Vape as smoking cessation


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Thanks P.

I just wanted to point out to folks that just about the time you think you've turned a corner, things sneak attack your@$$ when least expected.

It's fight worth fighting. After a few scares back in June I knew it was a fight that cannot be put off any longer. Doc said it was the pills I take due to side affects of working in heat, smoking and not taking care of myself that were a warning of things to happen later.

He said "it might be next year or it may be 20 years, it's up to you".....

Mini vape is the after dinner smoke today.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Another week in the battle Bykfixer vs the cigarette.

A shortened week since I go back to the heart doc for a follow up. Note I didn't say "my heart doctor" because I'm hoping to only see him in a shopping mall or restaraunt after tomorrow. But if I need to see one again that 60 something year old PK looking fellow will get the nod.

A three hour drive home and 2 cigarettes. I took 80 with me to work for the week and brought home 20. 80 used to be a 3 day supply... sometimes 2 day....

It was a week where my job would've ordinarily had me smoke, smoke, smoking too. I was sent to a project where a federal agency doing environmental monitoring was cracking down on state agency 2 for not cracking down on state agency 1 for keeping mud out of streams on construction projects. The contractor building the job is well connected in the highest offices of the US government. So they don't worry too much about any of those enviro nazis as they call them. I was dispatched to get all the players cooperating. No easy task. And several days ago one of agency 2's storm trooper found a violation that she considered a huge deal. No harm took place, but she made sure everybody in agency 1 and 2 and the well connected contractor understood she means business.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.... same old thing to me. But I'm working for folks who aren't used to over zealous government employees screaming and hollering how our dilema in Norfolk Va is all but causing the extinction of the moutain lion in Montana. So they are now running real scared for their jobs.

Me? Pffft! Im fall guy everywhere I go. Hey, it was broke when I got there. So one of two things will occur... things will get fixed, or stay broke. Same ole same ole.

Now the dilema caused a bunch of folks from agency 2 to fight agency 1 for a change. I played a part in that. Not because I'm awesome or anything. Nope, it's because I don't have enough sense to not fight. See I used to be that over zealous government employee. So I know what makes them tick. I also have the ability to speak their language.

This was another week where the storm trooper was a pest again. The storm trooper haaaaaaaates the smell of cigarettes. The old me would've lit one up wind just to **** her off. But today I pulled out my Penguin loaded with a strawberry tobacco juice and took a couple of puffs. The irony is the storm trooper now thinks I did that out of respect for her sensitive feelings. lol. I did not say anything to change her thoughts on that.

So the contractor has turned their high priced lawyers on agency 2 for allowing agency 1 to halt the project over a trivial matter that in their words "was an allowable" process. In truth they are correct. But the enviro nazis think otherwise. What a great week to go without chocolate candy, caffiene and a lot less cigarettes. I was too groggy to care and cross eyed from vaping all day.

That other pack I bought at the store the day I couldn't seem to get a drag from my ultralights? I tossed those nasty things after smoking like 3 of them. Yuck.

After a second week of vaping from a mod I finally discovered how to thwart leaks and how to finesse a drag that doesn't end up with a bunch of unspent liquid in the airflow chamber. No more slurpees from a vape, just a cup from a 7-11 store.
(Slurpees are a snow cone type drink from a chain called 7-11. Some other stores call them icees or slushys.)

Man, I really like a vape. Now that I know what I like, and how to do it proper the next step is to put down the cigarettes. I doubt it will be next week as old habits still lurk. It's kinda like dumping a dame (or fellow for you ladies) you know you need to. It takes courage to make the change. And when that cigarette sweet talks you, saying those exact things you like to hear... persistence to stick it out. So my brain is telling me "soon".

Oh, and in a meeting today a 3rd state agency had a rep there. At the close after folks were filing out she enquired why agency 1 is being so difficult when it's pretty obvious our staff has their act together. As a consultant I may be a paving inspector, street lights, record keeping... nearly anything construction related. Yet this time I'm paid to watch giant Tonka toys play in mud. And even though I'm way down the food chain in the command structure, I'm like the 'cool teacher' you had in school so everybody plays nice together when I'm around. After working on some sure enough high pressure projects this one is like a paid vacation instead of a job.

