Opinions on HDS Long Term


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 20, 2018
New Angleland
I think we can say this about any of the companies in this sub forum; McGizmo, Okluma, Prometheus, Malkoff, etc. It wouldn't stop me from buying from any of these fine builders. I think the rewards far out weigh the risk. You get to experience lights you can't get anywhere else.


Kind of part of the animal with buying Custom / low production anything, but definitely flashlights.

I really hope we see a continuation of the legacy, and personally would love to be apart of that for any of the reputable and truly legendary brands that we can all think of. Between all of us nuts, present and lurking, I'm sure we will see some level of "legacy interest" involving the big Custom names like HDS and McGizmo (which to some degree, we are already are/ have been seeing).


Jul 25, 2005
Joined CPF 10/1, interesting first post. OK.
Just an observation.

Again I'll say if Henry closed up shop tomorrow I would still carry my HDS' like nothing happened. They are rock solid dependable lights.


Feb 3, 2017
Weston, CT
If you think about it, HDS lights may outlast many of us. They will be useful to family and friends long after some of us are gone. I don't want to think about it, but it is more than possible.


Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
I recognize it would be tasteless to ask them point blank. But to start a discussion with the rest of us about a topic that affects all of us in the long run I don't think is out of line.

Although other staff (and I) have tried pointing this out slightly more discreetly, when you post a thread in the HDS subforum with a "question" of this sort, you are in fact asking Hogo ... who runs this subforum on behalf of Henry and HDS.

At the bottom of the page, the following is listed ....

Moderators of this Forum - Hogokansatsukan, Hogo's Evil Twin, Bullzeyebill, Radio, Robocop, Unforgiven, Kestrel

Hogo is listed first as the primary moderator, though perhaps his "evil twin" may be next to reply to your question in this case :thinking:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
I was out shooting stuff in the desert today with a rifle I just picked up. Only 103 today. Pretty mild... for July... for October it is a tad warm.

I'll respond tomorrow. It is past my bedtime.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
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Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2020
Topic surfaced here too. Kind of macabre if you ask me. Personally, I bought a second NB45 as an insurance policy.

That is exactly the discussion I was looking for but had not found that in my search. Thanks!

Moderators: feel free to close this thread as I don't want to stir this topic up any further and my question has essentially been answered already.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
In order to understand what is going to happen in the future, one must understand what has happened in the past.
I'm going to start with myself because I'm a narcissist.
I studied electrical engineering years ago as I dreamed of working in the flashlight industry. Once having a masters in that field, I went around to various companies looking for what would be the right fit for me. I met Henry, and we partnered up making lights and I suggested HDS have it's own subforum on CPF and I would run it....

OK. The above is complete and utter BS. Not a darn thing in there is true at all... except maybe the narcissist part.

I met Henry through Novatac, who I became involved with because I was an AZ POST firearms instructor who came up with a new way to use a light in conjunction with a semi-auto. Ended up with a second full-time job because... I can get things done. NOT because I have any electrical engineering knowledge at all beyond how to fire a Tazer.

I was on the forum, mostly making flashlight skits with blue Fun-Tack. Those were the good old days.

Henry and I became friends and I started selling his lights on my dead cow websight.

People knew I knew Henry (that sentence seems off), and I started organizing group buys for various emitters in HDS lights.

I started going to SHOT Show with Henry every year. One would think I would like SHOT Show being a gun-toting, tobacco smoking and chewing red-neck who chases his sister around (I don't have a sister. That was just creative license), but I hate crowds, so no. I pretty much hated it.

I bitched at Henry a lot about his production delays. I was a persistent bitcher. I was a nagging vicious nasty bitcher.

Henry had had enough. He was considering closing up shop. We discussed it, I hated the idea, and got roped into partnering with him to help him out.

After a few times of it being suggested HDS have it's own sub forum and I moderate it (not suggested by me, and me rejecting this idea whenever it came up), I woke up one morning to find HDS had its own sub-forum and I was a moderator. There was a super suit in my PM box I didn't know how to use, and truthfully, shouldn't have, and still don't know how to use. I am NOT the adult in the room. People should have known that the first time I put Fun-Tack on flashlights... but there you go.

