Worst unsafe headlight mod I have personally seen.


Dec 17, 2009
Hog Waller, GA
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

Most people that do illegal mods are unaware that they're illegal. Most think they're doing something good.

Can's see how the red-halo guy can justify his mod though. Unless he honestly thinks it's more conspicuous that way.

The gray tinted headlights and tail lights puzzle me. I had a guy ask me which HID retrofit to stick in his Jeep JK ----- he noticed that he couldn't see well at night after spraypainting his headlights with brake light tint...
Was going for the "stealth look".

Alaric Darconville

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 2, 2001
Stillwater, America
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

UN Regulations have recently been changed to require that the front and rear fogs shut off and stay off until manually activated whenever the headlamps or vehicle ignition are shut off (or at least that there be a buzzer/chime if the rear fog switch is left on when the ignition is switched off). The Canadian regulator tried to add those commonsense provisions to Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 108, but was shot down by the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers Association, which went to the regulator's supervising minister and complained that the regulator was trying to put provisions into the regulation without any proof of safety benefit. Result: the regulator got told to cut it out. :-(

They can do it for the rear-window defroster, why not for a rear (or even front) fog lamp? It doesn't even need a chime if it's going to turn off when you key off.


Mar 26, 2004
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

Well, yeah, that's what makes the argument so ridiculous, isn't it? Nothing is controlled by direct-action switches any more, everything is routed through the computer, so this kind of requirement has gone from "practically no cost" (momentary pushbutton switch and latching relay instead of toggle switch and regular relay) to "literally no cost" (change a line of code in the computer). But it would involve doing something differently than it is currently done, so the US and Canadian auto industry cry murder about it and make bogus demands for cost benefit analysis they know can't be done.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2012
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

That is just ridiculous... no-brain-booger-eater crap... I was driving behind a bus these days, and it had exactly zero brake "regular" lights, but a pair of round blinking white led crap instead... just "hypnotizing"


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

My coffee almost came up my nose reading the last line:

"Notice the sexy blue tint, caused by the lights. BEWARE!!! You will be picking up unbelieveable amounts of women, so you better buy a van as a secondary vehicle so you can carry them all around, as they might not fit in your civic, since it is a sports car so it is small."

Hamilton Felix

Jan 2, 2010
Marblemount, WA, USA
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

Obviously, someone has a sense of humor. You have to appreciate someone who will go to lengths for a joke - particularly to mock the "blue light" bozos.:laughing:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

I loved the 'peel off' feature. Like Saran Wrap is going to last long enough to get cloudy. And especially the comment "your car will now have the same power/handeling as an Indy car since you share
this feature".

He can't splel, but he's funny. I hope it's all just a joke...


Mar 26, 2004
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

Have you seen the rest of the site and the other mods?

Hamilton Felix

Jan 2, 2010
Marblemount, WA, USA
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

This site does not satirize ALL foreign cars, nor ALL 4 cyl. cars.

Yep, but enough of them... ;)

I liked the coffee can exhaust tip. But the cardboard rear wing on the old VW Beetle was winner. :laughing:

Hamilton Felix

Jan 2, 2010
Marblemount, WA, USA
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

It's hilarious. Lots of points to anyone who laughs at the blue headlight morons.
And you must admit he includes some truly Shakespearean Verse:

Bright bluish fog lights and big yellow Stickers
Turn up the volume my headlights will flicker

I think I look cool from the attention I bring...
Scraping the speed bumps from cutting my springs.

Large yellow shift lights on auto transmissions,
Speakers so loud that you'll scream in submission

My car really flies 'cause it has this big wing...
But nothing compares to me cutting my springs.

When the bull stops, when the money talks, when I might lose face...
I suddenly remember what my car can't do And then I refuse to race!

Day-glow orange shift knobs and whiteface temp gauges
Low profile tires make me think I'm courageous

Japanese characters, who knows what they mean?
They're part of the package from cutting my springs.

Coffee can mufflers and Calvin is peeing
People around me don't like what they're seeing

They're all just so jealous, for I am the king...
I rule the street after cutting my springs!