So when the rep from agency 3 saw how things operate in the grand scheme of things she left the meeting ready to advise the federal agency that they no longer need be concerned about our project. If not for the vape I might be looking for a job right now.... or bail money. lol
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
It's a typical Saturday morning with nothing on the adgenda. What to do? What to do?

Catch up on emails, read and answer pm's, nothing happening at the store, not much to hold my attention. At 7am my first cup of Mrs. Fixers coffee was halfway gone. I had not smoked yet. So it's decision time. Which vape?

Sitting in front of me were 4 vapes. A tobacco flavored pod and 3 tastey flavored mods. Now at 7am my typical drag is a light one. As the day goes I tend to take larger drags. Duley noted.

The tastey flavored devices tend to have a thick, syrupy texture during inhale. The tobacco flavored pod provides a light, whispy textured 'smoke'.... pod it is. Puff on that a few times and go to light a cigarette. Trigger. Caffienated coffee.... another trigger. Wife lights her first one.... another trigger. Pull out cigarrete and puff the pod a few more times. Put cigarette back in pack.
Winner winner chicken dinner!!

Eventually I had that first smoke. But an ordinarily very difficult battle had been won. The first one of the day.

See, part of my goal is to not affect my wife's daily pleasures by fussing about the smell of her cigarettes. Matter of fact I can quit my brand a lot easier than her brand. I really like her brand. But they make me cough next morning so I enjoy a couple a day of her brand. So I was able to chit chat with Mrs. Fixer at the dinner table first thing while she enjoyed her first one of the day without lighting mine or grabbing one of hers. Nor snarling at her to "get that awful thing away from me".....

Yup, the first one of the day is now noted on how to avoid it and still maintain a peace in my household.

Another goal:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
Employer increases insurance costs to us, more so if covered members do not choose to participate in a wellness program. A completed tobacco affidavit is required. If you use tobacco (or e-cigarettes) you must complete a 12-week online tobacco cessation workshop.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Not only does my employer ask if I smoke but want to know who else in the house smokes.

I don't get a discount for being smoke free, but I do get 'healthy lifestyle' points for it. Once you reach X points you get a discount. I can easily make the points by having a screening for the basics like bp etc and reading some healthy choices propaganda and passing quizzes at the end. Quizzes that make you answer correctly before proceeding to the next question.

A few years back my company was bought out by a giant firm who had their own insurance company. These folks have their own 'font', colors, custom OutLook scheme etc.
Anyway, at the outset we had X number of days to fill out a questionaire, to which you received a lifestyle score. I asked some coworkers how they had fared. Healthy living folks had been penalized for not drinking 3-5 alcoholic beverages a week, for not working out at a gym for 30 minutes a day and other things 'they' deemed worthy of a good score.

Pffft! I put down that I eat pork at least 8x a week, red meat 12x, drank a gallon of coffee everyday, smoked 4 packs a day and got zero excersize. Well needless to say I got a low score. 100+ was ideal. Mine was 30 something.

At screening time my bp was perfect along with glucose and colesterol so I got the same discount those 20 something year old twiggy, twirps who take the stairs to the 12th floor got.

We used to carry a motion meter on our hip. I'd hook mine to an oscilating fan or place it on my shoe and got more points daily than my soccer playing coworkers.

Bottom line , I'm a 54 year old with an 80 year olds body from years of extreme activities in my youth and if I don't want to take the freaking stairs to get an insurance discount, then so be it.

One thing for certain, when I'm outside in the heat and some twiggy office dweller comes out to see me, it aint 20 minutes before they're ready to pass out from the heat and they climb back into their climate controled suv car with air conditioned leather seats and head back to the office where they park in the shade.

Now they do an 'age' score based on mental health, lifestyle choices and health screenings. I score better than many of my stair climbing cohorts who strive to achieve the next step in the corparate ladder and relieve their stress by guzzling the latest flavor of craft beer.

It's all subjective really. Any fool knows smoking aint healthy. But neither is stress.
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peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
That makes me so pleased that I'm self employed.
I may not make any money, but at least I haven't got any twerps telling me what I can and can't do.
Up the Revolution!
Second exclamation mark of the day.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
That makes me so pleased that I'm self employed.
I may not make any money, but at least I haven't got any twerps telling me what I can and can't do.
Up the Revolution!
Second exclamation mark of the day.

