I love incandescent flashlight much more than LED flashlights,how about you?

RedForest UK

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 28, 2009
You have to also take into account the physical shape/position of an incan filament. Unlike an LED it is actually forward in front of some of the reflector with more than 180 degrees of beam spread. This leads to a higher % of the light emitted hitting the reflector and therefore a higher amount possible to collimate into the central hotspot.


Mar 19, 2008
And throw does you no good if the tint of the beam is affected by environmental conditions to point where the reflections do not make it back to your eyes with enough strength to perceive it.


Apr 28, 2012
is incan light more consistsnt in color from bulb to buld?
It seems LEDs very alot.


Jan 13, 2005
You are making the inaccurate assumption of a reflector as opposed to a TIR optic.


Jan 13, 2005
Incan is very consistent unit to unit ... as long as the same bulb is running at the same power level. WIthout regulation the color temp changes with the battery voltage.

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
is incan light more consistent in color from bulb to bulb?
It seems LEDs vary a lot.
Generally more predictable for a particular bulb, but there can be a bit of variance between
types of bulbs. For more info read the post by SemiMan.
Consistency among LED's is getting better than it used to be, especially if you pick a specific tint bin.
For tint issues alone, incan is more consistent at a given voltage and bulb style, while LED's inherent longevity assures less trouble
with sup-par tints once you've identified a preferred tint.
Incan is very consistent unit to unit ... as long as the same bulb is running at the same power level. Without regulation the color temp changes with the battery voltage.


Nov 10, 2011
Off thread, but I find it quite interesting that most of the replies here are from long standing members that probably have more experience with incan bulbs. I really enjoy reading posts from those that have been around for a while.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 10, 2012
Incandescent is the new black... Ive been a die hard LED fan for quite sometime. Got my hands on a C2 and a modded M2 and i havent been this excited about flashlights since i bought my first surefire L4 years ago.
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Dec 26, 2011
Northern Europe
incandescent bulb gives warm light like the sun, while LED gives the cold light that I dont like
The problem with your statement of incans being closer to sun is that CCT of sun is in range of 5000K-6500K, which is way closer to neutral-white LEDs than to incandescent bulbs.

On topic, my favorite "color producer" is Nichia 219. Uber-high CRI + tint that is not ill-red like incan bulbs = awesome.

RedForest UK

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 28, 2009
You are making the inaccurate assumption of a reflector as opposed to a TIR optic.

I'm not sure it was an entirely 'innacurate' assumption, as most torches using LED or incan use reflectors.

It was certainly an assumption though, and does only apply to reflector based optics.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2009
Sweet Home Alabama
I love this thread. If we stay true to the OP, it makes for interesting debate and it's good to see so much passion stirred up. Say, "Conservative versus Liberal", or.... "Tube amp versus solid state"(Guitar players or audiophiles) or…automatic, self-winding watch versus quartz digital or, ...."Less filling - tastes great (how many of you remember that?)" - or "Incandescent versus LED" and you'll see the passion stirred up for sure!

I 'discovered' incans about a year ago in this thread. Like I normally do, I went off the deep end and purchased quite a number of lights, bulbs, blah blah, and decided that Incan was "it" and LED was not as good. Over time, that position evolved…

May I digress, only briefly? :eek:

I remember selling high-end audio systems and components early in my working career - you know, the $10-20k (and much higher) mega systems. Recorded symphony orchestras with 30 inch per second mastering recorders and high-end tube 'point source' microphones. All through high end tube audio components. Ah, that awesome, smooth, soothing analog sound. The very word "analog" invoked an image of 'accurate replica' (and yes, I know that is NOT the definition of analog - I'm talking "audiophile speak").

We loved pristine vinyl recordings being played on high-end systems, all being input by a phono cartridge, tone arm, and turntable that cost more than most systems of today. As long as they are "pristine." ;))

No doubt, there were lousy analog systems in those days, too. Probably more lousy ones than good ones.

Then came solid-state. Integrated circuits. The compact disc. Purists turned up their noses. "Grainy!! Screechy!! Inaccurate!!!" Doesn't sound like the original!! But those new technologies brought more robust electronics (in some cases) and, at an equivalent price point, sometimes equal or better performance. And they got better, and continue to improve, although some audiophile purists will go to their graves resisting solid-state electronics, and :)faint:), integrated circuits!

Sadly, today such high-end analog audio systems are reserved for the more affluent purists, although tube guitar amplifiers (while pricey) remain preferred by many rock and blues guitarists. (I have a couple of really nice tube rigs… :D)

Back to Incandescent versus LED, what's the point?

