Waiting for my Tri EDC..

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Colonel Sanders

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 17, 2010
Can't imagine how hard it must be for somebody having to put up with such inane questions. How the hell is Mac or anyone else supposed to know such a thing. Questions like this deserve exactly what it got... Silence. I think he was just being polite by ignoring you. If you want one of his lights, put in your order and shut it.

EDITED RESPONSE due to swear abbreviations.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 6, 2011
If you want one of his lights, put in your order and shut it.

Are you serious? who are you and in what position do you have a right to tell anyone who prepaid (yes, that's with their own real money) for an item and was promised a delivery date and then continuously being ignored despite numerous postings here on the forum, sending PMs and emails only to be repeatedly told that all their PMs was "accidentally" deleted, or went to a spam folder, all emails lost, personal issues, one man show, supply issues etc etc (some or all of this may be true?) when he could have easily prevented any misunderstanding by posting a notice on his forum instead of continuously ignoring his paying customers request for a delivery update.

I once was the first to jump in on one of his sales thread with several drop ins ready to go, and (because of our time zone difference) I was being warned to pay up immediately or risked my slot going to someone else. I remembered then that I actually woke up at 4am in the morning, switching on my computer and immediately sent him a PayPal which he later confirmed. Then my agonies began...drop in never came even after being patience for several weeks, then months. Numerous PMs & email was never replied, or replied with deadlines that was slipped again and again...finally it turned up some 4+ months later together with another light (also delivered 4+ months late) and I felt like he did me a big favour by actually sending me what I paid for in the first place, but by then I have lost my interest of the items that I purchased, and I thought it was a one off unfortunate incident then I ordered another 2 lights last year. Same old same old...Now I'm not the only one getting this treatment and a casual glace at many of Mac's thread reveals the same practice, over and over. Now maybe some fanboy might put up with this but I worked hard for my money and I won't let anyone screw around with me. I don't accuse Mac of being dishonest but I just don't agree with how he handle his side of the bargain...so how is it do you have the cheek to tell someone to "put up and shut up"?

Making nice lights is one thing, being sloopy, lack of transparency with delivery time frame and not taking care of your customers is a sure way to get yourself unpopular. Mac knew this pretty well, whether he wants to work on these issues remains to be seen.


Nov 29, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Thumbs up Silgt. I think Mac makes great lights. Just think he should follows Don's example on how to treat customers (not Henry's! :) )


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
Are you serious? who are you and in what position do you have a right to tell anyone who prepaid (yes, that's with their own real money) for an item and was promised a delivery date and then continuously being ignored despite numerous postings here on the forum, sending PMs and emails only to be repeatedly told that all their PMs was "accidentally" deleted, or went to a spam folder, all emails lost, personal issues, one man show, supply issues etc etc (some or all of this may be true?) when he could have easily prevented any misunderstanding by posting a notice on his forum instead of continuously ignoring his paying customers request for a delivery update.

I once was the first to jump in on one of his sales thread with several drop ins ready to go, and (because of our time zone difference) I was being warned to pay up immediately or risked my slot going to someone else. I remembered then that I actually woke up at 4am in the morning, switching on my computer and immediately sent him a PayPal which he later confirmed. Then my agonies began...drop in never came even after being patience for several weeks, then months. Numerous PMs & email was never replied, or replied with deadlines that was slipped again and again...finally it turned up some 4+ months later together with another light (also delivered 4+ months late) and I felt like he did me a big favour by actually sending me what I paid for in the first place, but by then I have lost my interest of the items that I purchased, and I thought it was a one off unfortunate incident then I ordered another 2 lights last year. Same old same old...Now I'm not the only one getting this treatment and a casual glace at many of Mac's thread reveals the same practice, over and over. Now maybe some fanboy might put up with this but I worked hard for my money and I won't let anyone screw around with me. I don't accuse Mac of being dishonest but I just don't agree with how he handle his side of the bargain...so how is it do you have the cheek to tell someone to "put up and shut up"?

Making nice lights is one thing, being sloopy, lack of transparency with delivery time frame and not taking care of your customers is a sure way to get yourself unpopular. Mac knew this pretty well, whether he wants to work on these issues remains to be seen.

First off I never warned you or told you to pay up immediately that's complete BS

Originally Posted by cmacclel

Payment was never received.

Went on holidays I couldn't send payment...PayPal rejected my payment because I logged in with a foreign IP address...didn't update you, my fault!

Getting my friend to send PayPal on my behalf...payment should reach you in the next few hours...will update you by pm in awhile.

Thanks for reminding....I almost forgotten about this

I sent this 19 days after you placed the order.

Then after you sent payment the following day you asked to change the order ?????????????? So you paid 19 days after placing the order and then the day after payment was made you wanted to change the material of the 2nd light you ordered (at a 25% discount)

Your order was completed for weeks but you wanted your lights shipped to Frank for custom output levels and told me to hold off shipping them for what 2+ weeks.
Then you had me send them directly to you when you could not get in touch with Frank.

Let's also get something straight I don't purposely ignore anyone. 30 people at a time inquiring about customs lights and options..............what throws better..............can I use this LED..............what about this..........what about that....................YES I GET BEHIND BUT I WILL NEVER SCREW ANYONE. People arguing in this thread?????????????Really.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
How is asking which LED would throw better an insane question? As a light maker Mac has the knowledge and can easily answer that question. You should go ahead and order a light from Mac and see how you handle being ignored and not knowing when you will receive your light.

This thread has been getting my attention too. I have had 3 lights from Mac, and on one of them I waited over 4 months. It's definitely tough especially when it's been such a long time and the light shows up with the wrong specs. I love Mac's lights, but the lack of communication was bad enough that the final light I received wasn't what I had ordered, and this was 4 months down the road.