Why is all this important? This shows I simply "fell" into all this. There was no planning on my part. I neither expected nor wanted any of this. I have only tried to be an advocate for folks on the forum... which has pretty much made me a very crotchety and cantankerous SOB (I was before, but I like to put the blame on others rather than be introspective and realize I am where I am at from poor life choices).

The future of HDS.
If I die, Henry is closing shop. He stated this on numerous occasions.
If Henry dies... I'm a copilot who can keep flying but who doesn't know how to land the plane. We can fly around until we run out of fuel... then we crash. With what and who I know, could probably keep the plane in the air for a decade.

Now, let's play the odds.
Me dying. It is going to happen. No getting around that. Happens to everyone (and usually not soon enough), and it is going to happen to me, thank God! When? No clue. I did it once already, and the next time, those *******s in the ER better leave me dead. My DNR tattoo doesn't stand for Department of Natural Resources.
I'm horribly healthy despite the terrible things I have done to myself. I am also an asshole, and as we all know, assholes tend to outlive good people by 10 to 1. My family has the annoying tendency to live well into their 90's. What a bunch of assholes!

Henry. Henry is older than me and I am no spring chicken, but he is a nutrition and fitness nut. He is also an asshole, but a closet asshole. I let mine shine while he mostly hides his. So there is that 10 to 1 thing again.

If I do die, it is going to be from a stroke while on the forum... I did go back on an exercise and diet routine last month.... I just got back from a 5 mile hike this morning... and have lost 17 pounds in the last month. My dietitian stated I could lose 10 pounds of ugly fat quickly and easily if I just went for decapitation surgery... I'm still considering it. I know a few people here that would chip in for the expenses. Has to be easier than climbing that damn mountain behind my house every morning at 0 dark-thirty at any rate.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Mostly I just like going into the desert and "shootin' stuff".

My work week:
Monday: At HDS Systems. Mondays is when people should ask questions as I'm right next to Henry. I'm a retard. I don't know the answers.
Tuesday: out in the desert with a friend shootin' stuff.
Wednesday: out in the desert with two friends shootin' stuff.
Thursday: out in the desert with my girlfriend shootin' stuff.
Friday: out in the desert with my dog shootin' stuff.
Saturday: reloading all the empty brass left over from shootin' stuff.
Sunday: probably go out in the desert shootin' stuff.

Video from Wednesday... shooting 350 grain, .45 caliber bullets at 950 fps... at hanging 12x7 inch steel at 20 yards... they move around a lot when hit.




Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
What a wonderful thread, with some of the best comedic prose coming from Arizona, possibly ever! Sometimes it takes a little gumption with a brash question, then snippitude, to get the obstreperous butterfly out and fly.

Is this question similar to the desire by enthusiasts to demand more product from small specialists just because they want it?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Would you say with the way HDS has be lately that Henry still enjoys his company and what he does?

He does. Henry is quite passionate about his lights. Anyone who has met him can see this right away. Production, which is kind of like a colonoscopy with a chain saw, falls on me. Talking to vendors, the machinist, having to drink until I black out (truth be told, I'm a teetotaler. I don't even remember the last time I had alcohol... maybe because I had so much of it). Yeah. I know. The rum thing. Creative license like chasing my fictitious sister around. Production sucks on toast... and not good toast like a nice sour dough but one of those dark brown full of bird seed kind of breads made into toast. More headaches than a neighborhood of unhappily married women.

Well, I got the joys of that, which leaves Henry to do what he likes... mostly.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
... having to drink until I black out (truth be told, I'm a teetotaler. I don't even remember the last time I had alcohol... maybe because I had so much of it). Yeah. I know. The rum thing. Creative license like chasing my fictitious sister around.


All those shots of rum I took while trying to learn how to program my HDS lights while watching your "How to" videos was all in vain? You really weren't there with me as I tried to remember the clicky count to put those lights into programming mode?



Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2020
In order to understand what is going to happen in the future, one must understand what has happened in the past.
I'm going to start with myself because I'm a narcissist.
I studied electrical engineering years ago as I dreamed of working in the flashlight industry. Once having a masters in that field, I went around to various companies looking for what would be the right fit for me. I met Henry, and we partnered up making lights and I suggested HDS have it's own subforum on CPF and I would run it....

OK. The above is complete and utter BS. Not a darn thing in there is true at all... except maybe the narcissist part.

I met Henry through Novatac, who I became involved with because I was an AZ POST firearms instructor who came up with a new way to use a light in conjunction with a semi-auto. Ended up with a second full-time job because... I can get things done. NOT because I have any electrical engineering knowledge at all beyond how to fire a Tazer.

I was on the forum, mostly making flashlight skits with blue Fun-Tack. Those were the good old days.

Henry and I became friends and I started selling his lights on my dead cow websight.

People knew I knew Henry (that sentence seems off), and I started organizing group buys for various emitters in HDS lights.

I started going to SHOT Show with Henry every year. One would think I would like SHOT Show being a gun-toting, tobacco smoking and chewing red-neck who chases his sister around (I don't have a sister. That was just creative license), but I hate crowds, so no. I pretty much hated it.

I bitched at Henry a lot about his production delays. I was a persistent bitcher. I was a nagging vicious nasty bitcher.

Henry had had enough. He was considering closing up shop. We discussed it, I hated the idea, and got roped into partnering with him to help him out.

After a few times of it being suggested HDS have it's own sub forum and I moderate it (not suggested by me, and me rejecting this idea whenever it came up), I woke up one morning to find HDS had its own sub-forum and I was a moderator. There was a super suit in my PM box I didn't know how to use, and truthfully, shouldn't have, and still don't know how to use. I am NOT the adult in the room. People should have known that the first time I put Fun-Tack on flashlights... but there you go.

Why is all this important? This shows I simply "fell" into all this. There was no planning on my part. I neither expected nor wanted any of this. I have only tried to be an advocate for folks on the forum... which has pretty much made me a very crotchety and cantankerous SOB (I was before, but I like to put the blame on others rather than be introspective and realize I am where I am at from poor life choices).

The future of HDS.
If I die, Henry is closing shop. He stated this on numerous occasions.
If Henry dies... I'm a copilot who can keep flying but who doesn't know how to land the plane. We can fly around until we run out of fuel... then we crash. With what and who I know, could probably keep the plane in the air for a decade.

Now, let's play the odds.
Me dying. It is going to happen. No getting around that. Happens to everyone (and usually not soon enough), and it is going to happen to me, thank God! When? No clue. I did it once already, and the next time, those *******s in the ER better leave me dead. My DNR tattoo doesn't stand for Department of Natural Resources.
I'm horribly healthy despite the terrible things I have done to myself. I am also an asshole, and as we all know, assholes tend to outlive good people by 10 to 1. My family has the annoying tendency to live well into their 90's. What a bunch of assholes!

Henry. Henry is older than me and I am no spring chicken, but he is a nutrition and fitness nut. He is also an asshole, but a closet asshole. I let mine shine while he mostly hides his. So there is that 10 to 1 thing again.

If I do die, it is going to be from a stroke while on the forum... I did go back on an exercise and diet routine last month.... I just got back from a 5 mile hike this morning... and have lost 17 pounds in the last month. My dietitian stated I could lose 10 pounds of ugly fat quickly and easily if I just went for decapitation surgery... I'm still considering it. I know a few people here that would chip in for the expenses. Has to be easier than climbing that damn mountain behind my house every morning at 0 dark-thirty at any rate.

Thanks for all the info! I hope it continues for many more years and maybe another ambitious "Henry" will want to buy it and continue on when the day comes.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 20, 2018
New Angleland
Let's see..... I'm an ***, I organize a bunch of GBs, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I really wanna go to shot show..... Looks like I'm on the right path after all! Shot Show 2022 here I come!!!

Man, I just realized how awesome it would be to get a shipment of like 20 HDS lights..... GREAT SCOTT can you friggen imagine that? That'd make me want to be the DB Cooper of flashlights!