In my mind, incandescent has given the LED manufacturers a decent benchmark. Not always better, but for those who love warm tints, something to try and replicate. And like their audio analog counterparts, they continue to be closer to our memories of the 'original', while at the same time requiring more power, generating more heat, and (arguably) requiring more care and maintenance. (How many backup 6P lamps do you have? I have 14! And 10 9Ps! And 4 MN03s! And a number of Streamlight and Lumens Factory bulbs in backup – plus a few Carly.)

Granted, not all LED manufacturers seek to replicate the tint of an incandescent light, but those who do are getting better at it. And although it's already been mentioned, the Nichia high CRI emitters (in 119 and 219 variants) 'look' more accurate to me at rendering colors than do any of my incan lights. And there are users out there - many on them (and you know who you are) who PREFER the cool white tints! And that's okay, too...I like them for some applications, and the beauty of this scenario is the fact that we HAVE SUCH CHOICES! :)

So the point? I hope incandescent stays with us for a long time! For what they do, they are hard to beat. Warm, soothing tints – very pure (if not necessarily the most 'accurate.') And hopefully the LED will continue to evolve and improve…they already give us longer run times, longer life, cooler operation, etc. And as the technology continues to improve, many of us like to dabble in modifying our lights to the newest and greatest LED.

So practice the philosophy seen so often here on this great group of forums – why choose?

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Apr 28, 2012
Well i just recieved a Solarforce L2 host today.

I will order the Lumens Factory IMR-9 drop with 2xAW IMR 18350 (as recommended)

Havnt chosen an LED drop yet.

Would like one that will use the IMRs and 500 lumen.

So everything except the drop-ins would be equal.

For know im sticking with neither will out throw the other.

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
May I digress, only briefly? :eek:
You write a lot of great posts, but this one was a joy to read.

Just in the same manner as you've described people resistance to accepting "new technology which will never be equal to the original" in regards to LED's and HiFi systems, (I got my first CD player when the store selling them only had 5 CD's because there were virtually no titles yet available!) you also mentioned tube vs. solid state and I would have to add digital cameras to the mix.

I'm a dyed in the wool tube fan, particularly 900's and DSL's, but most of the time lately I'm playing through a Boss pedal and getting a better tube sound than a few poorly designed Marshall hybrids offered me years ago. Sure I'd love to have a Bad Cat, but then if I can't afford to replace my Hinderer XM-18 then I guess it'll be a while for the amp too.

I know I'm just reiterating what you said so much better, but technology really does not stand still for any man, even if it may seem to at times - there's just too many people trying to offer the best of both worlds on a continual basis for us not to see the norms of the past become memories for most.


Dec 28, 2009
Bay Area, CA
...Hence for a similar size and properly designed LED/Incan, the LED is going to out throw it.



This has never been my perceptible/subjective experience with reflectored LEDs vs. refelctored incans of similar size. As for optics and LEDs, my only experiences with them are multi-emitter lights with optics and a single emitter nailbender Cree XR-E neutral P60 drop-in with 8-degree TIR optic. This optic doesn't even throw as well as a reflectored XR-E in my Fenix TA21 which is similar in size to P60 heads.

As for color rendering, the latest Nichia 219 does seem to surpass incans but it just doesn't feel as pleasant to look at as an incan (this is probably just my version of tube audio vs. solid-state).

Out of curiousity, I'd like to know what incans and LED flashlights you own that you can make comparisons with. I understand that it is hard to argue with the scientific logic of your reasoning but it continues to be defied by my real world experiences on the subject.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Out of curiousity, I'd like to know what incans and LED flashlights you own that you can make comparisons with. I understand that it is hard to argue with the scientific logic of your reasoning but it continues to be defied by my real world experiences on the subject.
I 'd like to know that too, since my experience is quite opposite. I too want to see examples.
If scientific logic doesn't mimic the reality, it worth nothing, for those that live in real world.


Apr 21, 2009
A Place Called HOME
This has never been my perceptible/subjective experience with reflectored LEDs vs. refelctored incans of similar size. As for optics and LEDs, my only experiences with them are multi-emitter lights with optics and a single emitter nailbender Cree XR-E neutral P60 drop-in with 8-degree TIR optic. This optic doesn't even throw as well as a reflectored XR-E in my Fenix TA21 which is similar in size to P60 heads.

As for color rendering, the latest Nichia 219 does seem to surpass incans but it just doesn't feel as pleasant to look at as an incan (this is probably just my version of tube audio vs. solid-state).

Out of curiousity, I'd like to know what incans and LED flashlights you own that you can make comparisons with. I understand that it is hard to argue with the scientific logic of your reasoning but it continues to be defied by my real world experiences on the subject.
my experience concur with yours!
eye-balling, foggy nite, same reflector size, LED spread, Incan punch thru! :grin2:

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