Dam, two in the same thread.
I act like I'm going to do it their way around the twirps, then when they leave go back to doing what 35 years of experience has taught me is the correct way.

No stress. Hence the vape thing while I stop smoking.
My brother is bothered by stuff the vice president of his company does.... people 45 rungs up the ladder from him who have zero bearing on his job.

Me? I've worked for the government, been self employed and worked for rich people. As long as my paycheck don't bounce I've found working for rich people is my favorite. In government your boss is likely to be a person the rules did not allow them to be fired so they promoted them to be rid of the hassle. Self employment turned my hobby into a 24/7 job and working for a rich guy as a consultant in my industry means if you do well they keep you around and promote you.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
Interesting read, fixer.

Back in college, met a friend whose mother was a great, hard working person. So many years later, most Sunday mornings I used to help her keep up the place (mowing lawn, landscaping, simple repairs, etc.). She made lunch and we talked. She always had an after-lunch cigarette. That was it. She lived until her latter eighties.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
My mom puffed about 10 a week. She died at 60.
My pop was 4 packs a day. He passed at 82.

The difference? Stress.

My mom was a saint but worried a lot. She aimed to please others. My pop liked himself just like he was and carried no burdens for very long.

My mom often wore boxing mouth guards to bed to save her teeth from the all night grinding. (My wife used to until she learned to shake off the burdens she cannot control.) (ie kids were grown lol). My mom also learned to relax the day after the last of 4 flew the nest. Trouble was she only lived stress free a few months and passed suddenly. Doc said years stress likely did it.

My dad wss a good man. But very stern. He learned to let go of things beyond his control. Easier said than done for many. But my pop had it dialed in.

Now little things would get my dad all pressurized where my mom stayed cool under pressure. He was 90% deaf too so he played on that.... pretending not to hear things he didn't want to.

Example was his heart doctor told him stop smoking or quit coming back. My pop announced "doc says I don't need to come back, I must be healed". (He missed thr "get the hell outta my office" part of the conversation apparently.) But man, you mess around and let the inspection sticker on your car expire and you got an earful.

My mom would lay awake nights wondering if she'd crossed all the T's on a legal document at work, or that a loose screw squeak in her car meant it was about to disintigrate. Yet when I reported our garage was on fire while she was cooking dinner she dialed the fire dept with one hand and flipped the burgers she was cooking with the other. She said "go tell your dad I'm busy" lol. Of course he jumps out his easy chair during Jeopardy and goes flying out the back door some 125 feet in 6 steps....

His truck was broken and blocking the garage door. His boat was on the other side. Door goes flying open and he tugged on the trailer while pushing the truck out of the way. Saved his boat though. Broke 3 ribs doing it and went to work the next day. Fire department ruled it arson. We never could prove who did it but my mom suspected a disgruntled fireman had done it. (Politics in a 1 horse town type of thing.)

I remember sitting on the front porch and an ambulance pulls up. EMT's walk into my back yard past me. Wut-thuh?
Turns out my pop had cut his hand really bad with a skil saw while building the garage that later burned. He had called my mom at work to ask her where the sewing kit was so he could sew his hand and keep working. She called for an ambulance. By the time they arrived he was putting in his own stitches. lol. Dude had 20 teeth pulled with no novacaine. He was tough like that.... and won't about to pay the extra $20 or whatever for the novacaine shots.

There was the time when she started walking to work across town because she was so scared the squeaky springs on her car meant she would put it in drive and the suspension was going to stay put while the rest of the car took off or something. Pop sarcastically said "well dang it, just go buy a new one"..... she did. But when pop found out she hadn't haggled the price.... and had borrowed money from a bank to buy it?.... at 12 years old or so I thought for sure they were going to off one another over that one. Eh, typical heated discussion among two allies (against the 4 kids), but to a 12 year old it sure seemed much worse.

