Pandemic Mental Health - How YOU doin'?


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
This morning's news reported that over 200,000 students did not show up to school in New York, despite NO study at home/virtual option.

Apparently some parents are taking action by not allowing their children to return. I am sure that there are many who did allow their children to return, although against their better judgment.

I am sure that the hybrid program is a nightmare for teachers, due to a lack of centralized planning.

Personally, I am glad that my grandkids are 16 years old, and are vaccinated, and all of my nieces and nephews are older.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Pandemic-mental health? How ya doin?

Fine. Absolutely fine. It's just another day. Adjustments are needed at times but that also was the case before the pandemic.

The way I see it is if I'm taken out by covid-19 then that means I did not die from a heart attack, cancer or getting hit by space junk. But fate dictates I will perish of something at some point.

I'm not about to let my tv or radio cause me to be mad, or scared or anything but informed. Trouble with that is "informed" does not have the same meaning it once did. It's tetering on the edge of "indoctrinated" these days. So I take in a spoon full every so often and spend the rest of my day enjoying life before it's gone like breath steam on a chilly morning.
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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I'm also doing fine. I'm not even sure what the current masking requirements are in my state. I usually carry one in my pocket, and look for a sign before entering a building. Sometimes I'll put one on even if there isn't a sign. Not to protect myself (because I think they are only minimally effective for protection) but:
1. to be polite,
2. to encourage others to wear one,
3. to reduce the overall viral load in the building.

On another issue, I am happy to say that it seems to me that the left-right polarization of public opinion and tension has reduced. More people, like me, are disgusted by the extreme polar views of the different media stations, and don't allow the networks to work them into a frenzy.
Mar 4, 2012
Mentally...better than ever? Killed off Facebook. Got rid of my AT&T land line. I have never had Tweethole, Instablah, or any other social media soul sucking, clown shoes promoting platform. Forums with like-minded people keep me whole and happy.

I did catch my first cold in about 20 years after a week working in Florida. Shouldn't have eaten suppers at the bar or lunch at the local fish house. They certainly weren't sanitizing the countertops, though they were wiping them down. :)
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Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Much better after I found reddit's 'herman cain award' subgroup.
Are we to understand that you finding a subgroup that makes jokes about people getting sick and dying has improved your mental health?

Seriously dude?

I'm _not_ going to turn toward discussing c-19 in this thread. But for those of us in the middle of this professionally, then that subreddit has helped immensely. So, yeah, I'm better than a week ago.
Why are you better?


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I did catch my first cold in about 20 years after a week working in Florida. Shouldn't have eaten suppers at the bar or lunch at the local fish house. They certainly weren't sanitizing the countertops, though they were wiping them down. :)
Yeah, last week we went out to eat at a nice chain bar and grill/restaurant. My daughter is germ conscious, and brought sanitary wipes with her. After the host sprayed and wiped our table, she took out her wipes and sanitized it. She used three wipes because the first two came up filthy. :oops:


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
No one said he is getting his kicks that way.

As long as coivd has been a problem, he has promoted getting vaccinated, and being sanitary. He has discussed community spread, and the need to stay safe in part because the hospitals, doctors and staff are at a breaking point.

I never heard of this cain award, until he brought it up. It appears to be similar to the "Darwin Award" for stupidity. Perhaps there is a better way to convince more people to get vaccinated. I can however understand the frustration of health professionals who are dealing with Covid on a daily basis, when stats show that a high percentage of the hospitalized are not vaccinated (I think about 80%) and a high percentage of those who are hospitalized and die are not vaccinated (I think about 98%). Why wouldn't they want to hand out "Darwin Awards"?


Nov 11, 2001
You'll all need to be quite mindful of the direction you're taking this thread. Such has not fared well here as an open topic.
Mar 4, 2012
That one left me speechless CG.

It just seems twisted that a health professional would get their kicks that way.

Please look up gallows humor. Please. It's why warriors joke about death. It's absolutely normal, harmless, helpful, human behavior. It by no means reduces the compassion or professionalism of those who are putting their lives on the line every ****ing day to take care of ill and dying people. It's a perfectly normal coping mechanism.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I understand what you are trying to say Jim. I don't agree with it though.
Not saying you are wrong, just saying the Herman Kaine awards are to me like making fun of a heroine addict after they died of AIDS or a drunk driver who bled to death while waiting on an ambulance. And someone had the notion to post on a social media platform "hey, remember that famous football player Nathanial Shnotzenbarker, he died of AIDS after sharing a needle ba-ha-ha" "can you believe that? After the CDC warned us over and over again to not share needles dummy went and did it anyway"…… uncool in my book.
Mar 4, 2012
I understand what you are trying to say Jim. I don't agree with it though.
Not saying you are wrong, just saying the Herman Kaine awards are to me like making fun of a heroine addict after they died of AIDS or a drunk driver who bled to death while waiting on an ambulance. And someone had the notion to post on a social media platform "hey, remember that famous football player Nathanial Shnotzenbarker, he died of AIDS after sharing a needle ba-ha-ha" "can you believe that? After the CDC warned us over and over again to not share needles dummy went and did it anyway"…… uncool in my book.

I empathize to a certain extent, in that it is about a specific individual. On the other hand, the individual in this case was famous, had the public ear, and was notoriously anti-vax and anti-science. He took on the mantle of responsibility by making his many public comments against vaccines, and now plays a useful example of hubris and ignorance. The science of the existing vaccines was readily available before he died, and especially so for someone with his resources. He also was a bit of a comical character in his wide range of utter nonsense beliefs, which brings more viewers. And though I respected and liked him for his stance on many issues, I see benefit in ridicule. Ridicule, like kindless, often changes hearts and minds. One often reaches people that the other will not.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
...boosted my metal health just now.
Metal health will cure your crazy
Metal health will cure your mad
Metal health is what we all need

SEE? This kind of talk has some jaggedness at times but it can get things out; help folks get a perspective from someone else. Sure, a lot of people will not change their mindset, but bringing things out into the light can help, very possibly those just reading and not responding online.