14250 li-ion
Raw ss (no. trit) ICR 14250 li-ion
Raw ti (4 blue trit) ICR 14250 li-ion
Raw da (1 blue trit) ICR 14250 li-ion
Orb Raw ns (5 green trit) ICR 14250 li-ion
HF-R ti UTT (6 green trit) 10250
HF-R cu UTT (6 green trit) 10250
Drake TiCN (green trit) 10180
Draco TiCN (green trit) 10280
Mako Mk. Il ti polished (green trit) 2 stage AAA
S1 alm black (2 green trit) CR123
S1 ti polished (2 ice blue trit) CR123
S1 raw cu ss (2 green trit) CR123
Double Groove ti dlc RCR123
G1 ti (green trit) 10220
Ninja cu (green trit) 10220
Ninja br (green trit) 10220
Yu cu (ice blue trit) 10220
Yu br (ice blue trit) 10220
Star Wars Darth Vader br (white trit) 10220
Geisha Girl br (red trit) 10220
Po ti (blue glow, ice blue trit) AAA
Po becu (green grow, blue trit) AAA
Piccolo ti v2 (blue glow, ice blue trit) AAA
Flute ti (blue glow, 3 blue,3 ice blue, 1 green trit) AA
Flute da (blue glow, 9 blue, 8 org trit) AA
Ottavino ti (blue glow, blue trit) 10280
Ottavino ti (aqua glow, blue trit) AAA
Ottavino da (green glow, purple trit) 10280
Ottavino da (aqua glow, orange trit) AAA
38DD ti prototype (no trit) 10180
38DD ti (ice blue trit) 10180
38DD ti (blue trit) 10180
40DD ti sw (green trit) 10180
40DD ss bb (yellow trit) 10180
40DD da (ice blue trit) 10180
44DD ti prototype (no trit) 10220
44DD ti (green trit) 10220
QDD ti (green trit) 10180
QDD ss #0770 (yellow trit) 10180
QDD ss #0172 (green trit) 10180
QDD ss #0422 (green trit) 10180
QD2 ss black (green trit) 10180
QD2 ss black (green trit) 10180
QD2 ss black (ice blue trit) 10180
QD2 ss black (no trit)10180
QD2 ss black (no trit)10180
QD2 ss black (no trit)10180
QD2 ss black (blue trit) 10180
QD2 ss (no trit) 10180
QD2 ss (ice blue trit) 10180
QD2 ss (green trit) 10180
QD2 ss (blue trit) 10180
QD2 ss (yellow trit) 10180
QD2 ss (green trit) 10180
QD2 ss (purple trit) 10180
QD2 ss (yellow trit) 10180
QD2 ss (ice blue trit) 10180
Helix Zi (3 green, 3 ice blue trit) 10180
Helix Zi JP (1 green trit) 10180
Dogbone ti (12 green trit) 10180 (2)
Avant ti (5 green trit)
SP11-S (yellow trit) AAA
GLOW beads, Lanterns, Whistles and Other *
Lummi Locator Bead ti (green trit)
3-4-6 Faces Bead ss (6 green trit)
3-4-6 Faces bead br (3 orange trit)
Synodeyths Bead ss bb (yellow trit)
Synodeyths Bead ss satin (green trit)
Synodeyths Bead ti bb (red trit)
Synodeyths Bead ti satin (green trit)
Synodeyths Bead cu (green trit)
Synodeyths Bead br (green trit)
Synodeyths Bead br (blue trit)
Stair Lantern br (green trit)
Staiir Lantern cu (ice blue trit)
12x Bead ti (12 yellow trit)
Prototype Lantern cu (red trit)
Prototype Lantern ss holes (ice blue trit) Prototype Lantern
Prototype Lantern br lines (green trit) 1 of 5
Lantern zi (green trit)
Cam Bead zi (3 green trit)
Ray Gun bead ti bb (no trit)
Ray Gun bead ti blue (12 green trit)
Hotaru Bead cu polished one of (6 green trit)
Hotaru Bead zi flamed black (3 green, 3 ice blue trit)
Ti blue/gold (blue trit)
Ti (blue trit)
Cu (green trit)
Lantern Mini cu smooth nat (green tritium)
Lantern Mini cu smooth antq (purple trit)
Lantern br double vial (ice blue trit)
Lantern da smooth (ice blue trit)
Lantern V2 ti smooth gray (ice blue trit)
Lantern ti smooth heat treated dark (green trit)
Lantern cu smooth antq (green trit)
Hammer ti/ss smooth black (ice blue trit)
Hammer ti/ss carved heat treated blue (ice blue trit)
Isotope S323 ss (purple trit)
Isotope S360 ss (ice blue trit)
T3 ti (ice blue)
T3 6x Triode ti (2 grn 2yel 2 ib)
Beadbomb V1 ti bb (green triti)
Glowworm V1 cu (green trit)
Glowworm V1 ti satin (blue trit)
Glowworm V1 ti satin/purple (ice blue trit)
Glowworm V1 br (green trit) USA copy
Glowworm V1 dm (ice blue trit) USA copy
Glowworm V2 ss blacken (green trit)
Glowworm V2 ti satin (ice blue trit)
Beadbomb V2 cu (orange trit)
Beadbomb V2 br (green trit)
Beadbomb V2 ti satin (green trit)
Beadbomb V2 ti blued (green trit)
Beadbomb V2 ti gold (green trit)
Worky tl blue (green trit)
Beadbomb V3 ss all satin (green trit) (1 of 6)
Beadbomb V3 ti all satin (ice blue trit)
Beadbomb V3 cu all satin (green trit) (1 of 2)
Beadbomb V3 br all satin (yellow trit) (1 of 2)
Spacebomb ti satin (3 green, 3 ice blue trit) (1 of 6)
Maze Tag ti (6 ice blue trit)
Maze Tag ti (6 green trit)
Tag ti large dots (green trit)
Locator ti (green trit)
RadHaz Tag ti (6 green trit)
Steve Ku 2x Tritium Holder alm (2 green trit)
TL23 ti glow bar (green trit)
TL25 ti glow bar (green trit)