I had awesome parents who put the family above themselves 99.99% of the time. But they smoked. So did everybody else in the house and family (except my grandmother who used to dip snuff until it stained her teeth). Most of the neighbors kids parents smoked. Heck, teachers at school smoked between classes. Cops smoked. The preacher smoked. I think the only person in my formative years that played an influential role was the mean old lady across the street who yelled "get off my grass" a lot. And her husband used to sit on his porch and chain smoke. We figured he was commiting suicide one non filttered bullet at a time.

These days a lot of people smoke. But nowhere near as many as when I was a kid (population percent-wise). Yet when I was a kid wtching tv, even cartoon characters smoked. Natasha in Bull Winkle, various characters in the Flinstones, or looney tunes. The Joker.....
They didn't say it but we always thought Shaggy and Scoobie smoked weed all the time.
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peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
I used to fence at sabre rather competitively and one of my teachers (Professors) used to smoke while we fenced. His masks all had a big yellow stain around the mouth area.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Back then it wasn't seen as bazzare. Nor were the yellow finger tips non filtered smokers had.

What surprised me at a vape store the other near my home that is close to an army base was the number of soldiers walking in to buy e-cigs and pods to stop smoking. Heck, I didn't know soldiers were even allowed to smoke.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Figured out another trigger during my morning commute today.
The telephone. Apparently I like to smoke while on the phone. We had an issue at my work today that involved folks calling me to say "THE SKY IS FALLING!! YIKES!" while I was on the way there some hour or so away....

Now, I've got my routine down where certain milestones are passed before lighting up. But today I noticed when the phone rang (again) it wasn't long after answering that I was smoking.

At one point it was obvious a vape wasn't convenient while driving and talking on a celphone. So I held an unlit cigarette several times and that solved the trigger issue. My thought is to keep a pencil/pen handy for those times after I stop smoking.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Well, it's been a little over a month since I started vaping as a smoking cessation tool.

The 5 cigarettes per day was a bust after one week. The max 20 per day thing has evolved from 20 at work to 20 all day to 20 short ones instead of the 100mm kind. In the meantime I have stuck to 3% nic and reduced vapes as well.

The frustration of misfiring boxes, wet hits and leaking tanks that led to me saying "never mind this nonsense I'll just smoke" is gone now that I've found devices that work and a technique that stops unspent juice build up. A week of satisfying puffs each and every time has placed a new found confidence into my way of thinking.

During the commute I start out with one cigarette. Upon pulling the next one out of the pack I toss the lighter out of reach. Sometimes onto the floorboard on the passenger side, sometimes over my shoulder into the back seat. Either way it is impractical to try to use it while driving on a busy highway. Yet handling the cigarette satisfies numerous triggers and urges. Yeah, I have pulled over a time or two but as a rule I don't.

(One day this week while commuting I kept getting phone calls and text messages with photos of the carnage on my project after a sunrise thunderstorm dumped 3 inches of rain in about 30 minutes. That meant 3 months of work to protect areas from muddy water entering nearby streams was obliterated in 30 minutes while they watched the protective devices fail one after another. I finally pulled over and grabbed the lighter. But two cigarettes later I tossed it back onto the back seat. Ironically it was beautiful sunny skies where I was.)

Early last week I discovered I had 80 cigarettes for 5 days. The math of 20x5 meant a supply of 100 was required. Oh, and I had no cash on me. That was a scarey feeling the day I figured that out. I just chain vaped my tobacco flavored Penguin more often and it worked out.
On day 5 I had one left before setting out on a commute back home. Then I remembered that one down in the abyss between the seats. Who knows what year it was that it fell in there. And fishing it out with extreme caution so as not to break it..... got it! Yay!!!! Man-o-man was that thing nasty. Yuck. 2 puffs in and that dude was tossed out the window at 65mph.

After reading a success story where a fellow did what I'm doing for about a year with mini goals of added cut backs along the way I feel pretty good about the 20 shorter length ones per day and have gotten used to the idea of no longer puffing one after the other during idle times or during internet time when one usually smoldered in a nearby ashtray hour after hour. It's hard to imagine that during an 8 hour day at work with at least 2 per day in a non smoking setting, that I was able to smoke 30+ cigarettes in that time. Wow!!

The story I read, the former smoker said he'd write down why he was about to smoke. Apparently that led to less mindless puffing away.
Bing!! Great idea.