When the night falls, when the girls leave, while I wait and wait...
If I'm such a stud after cutting my springs Why can't I get a date


Mar 26, 2004
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

Only one thing, though: Shakespeare didn't write "My Favorite Things". That was written by whoever wrote "The Sound of Music".

One other thing:
Japanese characters, who knows what they mean?

Oh, that's easy, they mean "I don't actually speak Japanese".
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Mar 26, 2004
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

In a parking lot today I saw a pre-'97 Jeep Cherokee with utterly trashed/dead sealed beam headlamps. The reflectors were gone, just totally dark -- that's what happens when water gets inside a formerly-sealed beam. On the front bumper was a shiny new pair of Hella 530 aux high beam "driving" lamps. Uh, let's review: Pair of new sealed beams: $40 if you buy the best ones, $25 if you buy regular ones, $8 if you keep your eyes open at garage sales and flea markets and secondhand stores, $2 if you buy working used ones at a wrecking yard. Plus 20 minutes or so (working slowly and/or coping with frozen screws) to install and another 10 minutes to do a guess-at-it aim job up against a wall. OR, option 2: Pair of Hella 530 lamps, wiring harness, switch, relay: $110 to $140 depending on where and when you buy. Plus at least an hour, probably more like 90 minutes to two hours, to drill new holes, run new wires, attach relay to firewall, install switch in/on/under dash, and we won't add another 10 minutes to do a guess-at-it aim job up against a wall because one of the 530s was pointing up/out and the other was kinda down/in. I guess that's for low beam and high beam???

H'm, now that I type it out like that, I can see why they chose...oh, wait, that's not true, no I can't! Geeze, what a dweeb.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

I doubt it will vie for the 'worst' rating, but today I passed a set of pink ones on the highway.


Feb 29, 2004
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

option 2: Pair of Hella 530 lamps, wiring harness, switch, relay: $110 to $140 depending on where and when you buy. Plus at least an hour, probably more like 90 minutes to two hours, to drill new holes, run new wires, attach relay to firewall, install switch in/on/under dash, and we won't add another 10 minutes to do a guess-at-it aim job up against a wall because one of the 530s was pointing up/out and the other was kinda down/in. I guess that's for low beam and high beam???

I think you've giving the Cherokee owner way too much credit. Odds are they rigged something that worked using the stock headlight harness and left it at that ... and spent about as long aiming as it took to tighten the things down.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

lol, you guys need to come to nyc, things ppl do to their cars lights will make your hair rise. i still can figure out why in one of the most densely populated city's in usa, with millions of cars, there is no light enforcement of any kind. unless you got bright neons under the car, you will not get pulled over for any light mod.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

lol, you guys need to come to nyc, things ppl do to their cars lights will make your hair rise. i still can figure out why in one of the most densely populated city's in usa, with millions of cars, there is no light enforcement of any kind. unless you got bright neons under the car, you will not get pulled over for any light mod.
Umm, there's virtually no enforcement of any traffic laws here. I highly doubt the police here would even know what an illegal headlight mod looked like, much less give a ticket for one. The only equipment violation the police seem to be big on is tinted windows, accounting for 95,866 out of 1,020,754 moving violations. When in NYC just make sure you don't have tinted windows, wear your seat belt, and aren't on a cell phone. Pretty much everything else seems to be just dandy as far as the NYPD is concerned. Note the relatively low number of speeding tickets, even though 39 percent of motorists speed, some at highway speeds on streets with children. Yes, there were 24,906 tickets for improper or defective headlights but I'll guess that 24,000+ of these were for defective headlights.

BTW, regardless of the NYPD's nonenforcement of illegal lighting here, I suspect it wouldn't be as much of an issue as it would be on dark roads. With the bright street lights, your eyes are adjusted to a higher light level, and hence not as easily blinded by a lousy headlight mod. When I'm out cycling at night, the only time I might be blinded by someone's headlights is when I'm on a residential street where the trees are blocking out most of the streetlights. Even then, I'll only be blinded the worst, most poorly aimed headlight mods.
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Mar 26, 2004
Re: Worst unsafe mod I have personally seen.

The only equipment violation the police seem to be big on is tinted windows

Probably because if your windows are tinted, the cops can't see you readying a gun to shoot them with when they pull you over.