I love to support the custom builders as Shyan said, it fuels this hobby of mine, but it's hard to put money down again when the past experiences were so frustrating

You sent me a picture and said I want "This light" I built you the light pictured yet it was wrong..........LOL


Nov 22, 2011
I can say that I had a misunderstanding with Mac that went bad quickly but found that it could be resolved quite easily by explaining what had happened. IMHO Mac is not gonna rip anyone and is simply turned off by stacks of emails. I don't blame him. He will run his business as he see's fit and if people don't like it they don't have to order. His work however speaks for itself......many artists are not great at the other side of business as they are simply not wired that way. I can say that i would rather go without a word if it was going to compromise the quality. My 2 cents


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
Thumbs up Silgt. I think Mac makes great lights. Just think he should follows Don's example on how to treat customers (not Henry's! :) )

Yes Don is great and in the future I hope to only offer batches as he does. One thing you need to realize is Don and me are completely different. I make every part of these lights besides the obvious components and offer many different configurations. You want an Nichia 219? An XP-E? how about a XP-G2? Warm, Neutral, High CRI, Clip?.....no Clip? 1400ma drive level? 2.8a Drive Level???I think you get the point. Don's light are typically one style.


Dec 12, 2004
Too many times I have seen excellent custom builders of all kinds of things quit because of people - they're the worst! Your "money" is not worth as much as his time - simple as that. If you don't want to wait, don't buy. If you buy, don't hassle him. It gets to the point where too much of his time will be responding to all the complaints about "I spent my money and I want it now now now" instead of doing what he likes - building lights. Why anyone would put up with people I can't figure out.

Don't bother flaming with "my time is worth just as much" or whatever - if you want what he does, accept his terms.


Feb 17, 2013
Yes Don is great and in the future I hope to only offer batches as he does. One thing you need to realize is Don and me are completely different. I make every part of these lights besides the obvious components and offer many different configurations. You want an Nichia 219? An XP-E? how about a XP-G2? Warm, Neutral, High CRI, Clip?.....no Clip? 1400ma drive level? 2.8a Drive Level???I think you get the point. Don's light are typically one style.
I am sensing an impending CPF version of MTV 's Celebrity Deathmatch with Mac & Don. :eek:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 20, 2012
Macau S.A.R.
You sent me a picture and said I want "This light" I built you the light pictured yet it was wrong..........LOL

I showed a FEW pictures on the machining I wanted. The changes I wanted were mentioned in numerous pms for the same thing.

That's in the past and I've moved on, I'm at least content now knowing I'm not the only one that has experienced this sort of ****

I still carry Dam Tri EDC everyday, it's an awesome piece and there's nothing like it out there. If I'm buying another Mac, I will keep my eyes on the BST
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
Too many times I have seen excellent custom builders of all kinds of things quit because of people - they're the worst! Your "money" is not worth as much as his time - simple as that. If you don't want to wait, don't buy. If you buy, don't hassle him. It gets to the point where too much of his time will be responding to all the complaints about "I spent my money and I want it now now now" instead of doing what he likes - building lights. Why anyone would put up with people I can't figure out.

Don't bother flaming with "my time is worth just as much" or whatever - if you want what he does, accept his terms.

I appreciate the people backing me but my customers do have the right to complain. It seems every time I quote a time frame I can never meet it. Things do need to change...........the last thing I want it people that are angry with me.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
I showed a FEW pictures on the machining I wanted. The changes I wanted were mentioned in numerous pms for the same thing.

That's in the past and I've moved on, I'm at least content now knowing I'm not the only one that has experienced this sort of ****

I offered to fix any issue you had with the light and you chose not to......so now you complain here.............LOL.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 20, 2012
Macau S.A.R.
I offered to fix any issue you had with the light and you chose not to......so now you complain here.............LOL.

Please Mac, don't make false statements here. You never offered to fix it. What you said was along the lines of "I made the light you wanted and that's it"


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
Please Mac, don't make false statements here. You never offered to fix it. What you said was along the lines of "I made the light you wanted and that's it"

Sorry thats not the way I operate I have never said anything remotely like that and never will. People send me lights that they abuse and break...........I fix them for free and pay return shipping 99% of the time.


Nov 22, 2011
"James sorry to hear the light stopped working. I have no idea off the top
of my head what could be wring without taking a look at it. You can send
it back to me at ********"

Email I got from Mac a few weeks ago and this is a scenario where the light was dropped by mistake......about a year after I bought it


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 20, 2012
Macau S.A.R.
You definitely did not offer to "fix" my light that time, I remember very well because I specifically asked to get a replacement head with the deep reflector. You replied to me saying you made the light I had requested, I replied with what I had requested and that's where communication ended. I ended up picking up a similar light with the deep reflector on the BST 3 weeks later.

I have read people sending you lights back all the time, to get them repaired, but not on a similar situation I had.

Come to think of it, this is the most we have ever talked and getting replies from you this quickly is a first for me.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
You definitely did not offer to "fix" my light that time, I remember very well because I specifically asked to get a replacement head with the deep reflector. You replied to me saying you made the light I had requested, I replied with what I had requested and that's where communication ended. I ended up picking up a similar light with the deep reflector on the BST 3 weeks later.

I have read people sending you lights back all the time, to get them repaired, but not on a similar situation I had.

Come to think of it, this is the most we have ever talked and getting replies from you this quickly is a first for me.


You entered: 9405509699939165828542

Status: Delivered
Your item was delivered at 8:55 am on October 13, 2012

Your FS thread on the light in question................


You listed it the same day it was RECEIVED and then go on here how I ended the communication between us when you wanted a "build" mistake fixed............really?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
I'm done arguing with people here...........yes things need to change or making lights will stop permanently, as it's not fun anymore the way it's currently going. If you need something shoot me a PM.

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