In the meantime while walking around the construction site I toodle puff on a vape tool instead of smoking. That really helps in the hot sun. Stamina boost. And little by little the noticable stamina loss from smoking has me deciding "nah, not yet" a few times a day.

I have noticed a wee bit of an appetite increase. Nothing like when I stopped cold turkey those times before where there didn't seem to be enough food in the grocery store to satisfy the major munchies. Now I just go for an apple, or a few peanuts.... some popcorn instead of a steak and baked potato for desert after an all you can eat buffet.

My belt is looser. Not because it stretched this time as so are my trousers. See I used to wear a belt incase the massive psi against the button caused another one to disintigrate. There is also a habit of keeping a vessel full of liquid nearby. More trips to the bathroom means less time flaking on the couch, means a few more calories burned each day, and more toxins being flushed out along with more fat cells. (Going to grab a bottle of water as I type this.)

At first smoking and vaping with nicotine laced juice kept me all jacked up and I was losing sleep big time. I'd stopped caffienated coffee yet was sleeping like 3 hours a night.... and not even feeling groggy at all. It was crazy though. Because I was feeling all relaxed mentally instead of all that angst like when I had done the cold turkey thing those times before. Less smoking is a norm now. And less vaping is becoming so.

Now one mistake I made last week was to chain vape stealth style where you hold in the vapor until none is exhaled. I woke up Thursday morning feeling like I was drowning. I could not get a good breath until lunch time. Man, it was awful. I did not touch the steam machine. No way dude. And only a choking drag off a cigarette caused the issue to disipate after a few hours. Won't do that again. But man, it was sizzling outside in the evening, the mosquitos were in super-bug mode and my cigarettes were outside. I chose to stay indoors where it was comfy and away from my enemy, the cigarette.
My last night out of town I walked away from my cigarettes to a place with a nice view of the city and a nice mosquito free breeze was blowing and puffed away on a tastey grape until bed time.

So a month in, some bad habits are now replaced with good ones, a couple of satisfying devices are acquired, my body is used to less nicotine in total and I'm looking forward to the next milestone..... 10 cigarettes a day. I'm searching for a durable container that will only hold a half pack of cigarettes to fill each morning.

Now recently I read a story about some high end vape boxes that the hard core vapors scoff at because the resemble 18650 sized flashlights (Henry are you reading this?).... I'm intrigued. At this point the notion of paying $3-400 for a battery box is beyond my realm of thinking..... but I definitely like the thought of incorparating a Dark Suck clip onto a vape device someday.
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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Great read as always mr fixer, i know you can do it , no problem there. Your strong minded and determined question. Just one day or week at a time, its all in the right direction . There will always be set backs, always be stress or a bad day.................thats life.

My thinking was simply invest, then why would i want to spend money again to smoke.Silly example-Like wearing cheap $5 trainers that give blisters, go out, spend $100 on some Nike's..............then go back to the $5 trainers and walk in pain. No, i would have to get my money worth out of the Nike or its a waste(and i dont want sore feet lol). So investing £60 in a vape pen/s ,not including juice, was my way years back to stop me(at the time) spending £7 or £8 a pack and damaging my health.

The first few months are tricky, once your gear is all sorted and happy with, the ride gets far easier. Not always less complicated, but easier once you have the right mod(size/vape time /UI etc).


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I have 3 reliable devices at this point, no slurping first puff of the day and tanks that hold the juice inside.
A couple of tanks have a nice, seasoned coil/wick drop in with spares full and being seasoned a little at a time until my current ones :poof: and I have my technique dialed in.

The three different devices have a different version of the same flavor with a slight tweak to each one. So no burnt out on the same flavor all the time. They all flow about the same and cook about the same temperature using Kanthal for a consistant output.

So yeah, it's getting less complicated versus the ease of the combustable tobacco stick. I asked myself several days ago why I didn't just stick with the pod. The answer was "you're flashaholic for Pete's sake" "you know just one won't do".....

Once some funds shake loose I'm planning on attending a coil pack building class at a nearby vape shop and using some incoming KangorTech top tank nanos to build me some nice wicks and some old school type plus ohm juice cookers to pass the idle time in the evening. I already have most of the tools and a clip on jewler lens kit from rebuilding small electrical gizmos in my Honda Preludes a couple years back.